The Beginning-[BOOK 1]

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Maria's POV
Today I woke up with a new purpose,a different approach to the day.. Isaiah,Eduardo and I have decided to move to a town called Mystic Falls,our family is one of the founders and of course it's filled with juicy secrets and who wouldn't want to live in such excitement? Me!.. I just turned 19 again which makes me a first year student,I think this year,my life's about to change for the better

Isaiah:Maria get out the bathroom! I do not want to be late on my first day
Maria:you have your own bathroom...Get outta my room

Did I mention Isaiah and I are 3 years apart... He's in the 10th grade and it's his first day at Mystic Falls High School

Maria:You have a perfectly good bathroom,why are you even in my room?
Isaiah:You have the good stuff in here (looking in the mirror) don't forget your daylight chain and ring!
Maria:(puts her charm around her neck) honestly Zay you need to get use to your own space and get out of mine

Downstairs Eduardo is already having breakfast

Maria:Good morning Ed!
Eduardo:Good morning Ria
Maria:you use your own bathroom right?
Eduardo:where are we going with this? Isaiah still wants to use your bathroom after all these years? Toast
Maria:coffee's good thanks(pouring coffee) yes! What is it?
Isaiah:(walking into the kitchen) the hair products sis!
She rolls her eyes and proceeds with her daily quest (Reading a chapter from her favorite book,Vampire Diaries)

Elena:Jeremy! Hurry up!
Jeremy:honestly I liked it better when you weren't a vampire
Elena:(rolls her eyes) eat your breakfast
Jeremy:Bonnie texted me,apparently there's new people in town..
Elena:well the only way you can find that out is if you eat up! Damon's picking me up soon
Jeremy:yay! (Rolls his eyes)
Elena:Be nice Jer..
Jeremy:He killed me.. I'm still not over that
Elena:if it helps,he killed me too... Don't hold grudges
Jeremy:sense of humor is obviously not forgotten here,nice (puts his bowl away) I'm off
Elena:Have a good day!
Jeremy:you too!
She smiles as he rushes out

Maria drops the boys off at school and drives off to campus
Maria gets out the car and accidentally bumps into someone
????:I am so sorry!
Maria:Don't worry about it.. I'm good
????:I'm Bonnie Bennett,you must be the newbie
Maria:guilty! (Shakes her hand) I'm Maria Vatori
Bonnie:(gets a flash,she sees Maria is a vampire) welcome
Maria:Thank you.. (Locks car)
Bonnie:Come,I'll introduce you to the others
Maria:the others?

Bonnie:This is Elena Gilbert,Caroline Forbes,Stefan Salvatore,Matt Donovan and Tyler Lockwood... Everyone this is Maria Vatori
Elena:Hi (shakes her hand) welcome to Mystic Falls
Stefan:Vatori? (Shakes her hand)
Caroline:(shakes her hand) your family is one of the founders of Mystic Falls
Maria:I'm sorry,I... Bonnie I need to be somewhere.. Really nice meeting you all (hurries away)
Matt:did we do something wrong?
Bonnie:Nope,our new friend is keeping a secret
Elena:a secret?
Bonnie:You didn't notice her ring or her necklace? Very expensive pieces of Lapis lazuli?
Tyler:what she's a jeweler?
Matt and Tyler laugh
Bonnie:No you idiot,Maria is a vampire
Stefan:No way...
Bonnie:Yes way... She's from the 1800's too.. She let go of my hand and she was really hard to read
Stefan:we have to confront her..
Elena:yeah she needs to know she's not alone
Bonnie:she's not,she has a brother and their best friend.. 10th graders...
Elena:I still think we should say something

Isaiah:ah the world of confused adolescent boys and girls
Eduardo:you're 16!
Isaiah:by choice.. I'm much older than that
Eduardo:(laughs) there's that
Jeremy:I'm sorry I couldn't help overhear what you just said.. I'm Jeremy Gilbert...
Isaiah:(tries to compel him) you didn't hear a thing
Jeremy:(shows his ring) I'm a vampire hunter
Eduardo let's his fangs out
Jeremy:No no it's not like that,I hunt the bad ones.. Ah my sister is a vampire and her boyfriend and his brother.. her best friends a witch and there's another vampire and a werewolf
Isaiah:you tell these stories to all the strangers that you meet?
Jeremy:no but I heard you talking,I know you're vampires
Eduardo:yeah? Go ahead and tell.. I'm kill you myself
Jeremy:empty threats?
Isaiah laughs at him
Eduardo shrugs
Jeremy:I wouldn't tell anyone anyway,didn't you hear anything I said?
Eduardo:we did
Isaiah:don't mind my buddy Eduardo,it's a territorial thing (shakes his hand) I'm Isaiah Vatori and this Eduardo Nunes
Jeremy:Vatori? Wait you're part of a founders family too?
Isaiah nods

Bonnie:what was that? You don't like people?
Maria:something like that
Bonnie:may I?
Maria:yeah sure
***the others listen in***
Bonnie:(sits next to her) nice ring.. and necklace
Maria:Family heirlooms,thanks
Bonnie:I know what you are
Maria:excuse me?
Bonnie:Your secret
Maria:I'm not following
Bonnie:I'm a witch... You're a vampire
Maria shifts uncomfortably
Bonnie:Elena,Caroline,Stefan and his brother are too... Ty is a werewolf and Matt is human
Bonnie:why are you so ashamed?
Maria:I'm not ashamed.. I just thought all the vampires left mystic falls
Bonnie:they did but Stefan and Damon came back
Maria:I know all about the Salvatore brothers.. Katherine uh... (Stefan looks at Elena)
Bonnie:she turned you?
Maria:No she turned my friend Eduardo... My brother,sister and I were born vampires
Maria nods
Bonnie:so you know Klaus?
Maria:Vividly (shrugs)
Bonnie:Bad experience?
Maria:Something like that...
Bonnie:I know you're new here,but you're not alone...
Maria smiles at her

Isaiah:So how was your day?
Maria:Ah interesting
Isaiah:Meet anyone interesting.. Say an Elena Gilbert perhaps?
Maria:(Pouring coffee) how do you know about her?
Eduardo:We met her brother Jeremy,interesting character
Maria:Yeah (sits) I met a Salvatore... The younger brother .. Stefan
Maria:he's hot!
Eduardo:seriously Maria?
Isaiah:You know all about the Salvatore's,Katherine turned them both as well
Maria:Yeah so?
Eduardo:Katherine infests them
Maria:you do remember who turned you,don't you?
Eduardo:all I'm saying is watch out
Maria:I'm not stupid,but thanks Ed
Isaiah:does Elena really look like her?
Maria nods

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