The Truth

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Maria:(groans and turns the other way) get out my room!
Isaiah:you're going to be late,it's only been 1 week,it's Friday which means tomorrow you're free to do as you wish
Maria:does that include absolutely nothing?
Maria:(sigh and sits up) okay okay! I'm up.. I'll get ready (looks at watch)
Isaiah:I'll make breakfast
Maria nods and checks her phone for new messages
Maria:Isaiah mom and becca send their love
Isaiah:I love them too!
Maria gets up and goes to shower

Eduardo:Mystic Falls really has changed (eating breakfast)
Isaiah:it has,but one thing will always remain the same
Eduardo:what's that?
Isaiah:the people will never accept us vampires
Eduardo:(sigh) yeah that I know
Eduardo:you okay?
Maria:yeah I'm fine (takes a cup for tea) what about you guys?
Isaiah:now that we're finally settled in,yeah I'm good
Eduardo:yeah same,I just need a girlfriend
They laugh

Bonnie:Tell me something,what does the C stand for on your ring?
Caroline:ooooh your boyfriend?
Maria:he was until June 1873
Elena:oh? What happened?
Maria:he was human...
Caroline:how long were you together?
Maria:nearly 5 years,this was my engagement ring (smiles fondly at her ring) now it's my daylight ring
Stefan:why didn't you change him?
Maria:I was going to,after we got married
Caroline:what happened?
Maria:(shrugs) Klaus happened
Elena:Oh my God.. did he...
Maria nods
Bonnie:did he know you were engaged?
Maria:yeah,Klaus was a lot worse back than.. being an original.. He was so arrogant.. The only person I was scared of  and I guess a small part of me still is
Stefan:I'm so sorry
Maria:it's okay... (Smiles)
Stefan:you've carried this with you since then?
Maria:yes.. I turned his parents.. I knew Klaus would be after them too.. I couldn't bare to see more innocent people dying because of him
Tyler:is that why you and Klaus bump heads?
Maria nods
Matt:do you hate him that much? I mean jeez 1873?! That's old (teases her)
Maria:(laughs) yeah Matt I'm pretty old and to answer your question.. No I don't.. Not anymore.. I mean I did for a long time but what good does hate do for anyone?
Bonnie:I can relate (holds Maria's hand)
Elena:I'm glad you shared that with us,I guess it's an insight for me and Bonnie especially
Caroline:(laughs) you're really hard to read
Maria:(shows them her necklace) this is why.. (Takes it off her neck and holds Bonnie's hand) give it a go
Bonnie:you sure?
She nods
Maria:don't give me time to change my mind
Bonnie closes her eyes and sees a little bit into Maria's past
Bonnie:she's on the good side (smiles sweetly at Maria)
Maria puts the necklace back on

Bonnie:(holds Maria back as the others walk off) I am so sorry about Christian,you really did love him
Maria:I do (looks at her ring) he was perfect (looks up at Bonnie,trying to suppress the lump in her throat) I was so smitten,from the moment I laid eyes on him
Bonnie:(hugs her) you don't have to
Maria:I know,thank you
Bonnie:you're welcome

Elena:(looks at Maria and her eyes soften) Maria let's go for a walk
Maria:Sure.. (Hands Caroline her book) thanks Caroline
Caroline:you're welcome

Elena:Tell me about him.... Christian
Maria:(smiles fondly at the ground) he was so handsome,he had the cutest smile that always seemed to get him out of trouble,he had a funny laugh and whenever he frowned a v shape formed between his brows
Elena:(smiles) how old were you when you met him?
Maria:Well in vampire years I was about to be 32,but to him I was 19 he was just about to be 22
Elena:you were with him for how long before he proposed?
Maria:about 4 years,he was the first human I came in contact with that I felt comfortable,I told him our secret and he didn't judge me,he accepted me and I think that made him want me more
Elena:Can I ask you something?
Maria:anything (gives her an encouraging smile)
Elena:was Klaus jealous? Is that why he did what he did?
Maria:I'm not sure what was wrong with Niklaus,I do know however,that he was in love with me,in his own twisted way
Elena:but you weren't?
Maria:Klaus never confessed his love outright,he always threw hints but that was it,I think there might have been a time I thought he was everything,I was 16 and I mean 16 in vampire years too... Klaus was the center of my world but he became such a good friend
Elena:I'm really sorry (holds her hand) have you ever been with anyone else after Christian?
Maria:No,when he died I went crazy.. I killed anything and everyone that I could.. That's when my mom decided I needed a new start,we moved away and I got better..
Elena:Stefan's a good guy
Maria looks quizzically at Elena and cocks her head to one side
Elena:I know you've just met him,just keep an open mind... You could be good for him and he for you okay?
Maria:Okay (nods and looks down and sighs) I suppose I need to let go of the past eventually right?
Elena:we can forgive,but never forget... Let go... he's always going to be with you,I'm sure he'd want you to be happy.. It's been over 100 years.. You deserve happiness Maria,no one deserves to be alone forever
Maria:(trying to hold back her tears) I know,thank you so much Elena
Elena hugs her tightly
Elena:Stefan once told me that I wouldn't be sad forever and he was right,now I'm telling you the same thing
Maria smiles and hugs Elena again
Elena:you're really 162 years old?
Maria:yeah (laughs)
Elena:I guess I should be calling you great great great grandma then
Maria:don't you dare
They laugh

Isaiah:yeah that's how old she is
Matt:and you guys?
Isaiah:yeah I'm still young!
Isaiah:16 is pretty young Damon
They laugh
Stefan:Both your parents were vampires?
Isaiah:they are
Tyler:they're still alive!?!
Jeremy:dude! How old are they?
Stefan:you said you have a younger sister?
Isaiah:yeah she's 154
Damon:so what she's like 11?
Isaiah:you could say that

Maria:Excuse me,I'm gonna go for a breather
Bonnie:need some company?
Maria:no no,I'll be quick.. I'm gonna give my sister a call
Bonnie:okay I'll get you a drink
Maria nods and goes outside

Maria lights a cigarette after the phone call
Stefan:that's a bad habit
Maria:(frown) It keeps the urges under control (staring at the cigarette)
Stefan:There's other ways you know
Stefan:oh yeah (stepping closer to her) proven to be very effective
Maria:care to enlighten me?
Stefan:(takes the cigarette from her and throws it to the side) I could show you better than I could tell you
Maria looks quizzically at him
Stefan holds her head up by her chin and leans forward and making his intentions clear,she nods and he kisses her long and hard
She stands upright and catches her breath
Maria:woah... okay... Uh...
Bonnie:there you are! Come the waiter is ready to take our orders
Maria follows Bonnie inside and Stefan follows close behind

Matt:I found your diary in Elena's car,I was looking for my bag,your middle name begins with a P?
Maria:Matt please.. Did you read this?
Matt:no of course not,I know it's yours because it says Maria-P-Vatori
Elena:you have a middle name?
Maria:yeah it's Aleksandrina
Bonnie:that's Bulgarian right?
Maria:(looks at Isaiah) yeah
Matt:so what does the P stand for?
Maria:Nothing... (Gets up and walks off)

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