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Micheal:welcome back,I trust that you all had a good holiday
Guy:wasn't long enough...
Micheal:James don't speak out of turn
James:sorry Mr Mikaelson
Micheal:(nods) turn to page 140

Caroline:your baby bump is growing (holds Maria's belly) I can't believe your almost 4 months
Maria:time does fly when you're having fun...
James:you have the beautiful pregnancy glow,Stefan is lucky
Maria:uh thanks (looks at Caroline)
James:what is it?
Maria:I don't know yet....
James:oh.... may I?
Maria:ah I don't think that's
Before Maria can continue he touches her belly
Caroline:(pushes him away) ah dude!thats rude... move it!
James:see you in class Maria
Maria smiles awkwardly at him
Caroline:what a creep....
Maria:he didn't touch your belly
She laughs
Tyler:everything okay ladies?
Maria nods
Caroline:That creep James Long touched Maria's baby bump
Matt:what the hell?!
Maria:no it's okay...
Caroline:you didn't want him to right?
Maria nods
Tyler:I'll handle it...
Tyler and Matt run off up to the boys dorms

Tyler:James? (Knocks on the door)
Matt:Hey buddy,we just want to talk....
The door is slight open so Tyler pushes it further
Matt:Oh my God!
James' dorm is filled with pictures of Maria and quotes from old English literature
Tyler:what the hell is wrong with this dude?
Matt:doesn't he have a roommate?
Tyler:(looking around) nah,they have a fight a few months ago and now this kid is alone
Matt:this is creepy as hell,help me take this down
Tyler:no.. he can't no we were in here or he'll know we're onto him
Matt:okay but I still don't like this... I'm taking this one down
It's a picture of Maria holding her belly
Tyler:yeah that's okay
Matt:let's get outta here

Stefan:what were you two doing up in the dorms?
Damon:yeah you don't stay on campus
Elena:what are you doing here? You don't go to school
Tyler:we found some weird stuff
Caroline:did you find him?
Bonnie:find who? What is going on?
Caroline:James Long touched Maria's belly and made her uncomfortable
Tyler:I just wanted to scare him off
Matt:instead he scared us (gives Stefan the picture)
Damon:is a picture of Maria...
Tyler:it's like he has a shrine built in her honor,Matt took that one down because she's pregnant in their
Damon:you're telling me this kid has pictures of her up in his room?
Tyler and Matt nod
Stefan:where is he?!
Matt:we don't know
Bonnie:where's Maria?
Caroline:she was right behind me...
Damon looks at Stefan
Elena:I'll call Isaiah,maybe she went home

Maria:James what are you doing? Let me go
He ties her up
Maria:James I'm pregnant! What are you doing!?
James:I've waited for this moment all my life
Maria:what are you talking about?
James:we can finally be together.. A family
He forcefully kisses Maria and she head butts him
James:(slaps her) I didn't like that!! but I forgive you

Isaiah:I'm telling you Maria isn't home!
They check her room,the nursery,each of the rooms and the basement
Eduardo:I checked the entertainment area outside
Victoria:she's not answering her phone
Stefan starts freaking out
Damon:Stef... You need to stay calm buddy
Elena:we'll find her
Stefan:that means she's missing,Elena I called Klaus... She's not there
Damon:we'll try everyone we know,she'll turn up
Isaiah:this is not like her...

Maria:tell me where we are...
James:I can't do that sweetie
Maria:I need to know,please...
James never goes long enough in front of her so she can compel him
James:we're at your boyfriends place
Maria looks around and realizes she's at the back of the Salvatore boarding house
She closes her eyes and tries hard to concentrate

Bonnie:I think I'm getting something
Bonnie gets a headache and falls
Jeremy:Bonnie?! What's wrong?
Bonnie:it's her.. she's trying to tell me something... she's not strong enough..
Jeremy:(holds her hand) you can do this (kisses her) I'm right here
Bonnie:(closes her eyes) pain.... I see a dark room... I think it's a room.. No I see trees.. She's at the back of the Salvatore boarding house!
Elena,Stefan and Damon vamp there

Maria:James I'm thirsty
James:here's your bottle
He lets her sip but it isn't enough and Maria can feel the baby moving
Maria:James I don't feel so good
She pukes
James:no no no,I'm so sorry here (gives her the bottle) have some more
James:what are you doing here?
Damon:I believe the question is what are you doing here?
James:she loves me,tell them...
Maria:untie me...
James:will you tell them?
Maria nods and looks at Elena
James unties her and Maria immediately chargers at him
She kills him by draining his blood
Elena:Maria honey.... you okay?
Maria:The baby.... (Maria passes out)

When she wakes up,she's in the hospital
Stefan and Damon are asleep on the nearby couches and Elena and Isaiah are talking to the doctor
Elena:I'm right here
Maria:thank you...
Elena:it was Bonnie,she got your message
Maria smiles and turns the other way...

Doctor:Ms Vatori,your vitals are looking good,you just need some rest..I need to run 1 or 2 more tests but your son is fine
Maria:(looks up) my son?
Doctor:(smiles) yes,you're having a boy...
Maria smiles and tears come to her eyes
Doctor:get some rest...
Maria:thank you Doctor
Stefan:a boy huh?
Maria nods and smiles
Stefan:Joshua Damon Salvatore
Maria:sounds perfect (he kisses her forehead)
Stefan:I thought I'd lost you forever
Maria:forever is a long time and I can't die...
He kisses her

-you have to lose yourself,to truly find out who you are...-

Vampire Diaries (with a twist) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now