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Maria's POV-journal
Dear journal
As you know last night was my first time with Stefan Salvatore,I wanted it to be something special and well it was to me,I've woken up today with a new purpose.. Stefan makes me happy and all but I feel like there's still so much more we need to speak about.. The fact that my "darling" cousin changed him and that Elena was technically his first love.. I haven't told him much about Christian and I feel like now is the right time...I'm not sure what the future has in store for us but I know we'll be together.. I wish I could tell him the truth.. That our first time was 1894... I just can't

Isaiah:Damon has something he wants to ask you
Maria:is that so?
Damon:you've been here like 3 months already and we haven't done anything crazy yet
Maria:oh? So having dinner with a potential serial killer wasn't crazy?
Isaiah laughs at him
Damon:I'm thinking road trip
Maria:what now?
Isaiah:a road trip
Maria:I heard him... Hmmm..go on,Hi peaches
Damon:Savannah,Georgia.. a few days.. Just me,Elena,you,Stefan,Zay and Eddy
Maria:what do you think Elena??
Elena:sounds interesting
Maria:I call dibs on Zay!
Maria winks and Isaiah
Isaiah:hey if I'm third wheeling,I'm hanging with my sister and Stefan and besides the rover is smooth on the long road
Damon:I've already spoken to Stefan
Maria:how are we supposed to convince Alaric to let us go?
Isaiah:we have a week off
Eduardo:we're going on a road trip?
Maria:yeah and you're driving with Elena and Damon
Eduardo:sweet! Is Klaus coming?
Maria raises an eyebrow at him
Elena:what an odd question
Maria:(whispers) and that's why he's riding with you peaches
Eduardo:I can hear you,you know?
Maria and Elena laugh at him

Isaiah:I remember my first trip here,I was 16 years old
Eduardo:you are 16!
Isaiah:no you idiot! When I was actually 16.... It was barely even a town
Maria smiles at him fondly
Stefan pulls Maria away so they can talk
Damon is momentarily distracted

Stefan:I only agreed to this because there's something I've been keeping from Damon
Maria:what is it?
Stefan:our niece
Stefan:our 16 year old niece,Victoria
Maria:is she a....
Stefan:no no she's human... Damon thinks he killed her and he's felt guilty about it ever since
Maria:Damon Salvatore has a guilty conscious?
Stefan nods and takes her hand
Maria:you're going to take him there?
Stefan:yes she's not happy here,I want to bring her back to her home in Mystic falls,with all of us
Maria:whatever you want,I'm here to support you.. Take Isaiah with you,Elena and I need to talk to Eddy anyway
He nods and kisses her

Damon:Stefan where are you taking me?
Stefan:(looks at Isaiah) you'll see

Elena:Eddy come have a seat
Eduardo:what's this about?
Maria:I've known you for many years and I've only ever seen you once with a girl....
Eduardo:I'm the settling down kinda guy
Maria:(shakes her head) no way
Elena:how long have you known?
Eduardo:known what?
Maria:Eddy....(holds his hand) talk to us... please
Eduardo:(sigh) I guess I've always known Rih.. The last girl I was with didn't do it for me.. I mean I'm a virgin and Isaiah is my best friend! I've always thought people won't accept me for who I am
Maria:(looks at Elena and then smiles) so what? Forget about people Ed,be who you are
Elena:we're vampires,people won't accept us even if we wanted them to.. Be who you are Eduardo (hugs him) trust me,there's nothing better
Maria:truth is,Zay always knew.. You're family and we love you just the way you are okay?
Eduardo smiles and nods

Damon:Why are we here?
Stefan:(rings the doorbell) you'll see
Isaiah:It's so quiet! Is anyone here?
The door opens and a sweet girl opens the door
She must be about 16 and her long black hair falls softly down her back,she has light brown eyes and her smile is so welcoming
Isaiah stares at her and he can barely say anything so he just smiles
Stefan:I'm Stefan this is my brother Damon and our best best friend Isaiah
Victoria:Hello,I'm Victoria Salvatore,Vicky for short
Victoria nods her head and looks at Damon quizzically
Damon:(shakes his head) there must be a mistake,I'm Damon Salvatore.. there is no way you can be a Salvatore
Stefan:she is Damon.. She's Zach's daughter,may we come in?
Victoria:(looks back) the Jones' won't be home till later..I'm not supposed to let anyone in..
Isaiah:could you maybe come with us,we're not going to hurt you
Stefan:we just want to talk to you that's all..
Victoria nods

Stefan explains everything to her and why she had to be adopted
Damon killed her mother because back then he was bad and had no control
She then proceeds to tell them how her life has been and why she wants to run away
Victoria:I've always felt like the outcast of this family,they've never treated me like I was one of them
Isaiah:how did you know your surname? I mean you were just 3 days old
Victoria:my father Zach,he would visit me at school,away from here.. He told me that when I was born he was there
Damon:I am so sorry Victoria....
Victoria:everyone deserves another chance.. You're not exactly my favorite person but we can work on that
Damon:I can live with that
Isaiah:come back to mystic falls with us,your home
Victoria:I can't..
Isaiah:yes.. Yes you can... Stefan and Damon can take care of you.. We'll all help
Stefan:just think about it (gives her an address) we're here for 3 days and we're staying here.. Come to us when you change your mind
Victoria:(nods) is it safe? I mean since you're (she looks around) vampires
Victoria:Zach .... He told me everything there is to know
Isaiah:it's safe (he reassures her and she smiles again)

Maria:I missed you
Stefan:(kisses her) I missed you more
Maria:how was it? (holding Stefan)
Damon:good (kisses Elena) I'm just a bit upset with Stefan for keeping this from me
Elena:in his defense you were a psychopath
Stefan nods and Damon shrugs apologetically

There's a knock at the door
Isaiah:I got it
He opens to find Victoria standing at the door with two bags
Victoria:will I be going to high school with you?
Isaiah:Victoria? Oh yeah mystic falls high (helps her with the bags)
Stefan:Victoria..ah this is Elena,Maria and Eduardo
Maria smiles sweetly at her
Elena:Hi Victoria
Eduardo:nice to meet you
Damon:you sure this is what you want?
Victoria looks around the room and the nods
Victoria:I'm sure uncle Damon... I'm done with my old life
Maria:come sit,we were just about to order pizza
She joins Elena and Maria by the table
Maria:don't worry,you're going to love mystic falls
Elena:we'll help you with whatever you need
Isaiah:(smiles at Victoria) she'll have me,Eddy and Jer
Victoria blushes and looks down at her nails
Maria winks at Elena

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