Pledge your allegiance

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Maria POV
Dear diary...
Today I woke up and I couldn't help this feeling on guilt..
Is Christian right?
Was this whole thing with Stef too soon?
My subconscious is yelling at me,how can I let him get underneath my skin?
It's been too long and I've finally found the one I want to spend my forever with..
I am head over hills,drunk driving... crazy in love with Stefan Salvatore...
I can't imagine my life without him...
Christian's changed.. I don't get why he's back here.. He doesn't belong here..
Of course he's wrong...

Joshua:Morning mama
Maria:good morning sunshine (kisses his cheeks and tiny hands)
Joshua smiles sweetly and lays down on the bed
Stefan is still asleep
Maria looks out the bay window and notices Elena's car..
Maria:let's go downstairs,let daddy sleep
Joshua:no (shakes his head and curls up behind Stefan)
Maria:(laughs) you want to stay here?
He nods
Maria:are you sure?
He nods
Maria:I'll make you something to eat
He shakes his head and hides his face by Stefan's back
Maria:(rolls her eyes) fine... Stay here
He giggles and she shakes her head,smiling
Joshua:Josh loves mama
Maria:Mama loves Joshy

Elena:it's 12:15! How can they still be sleeping? Lazy asses (she sips her coffee)
Isaiah:(pouring milk into his coffee) tell me that when you have a kid yeah?
Elena pouts at him
He laughs and shakes his head
Maria:hmm smells good in here...
Maria:hey... I needed the extra sleep yeah..Josh has been restless these last few nights
Isaiah:Stef still asleep?
Maria:yep! and Joshua insists on laying with him until he wakes up (grabbing a cup from the top shelf)
Elena:what are we doing today?
Maria:I am staying at home (making tea) you're welcome to hang out.
Elena:Oooh movie day and night!
Maria:now that I can do!
Isaiah rolls his eyes and sits down to have his brunch

Maria:(looks up) Hi...
Caroline:can I sit down?
Maria nods and moves up on the couch
Caroline:where is everyone?
Maria:Elena's gone to get some DVDs,we're staying in today..
Caroline:you look beat,is everything okay?
Maria:yeah it's just that Josh has been so restless these past few nights so I stay up with him
Caroline:what about Stefan?
Maria:he does too but I can function on a lot less sleep than Stef
Caroline:I'm so sorry
Maria:No.. I'm sorry
Caroline lays on Maria's shoulder
Maria:I should've known he would've tried something this low.. He took advantage of you
Caroline:all I could think about is how I betrayed you.. the only thing I wanted to do was come right to you but you were in class (tearing up)
Maria:hey...(wipes Caroline's eyes) no tears... He's an asshole and you're still one of my best friends
Caroline hugs Maria tight
Isaiah is standing by the kitchen entrance and he smiles
Isaiah:that's better
Caroline hugs Isaiah too

Elena:I'm just going to hang out with Maria today... Bonnie is busy with Jer
Damon:Stefan called,he's with Isaiah ..The 3 of us are gonna go get drunk at a bar
Elena:Nice (picking up her bag) enjoy (kisses him) but not too much
Damon laughs

Maria:I have an idea (getting her book out) each day until Ty comes back you're going to write him a letter
Caroline:I don't know about this
Klaus:(walks in) hello ladies.. Pardon my interruption but I'd like to have a word with Aleksa
Maria:(looks up) Niklaus.. what.. what are you doing here?
Klaus:a word please love...
Maria nods and stands up
Caroline:I'll order pizza and see how far Elena and Victoria are
Maria:okay thanks
Caroline leaves
Klaus:I see you've forgiven the blonde
Maria:the blonde that you were once in love with...
Klaus:(laughs) I see you're pettiness has returned
Maria cocks her head to one side
Klaus:tell me something Aleksa... why do we do this?
Maria:because you're narcissistic and you crave power
Klaus:yet you still choose to stand with me instead of against me?
Maria:because despite what everyone else thinks I have hope for you
Klaus:you sound just like Elijah
Maria:then I must be smart (smiles) what is it that you require?
Klaus:(smirks) I need your help
Klaus:run my empire with me
Maria steps back in shock
Klaus:I know it's sudden but with Marcel gone for a while I need a companion
Maria:I have a son Niklaus...
Klaus:I have a daughter... Aleksandrina you said you'd stand by me
Maria:and I am... (Walks up to him) I am always going to be here for you.. always
Klaus:your home is in New Orleans,not here!
Maria:Niklaus please...
Klaus:I need you (holds her shoulder) please help me
Maria:(holds his face) I can help you..I want to believe me but I can't leave Mystic Falls...
Klaus:you don't have to leave.. I just need to know you're there when I pick the phone up
Maria:Niklaus I have you on speed dial,trust me when I say I'll be here whenever you need me
Klaus looks at her
Maria:I promise
He smiles and she hugs him

Rebekah:I don't want Nik to end up on the wrong side of the barrel again
Elijah:He won't... Have you no faith Rebekah?
Rebekah:I have faith... I have lots of faith... I... (Sigh) I'm sorry
Elijah hugs her
Rebekah:I need some air..
Elijah:(smiles) of course,I'll see you in a bit

Damon:we have to get rid of Katherine
Stefan:what? Where's this coming from?
Isaiah:yes that is my cousin after all
Damon:are you kidding me? When has she ever been loyal to her own blood?
Isaiah:That's not the point,Maria will never have it
Damon:then she won't have to know
Stefan:let me get this straight.. You want me to lie to my girlfriend.. the mother of my son?
Damon:yes did I,at any point,stutter?
Stefan:you're insane
Isaiah:Damon this is a bad idea
Damon:either you help me or I do it alone but either way she's got to go.. I know she's up to something I can tell
Isaiah:what about Elijah?
Stefan:Elijah's in love with Hayley
Isaiah nods and sits
Damon:help me...
Isaiah:(looks at Stefan and then sighs) if and when Maria finds out.. I wasn't here
Damon:fine with me.. Stefan?
Stefan:okay.. I'll help

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