Chapter 55 : End Has Not Begun

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Jonathan's POVTwo days later Alina ended up in the hospital

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Jonathan's POV
Two days later Alina ended up in the hospital. She was throwing up like she has never had and her head was hurting. We were all beginning to worry.

David and my dad were here to support me. Patrick, Keilani, and Michael were on their way for Alina. I was so nervous as she was taking X-rays I walked back and forth in the waiting room. "She's going to be alright." David says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Alina is my life David, what if she isn't? What am I suppose to do?" I yell. "Alina is also a strong woman she can get through anything." David says. I glare at him before sitting down.

We waited hours. I was not patient and I didn't want to leave Alina that night, but since I had a game I had to. "You promise me you'll call if something changes?" I ask David and Keilani. They both nod and I hug them tightly before leaving.

Alina's POV
"You've been out for a long time Alina, you should wake up." Chase says signing papers at his desk. I look around the room and turn back to him confused. "We're in your office." I say. "Indeed we are." He says nodding. "Why?" I ask. "Because it's mind and this is where I do my work." He says before looking up at me. "You look confused." He says. "I am." I say nodding.

"You knocked out cold yesterday in your bathroom. Jonathan found you laying down on the floor. You were throwing up-you don't remember huh?" Chase asks. "I do not." I say. "Okay then." Chase says standing up. "If you don't wake up then you are going to die." He says. "Well how the hell do I wake up?" I ask. "You just do Alina, there's a difference between wanting to die and not wanting to, you just gotta lean more to the not wanting to side." He says grabbing a book form his bookshelves.

"So what's wrong with me?" I ask. "I do know, that's why you have to wake up." Chase says nodding. I raise an eyebrow. "By the way congratulations on the wedding, I'm happy for you two." Chase says nodding. "Thank you." I say. "There I gave you a reason to live, because you're married!" Chase says happily.

"Oh okay, I knew that already." I say. "I know, the perks of being inside your head." He says pointing at his head. "So what you're saying is that I'm basically dreaming but on the life or death line?" I ask. "Correct, see you're catching up." Chase says nodding.

"Anyways Alina you gotta wake up." Chase says opening his book. "Or else I die." I say. Chase nods and I checks his watch. "Oh well looks like my times up." He says before disappearing. He just disappeared, into thin air. What the hell?

I walk out his office in search for someone. "Alina." Someone says behind me. I turn and find my mom. "Mom." I smile. She pulls me into a hug and she smiles rubbing my back. "Alina, you need to go or else you stay here forever." She says.

I pull out from the hug and she smiles. "Alina, you have to know that I will never be ashamed or mad about the person you have become. In fact you are the one who has made me proud. Don't listen to your brother and sisters. Now go and live your life as if I was still living, please Alina." Mom says letting my hand go. "I'm proud very proud Alina. But I will no be proud if you waste your life, now wake up!"

Machines beeped in my ears and people were talking all around me. The voice I heard the most was Keilani's. "She's awake." David says as I open my eyes. I turn to him and he smiles grabbing ahold of my hand. A doctor walks in and looks at me.

"Mrs. Toews my name is Dr. Carey, but you can call me Luca. Is your husband here at the moment?" He asks. I look at Keilani and she shakes her head. "No he isn't." I say. "Okay then I will wait for him to tell him the news or would you like to do this in private?" He asks.

"I'll wait for him." I say nodding Luca nods and checks my vitals before leaving. "How are you feeling?" Bryan asks. "I could be better honestly." I say nodding. "I feel like crap." I say sighing. Bryan smiles and I check the time.

"Are the boys playing right now?" I ask pointing to the tv. "Uh yes." David nods turning the tv on and changing the channel to the game.

Keilani's POV
Alina fell asleep during the third period of the game. She was so tired and looked horrible. Alina's bright smile was filled with weakness and her eyes didn't show the usual spark it had when family was around.

We were all worried about Alina and wanted to know if she had serious medical conditions. I grab ahold of Patrick's hand. His eyes were red and tears still fell from his eyes. "Patrick she'll pull through." I say giving him a small smile. "Hopefully. I'm going to the cafeteria wants anything?" He asks standing up. I shake my head and he nods leaving the room. I frown and turn to the tv to see the Blackhawks down by one.

"You should take him home to get some rest." Bryan says. "I'll stay here." He says. "He's not going to leave. Trust me I've tried." I say. Bryan smiles and sits down next to me.

"I'm guessing your brother is taking this hard also, Alina and his family got to know each other well when she lived in LA." Bryan says. "Yes, Jonathan and Jaclyn have been worried ever since she's been here." I say. "Your brother is good at hockey." He says changing the subject.

"Yes, I like to think he will achieve many goals in his life." I say nodding. Bryan smiles and nods. "That's good, stay positive." He says before walking out of Alina's room.

It was quiet, until the sound of a horn goes off meaning the Blackhawks scored a goal making it a tie game. I smile and David quietly cheers. I turn to Alina and he take ahold of her hand. "You know, you have a whole family here for you Alina. We need you here." I whisper before standing up. "I'm gonna try to take Patrick home." I say. David nods and I leave.

Alina's POV
"Alina, honey wake up." Jonathan's voice says. I open my eyes slowly and rub them trying to see better. "What's going on?" I ask as Luca stands with a whole bunch of papers in his hands. "We need to talk about your health." Luca says.

I nod and adjust my bed so I can sit up. "We done some tests and finally reached the conclusion of what you have." He says. I smile happily. "You have stage two brain cancer." He says showing me some pictures of the tumor.

My smile fades and Jonathan turns to me. "She has what?"

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