"You're mine"

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"Kiss me Stefan...I want you..it's always been you" Maria said

Damon:Stefan! Stefan:(jumps up) what? Damon:dreaming about Maria again? Stefan:No

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Stefan:(jumps up) what?
Damon:dreaming about Maria again?
Damon:you're a terrible liar
Stefan shakes his head and gets up
Damon:it's okay..I dream about her too sometimes
Stefan:you're a dick!
Damon laughs

Maria:Here..drink this (hands him a glass of bourbon through the door)
Mr S:Thanks I guess
Maria:we're just trying to live normal lives like your people do
Mr S:my people can survive without blood
Maria:so can mine yeah,we just want to be treated normally
Mr S:and if I don't cooperate you're going to kill me?
Maria:I won't kill you but that doesn't mean the others won't,if I wanted you dead,I wouldn't offer you bourbon (walks away)
Mr S:Maria wait!
Maria:(vamps back) what?
Mr S:thank you
Maria nods and walks off
Klaus:how long before the vervains out his system?
Maria:I'd say a few more days
Rebekah:a few more days?!
Maria:the man has been living off vervain yeah,it's not that easy
Elijah:that's fine,we'll wait
Kol:what if he doesn't come around?
Klaus:we'll kill him
Becca:what if there's others?
Klaus:we can handle them
Maria rolls her eyes
Elijah:he'll come around
Klaus:I've never understood the blind faith you have on humanity brother
Elijah:we all want the same thing
Kol:and that is?
Rebekah:and to be loved
Elijah:and family,the most important thing of all and I'm sure you know what that feels like Niklaus (raises eyebrow)
Klaus:whatever brother,do what you must but just make sure he's off that vervain
Maria:I'm on it my lord
Klaus:don't patronize me love
Maria rolls her eyes

Victoria:so how was the date?
Natasha:it was amazing,hybrids weren't really my type but Tyler is really awesome
Victoria:see! You had nothing to worry about
Natasha:what about you and Isaiah?
Victoria:I'm not sure and I think I've made enemies with a Bennett witch too
Victoria:(sigh) yeah
Natasha:is this about Enzo?
Victoria:yes it is
Natasha:what's going on with you two?
Natasha:you're my niece and I want to believe you but you're not very good at the whole convincing thing
Victoria:what am I supposed to do?
Natasha:That's for you to decide

Klaus grabs Maria's arm and holds her against the wall so his chest is pressed up against the back

Maria:Niklaus what are you doing?
Klaus:making a statement love
[Marcel is listening in with Isaiah and Eduardo and they're laughing]
Maria:which is what exactly? (Tries to break free but he tightens his grip)
Klaus:you're mine Aleksandrina
Maria:(rolls her eyes) let go of me before someone gets hurt
Klaus:is that a threat?
Maria:no it's more of a request because you're actually hurting me
Klaus:(lets go but still presses up against her) I like this position
Maria:it's very compromising love
Klaus laughs and turns around so they're face to face
He leans down and kisses her
Elijah walks past and clears his throat
Klaus:don't mind us brother
Maria:I was just leaving (vamps away before he can grab her)
Elijah smirks and Klaus bites his lip

Maria is out of breath and ends up in the middle of the woods

Stefan:what's wrong?
Maria:(jumps) you scared me!!
Stefan:(laughs) sorry
Maria:it's okay..
Stefan:are you okay? Your wrists are bruised up and it's not healing properly
Maria:it'll heal (looks at her wrists) uh.. why are you in the woods alone?
Stefan:came here to think... what about you?
Maria:getting away from Niklaus (sighs and sits on a rock)
Stefan sits next to her

Damon:why am I thinking about her?
Enzo:about who?
Damon:don't worry..
Enzo:then why did you say anything? (Rolls eyes and sips bourbon)
Damon:I love Elena so much
Enzo:I know that
Damon nods
Damon:but nothing!
Enzo:but Alex is on your mind?
Damon:why would Maria be on my mind?
Enzo:because she is...
Damon rolls his eyes
Enzo:I knew it!
Damon:knew what?
Enzo:you still have the hots for her
Damon:I do not..
Enzo:all I hear is "I do" (laughs) she is hot so I get it
Damon:do you?
Enzo nods

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