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Maria:good morning my precious babies
Piper:Good morning mum
Joshua:mummy! (Hugs her)
Maria:hmmm who's ready to open Christmas presents?
Joshua:I am!!
Maria and Piper laugh

Maria:good morning my precious babies Piper:Good morning mum Joshua:mummy! (Hugs her) Maria:hmmm who's ready to open Christmas presents? Joshua:I am!! Maria and Piper laugh

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Piper:this is perfect! I don't think I wanna open the rest just yet

Maria laughs Piper:it's the ones I wanted so thank you mum (kisses her cheek) Joshua:toys!!! They laughPiper:and this one is from daddy Maria nods

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Maria laughs
Piper:it's the ones I wanted so thank you mum (kisses her cheek)
They laugh
Piper:and this one is from daddy
Maria nods

Elena:I'm half we're having dinner at our house! I'm so excited for Stefan's gift to Maria Klaus:(smiles) I love Maria but she needs to be with Stefan Stefan:I appreciate it mate

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Elena:I'm half we're having dinner at our house! I'm so excited for Stefan's gift to Maria
Klaus:(smiles) I love Maria but she needs to be with Stefan
Stefan:I appreciate it mate..
They laugh
Damon:when did you become British?
Elijah:it happens
Isaiah:hope we're not late! (Walking in with Eduardo and the twins)
Victoria:(walking in with Caroline) getting the twins ready was a mission
Isaiah rolls his eyes
Elena looks at Becca and Kol
Kol:I wouldn't know.. I don't have children yet
Klaus looks at Elijah

Maria:hmmm smells amazing in here!
Piper:Merry Christmas
Hope:Merry Christmas sis
Joshua:Mewi Cwismas
They laugh
Damon:god I love this kid
Joshua:love you unco' Damon
Maria laughs
Elena:he's just the cutest
Klaus:he's my son so it makes sense
They laugh

Rebekah:more wine?
Marcel:(laughs) alcoholic
Maria:says you
Marcel:I'm not an alcoholic,I have issues
Maria:and I have kids
Marcel and Rebekah laugh

Becca:(sigh) Kol...
Kol:yes babe?
Becca:do you want kids? Is that what this is about?
Kol:of course I want to have kids with you... not right now... I know you're not ready
Becca:it's that not it's just that.....
Kol:I know....
Becca kisses him
Kol:I love you darling
Becca:I love you

Natasha:is he doing it today?
Tyler:yes.. before dinner
Jeremy:who's doing what before dinner? (Sipping drink)
Matt:Stefan has a surprise
Natasha:you'll have to wait and see
Katherine:I'm kind of impatient
Becca:deal with it love
Katherine:fine... I'll just go have more wine
Natasha:she's definitely a Petrova
They laugh

Stefan:can we talk?
Maria:sure (leaves her glass on the table) watch Joshy Damon,he's been eyeing my glass
They laugh
Joshua runs to play with Sheila

Stefan:you look beautiful as always
Maria:(smiles) thank you love
Stefan:(kisses her cheek) come with me outside
Maria:Stefan what are you up to? It's snowing
Stefan:trust me...
Maria nods and takes his hand

Maria:what is this? It's beautiful Stefan:(gets down on one knee) I think this is the appropriate time Maria's heart starts beating Stefan:I can hear your heart you know Maria:yes

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Maria:what is this? It's beautiful
Stefan:(gets down on one knee) I think this is the appropriate time
Maria's heart starts beating
Stefan:I can hear your heart you know
Stefan:I didn't ask you anything yet babe
Maria:I don't care.. I love you... I want to be with you.... yes Stefan...
Stefan:I prepared a speech (puts the ring on her finger)
Maria:my ring?
Stefan:yes I had Piper "steal" it back for this
Everyone's outside and they clap
Maria starts crying and Klaus hugs her
Klaus:I don't think I can ever give you away love but I'm proud of you (kisses her forehead) I love you
Maria:I love you

Victoria:you're going to be a Salvatore!
Finn:but she's always a Mikaelson at heart
Klaus:it's true
They laugh

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