The Return

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Victoria's journal-
I wonder how long are they going to pretend like nothing happened
I killed someone
It scares me because now that's all I have the urge to do... I'm worried about being around Matt and Bonnie's baby....
I haven't told anyone because I don't want them to worry...

Maria:you're up early...
Isaiah:Couldn't sleep .. Vicky's still asleep
Isaiah:yeah she stayed over
Maria nods and continues making tea
Isaiah:(looks around) where's Eddy?
Maria:out with Kai...
Isaiah:I thought you were staying over at Stefan's?
Maria:Nope...(gives Isaiah coffee)
Isaiah:she won't admit it but I think something is wrong with her..
Maria:(frowns) she'll be okay...
Isaiah frowns and takes a muffin

Klaus:I'm ready to go back Elijah
Kol:Are you sure?
Elijah:it's been a few months.. I think we can head back
Becca:I've been here long enough... (Looks at Rebekah) I'm ready to go home now
Rebekah:you know you're welcome to go anytime
Becca:I'm here for support
Klaus:and for Kol...
Kol smokes and Becca and she winks
Rebekah:Maria's not gonna like this
Elijah:how do you know what Maria's feeling?
Becca:yeah no offense but my sister isn't a drill Sargent!

Damon:So I heard there's a ball at your college
Elena:yeah there is
Damon:when were you're going to tell me?
Elena:today:.. I wasn't sure
Damon:you don't wanna go?
Elena:I do... with you (kisses him)
Damon smiles and hugs her
Stefan:is Maria going?
Elena:she has too...
Stefan:oh I think I'll need a suit then
Damon:you and me both
Elena laughs

Maria:This ball is not something I'm looking forward too
Bonnie:why not?
Maria:well for starters I have nothing to wear.. and you're having a baby soon
Bonnie:oh no you don't...don't use this little guy as an excuse not to go.. What's really wrong?
Maria:(sigh) nothing..(lays down on the Persian rug) I'll go dress shopping
Bonnie:that's my girl...
Maria:Caroline says we should go this afternoon
Bonnie:I'll tag along... I have nothing to do
Maria:(sits up and crosses her legs) where's Jeremy?
Bonnie:Out with Matt,Tyler and Isaiah
Bonnie:(nods) where's Victoria?
Maria:on her way with Elena and Care
Bonnie:how is she by the way?
Maria:you're the witch,tell me...
Bonnie:she'll be okay...
Maria:she will.. She can focus on the ball for now
Bonnie:a place full on humans
Maria:that doesn't help

Elena:So... are we doing this?
Maria:(frowns) yes we are
Victoria:dress shopping.. Let's do this...
Bonnie:So thankful for this wheelchair
Victoria:you're so lucky you're pregnant!
Bonnie:wanna swop?
Victoria:no way..
They laugh

Stefan:how do I know what to get if I don't know her dress color?
Damon:go with the flow...
Isaiah:I'll ask for a hint
Tyler:yeah that sounds good
They laugh
Matt:you're lucky.. I'm going with me,myself and bourbon
They laugh
Isaiah:Hmm maybe Rebekah shows up
Matt:getting a suit!
Isaiah:there we go buddy
Damon:That's the spirit...

Isaiah's suit-

Isaiah's suit-

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