Party at the graveyard

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Samuel:how is my grandson?
Maria:he's fine
Samuel:good,I'll call again soon
Maria:okay thanks..
Samuel:and Maria..
Maria:yes Father?
Samuel:stay safe
Maria:you too and send mum my love
Isaiah:what did the old man want?
Maria:to know how Joshua is
Isaiah:oh... Listen Maria can we talk?
Maria:that's what we're doing love...(sits opposite him by the lounge table)
Isaiah:it's about me and Victoria
Maria:No no (stands up) I'm not doing this with you
Isaiah:I think I'm gonna break up with her
Maria stops but doesn't turn around
Isaiah:maybe we rushed into things too quickly and it made us all .. weird
Maria:I can't tell you what to do yeah but do you want my advice?
Maria:(walks over to him and holds his shoulder) you do whatever makes you feel comfortable and even if everyone doesn't like it,it's not about them and what they want yeah?
Isaiah nods
Maria:but don't do something you'll regret later...
Isaiah hugs her
Maria:you'll be okay
Isaiah:I know.. who would've thought I'd be here today having this conversation with my older sister?
Maria:the universe has a strange way of showing us things
Isaiah:that is true
Maria smiles and walks upstairs to check on Joshua and Stefan

Caroline:oh look it's your best friend
Maria turns and sees Melissa walking and stops in front of Stefan's locked
Rebekah:should've just listened to me when I told you to kill the bitch
Elena:Rebekah don't be stupid
Bonnie:I actually agree with Rebekah right now (drinking soda)
Maria:what's in the soda Bonnie? (Raises her eyebrow)
They laugh

Melissa:Hi Stefan...
Stefan:(looks down at her) Hello
Melissa:have you thought about my offer?
Stefan:what offer?
Melissa:There's a party this Friday,you're all invited (looks over at Maria) including your pretty little girlfriend (fake smile)
Stefan:I'll have to think about it... (walks away)
Melissa smirks

Elena:party huh?
Stefan laughs
Rebekah:you really wanna play this game with Maria?
Stefan:what game?
Elena:she can easily kill her
Stefan:you think I like her?
Rebekah:hmmm she is new candy even if she's been in everyone's bed including your brothers
Rebekah:and Tyler's...
Stefan:you've been in my brothers bed..
Rebekah:and now you're defending her...
Stefan:you're over reacting...

Luke:Hi Maria
Maria:oh hey Luke...
Luke:I know you have Joshua now but you have to get a sitter this weekend!
Maria:hmmm I don't know Luke..
Luke:come on! You're pretty much the life of the party...
Maria laughs

Stefan looks over and gets jealous
Rebekah smirks at Elena

Maria:okay... I'll think about it!
Luke:that's good enough for me (hugs her unexpectedly and then walks off)
Maria:oh okay..
Bonnie:what was that about?
Maria:I honestly have no idea
They laugh

Rebekah:still wanna play around with Melissa?
Stefan:I'm not playing around with anyone!
Elena:doesn't look that way Stef... don't be an idiot you're girlfriend is a keeper
Rebekah:and she's smoking hot!
Stefan:I will never cheat on her,Maria's mine forever
Elena:and always?
Rebekah:(laughs) good
Stefan:you compelled him didn't you?
Elena:all her idea
Stefan laughs and walks over to Maria

Victoria:I'm basically confused here...
Eduardo:no,don't do that...
Victoria:do what?
Eduardo:I've made it clear that I will not be pulled into the middle of this..Isaiah is like my family I've been with him ever since I can remember,now I'm but saying he's right
Victoria:so you agree then?
Victoria:you also think he's being unfair...
Eduardo:we're not doing this (gets up) talk to Maria or Elena about this stuff...
Victoria:they won't talk about it either,in fact Maria's exact words were "Bikh iskal da se prestruvam,che sŭm rusalka i tova e me plavasht dalech"
[I'd like to pretend I'm a mermaid and this is me floating away]
Eduardo laughs
Victoria:and Elena walked away
Eduardo:this is your fight honey...
Victoria:(sighs and frowns) Fine....

Victoria:can we talk?
Isaiah:we can... ah coffee?
Isaiah gets her a cup and fills it with coffee
Victoria:thanks... so how you been?
Isaiah:it's been a slow week.. at least it's Friday today!
Victoria:you left right after class is everything okay?
Isaiah:yeah I figured Maria and Stefan needed a break so I said I'd look after Joshy
Victoria:oh right it's that party tonight (sips coffee) I wasn't looking forward to going anyway
Isaiah smiles awkwardly
Maria:(walking in) Isaiah are you sure you want to.. Oh yeah I can come back (leaves quickly)
Victoria:are we that bad?
They laugh

Stefan:Babe you ready?
Stefan:(looks at her) are you okay?
Maria:I'm fine
Stefan:no you're not...
Maria:I said I'm fine Stefan
Stefan steps out her way so she can get her phone
Elena:right here... You ready?
Maria:yes I am (smiles and exhales) shall we?
Elena:we shall...
Stefan follows them out the room

Stefan:did I say something wrong?
Elena:she said she's fine so I'm not arguing
Stefan:you know better Elena
Elena:yeah (gets a drink) I know
Rebekah:how about the fact that you've been entertaining Melissa?
Stefan:not you again (wants to walk away)
Rebekah:oh look over there
Stefan looks at Luke walking towards Maria
Bonnie:seriously Rebekah stop it...
Rebekah:I'm just having fun (walks away)
Stefan clenches his jaw but as he walks forward Melissa grabs him and kisses him
Caroline grabs her hair and pushes her
Luke:what the hell is going on?!
Maria:nothing (compels him) walk away
Rebekah:Maria you're no ...
Before she can finish Maria looks at Melissa who's smirking and playing with her hair...
Maria:hmmm fun? Okay!
Maria flips on top of the beer-keg and the students surround her and cheer her on
Melissa gets annoyed and kicks the ground
Caroline smirks at her
Melissa:Argh!!!!!!! (Walks away)
Maria flips backwards and lands perfectly and blows a kiss at Melissa
Stefan:Now why would I ever want anyone different? (Holds Maria's waist and then kisses her)
The others laugh
Maria:I'm good
Stefan:I'm good too (looks down at Maria) I think I'm ready to take my lady home (kisses Maria's forehead)
Maria:hmmm sounds good to me

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