The power in you

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Maria:He was here? (Brushing her hair in front of her mirror)

Klaus:oh no,don't look so surprised Maria:(frowns) I'm sorry (puts the hairbrush down) Klaus:is something wrong? Maria:No,everything's fine,I'm just a little tired Klaus:You're a hopeless liar love Maria:that's a good thing isn't it? Klaus:(rolls ...

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Klaus:oh no,don't look so surprised
Maria:(frowns) I'm sorry (puts the hairbrush down)
Klaus:is something wrong?
Maria:No,everything's fine,I'm just a little tired
Klaus:You're a hopeless liar love
Maria:that's a good thing isn't it?
Klaus:(rolls his eyes and sits at the edge of her bed) what is it?
Maria:(continues brushing her hair) nothing,I'm serious..
Klaus:is this about the magic?
Maria:how did you know?
Klaus:you're my girlfriend,I have to know these things sweetheart
Maria:I don't know what's going on...I mean it's impossible... I lost the ability to use magic after I gave birth to Piper and I was sure it was over after I had Joshua
Klaus:have you spoken to your mother? You know she has the answers...
Maria:(shrugs) I guess I don't want to know the truth.. not right now
Klaus:Maria,I can handle my parents,you should give your mother a call...
Maria:she showed up at the bar but I guess I couldn't face her
Klaus:(gets up and holds Maria's shoulders) I know this cannot be easy for you love (kisses her head) just give her a call
Maria:(sigh) I'll think about it....
Klaus:you're so stubborn...
Maria:but you love it...
Klaus:of course...
Maria:and I love you
Klaus:(turns her around) and I love you (kisses her) but seriously.. call your mother
Maria rolls her eyes and gets up
Klaus spanks her and she jumps
Maria:watch it!
Klaus:don't roll your eyes at me
She rolls her eyes again and he tries to grab her but she runs out her room laughing
Klaus:(shouts after her) that's really childish
Maria:whatever you big baby!
Klaus laughs

Elijah:you're very chirpy this morning...
Klaus:I wish.. I just don't want Maria to worry about me too
Elijah:you're still worried about father?
Klaus:How do you tell a 2 year old that he can't see his grandfather?
Elijah:that is a tough one,have you spoken to Maria about that?
Klaus:so that she can have more nightmares? Not a chance mate
Elijah:you're going to have to tell her the truth eventually...
Isaiah:(walking in) I don't think that's a wise idea
Eduardo:not right now at least...
Klaus:well hello to you too boys
Isaiah:Zdraveĭte Niklaus
[Hello Niklaus-Bulgarian]
Klaus:I'm leaving now
Eduardo:we just got here mate
Isaiah:and I could smell the French toast from our place
Elijah:and you sure he isn't a werewolf in disguise?
Isaiah:oh God no
Klaus:excuse me?
Isaiah:no offense....
Klaus:gee none taken Mr Vatori,you are related to Katherine after all
Elijah and Eduardo laugh
Isaiah:oh of course mate,coming from the hybrid with perfect parents
They laugh
Maria:(walking in with orange juice) oh don't stop on my account (rolls her eyes) you're both very mature yeah
Klaus:that eye rolling thing you keep doing is just as much of a turn on as it is annoying love
Isaiah:ewww that's my sister!
Eduardo:and the mother of his children and who knows how many more of them are swimming around inside her that hasn't reached the egg yet?
Maria:you're disgusting! (Punches him)
Elijah:and that is my cue to leave (walks out)
Isaiah:I'm not hungry anymore
Eduardo laughs
Klaus hits him over the head

Marcel:I believe we still have a lot to talk about Ms Mikaelson
Rebekah:just forget about it
Marcel:really? You tell me you still love me and you want me to "just forget about it"? Not happening
Rebekah:what do you want me to do?
Marcel:I don't know Bekah...
Rebekah:I can't keep going back and forth like this.. I really can't
Marcel:you won't have to...
Rebekah looks at him confused
Marcel:I love you Bekah,you know it's always been that way
Marcel:I love you
Rebekah smiles and he grabs her and kisses her

[Maria's daylight ring/Black]

Silas:so these powers,do they make you stronger or weaker? Maria:there's kind of a downfall for everything isn't there? Silas:I suppose

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Silas:so these powers,do they make you stronger or weaker?
Maria:there's kind of a downfall for everything isn't there?
Silas:I suppose...
Maria:the vampire part of me is very strong but it makes the wolf in me very very angry
Silas:that's not a good thing...
Maria:I know (sips her bourbon) and I'm scared I might lose control
Silas:no you won't.. You're stronger than that..
Maria:(sigh) I know...
Silas:stop stressing,you'll get wrinkles
Maria:(rolls her eyes and laughs) thanks I feel so much better now
Silas:(laughs and takes her hand) you'll get through this.. You know you're much stronger than anyone else I know and I've seen you fight worse battles
Maria:even if the battles in my head?
Silas:especially then...
Maria smiles
Klaus:(clears throat) am I interrupting something?
Silas:(let's go of her hand) Klaus....
Maria:Hello love
Klaus:Silas... (kisses Maria's head)
Maria rolls her eyes
Silas:I'll see you later Alex...
Maria:(smiles) Laters
Silas nods at Klaus then leaves
Bartender:another drink Miss?
Maria:that actually sounds like a good idea
Klaus:actually (takes the glass away from Maria) I think my girlfriend has had enough.. We're leaving
Klaus:we can walk out of here like adults or I can carry you,I'm fine either way babe...
Maria:(rolls her eyes) after you my lord..
He smirks and gets her coat...
Klaus:you know I'd rather have you mad at me when you're drunk..
Maria:then let me get another drink
Klaus laughs and he holds her waist as they walk out
Maria:at home then
Klaus:as you wish my lady (kisses her hand)

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