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Caroline wakes up with a hangover and looks around and she's in an unfamiliar place
Christian:good morning beautiful
He tries to kiss her but she pushes him away
Caroline:how the hell did I?... Oh my God! You!
Caroline:please tell me we didn't....
Christian:we did... twice.... (Smirks)
Caroline:no no no... this cannot be happening
Christian:but it did (leans in for a kiss but she pushes him off her)
She jumps up and gets her stuff and heads out the door
Christian smirks and lays back down

Alaric:I need 2 essays for both chapters,I won't accept anything later than next Wednesday understood? Good
Stefan:when did you become all business like?
Alaric:kids at this school take advantage of me,it's about time
Rebekah:you should just bite them
Maria:yes because biting people is the answer to everything
They laugh
Guy:do you think biting is sexy?
The class laughs
Alaric:I don't know... What do you think Elena?
Elena:yes it is..
Maria:of course,especially when you bite and there's blood (licks her lips) oh yes indeed love
Alaric,Stefan,Rebekah,Elena,Bonnie and Matt laugh
Guy:so you're a freak then Maria?
Maria nods and winks
Guy:Stefan you are one lucky bastard!
Stefan:you don't have to tell me twice
Maria:where's Care?
Alaric:said she was running late,so I told her it's okay
Maria texts Caroline
"Everything okay? We missed you today sweetheart! x call me"

Victoria:Joe wants 3 essays by Friday?
Isaiah:I say we take her and lock her up at the Salvatore boarding house
Eduardo:yes because that's exactly how we get things down around here
Victoria laughs
Isaiah:Nevio's going to do profiling
Victoria:like your uncle Dave?
Isaiah nods and smiles
Eduardo:I'm happy... Maria and Nevio were always into that
Isaiah:oh yeah since forever
Victoria:does that mean Nik is going away?
Isaiah:No he's going to study at Whittmore
Eduardo:an excuse to keep an eye on Maria
Victoria:there's no harm in that,Isaiah looks after Rebecca
Isaiah smiles at Victoria
Eduardo:we look out for each other
Eduardo:and forever
Fist pump
Victoria:(rolls her eyes) you two are like a married couple
Isaiah:which makes you the mistress
Eduardo laughs
Victoria:very funny
They laugh

Stacey:Rebecca you are dating a college student.. You are so lucky.. the only guys we can date are freshmen
Becca:Kol and I aren't dating
Kim:you're not? So I can go for it?
Becca:I'm like his wife (looks at Kim) I don't get it,what's the big deal about freshman anyway?
Stacey:I love how you speak like you're from a different era...
Becca:you have no idea (smirks)
Stacey:I'm super jelly,you're like British and Bulgarian and Italian and stuff.. Guys die for your accent
Becca smiles sweetly because she's trying to hide how annoyed she is
Kim:Kol is so hot,you are so lucky!
Stacey:yeah but like have you seen her brothers? To die for,it's too bad Isaiah is with Victoria (hair flip)
Becca:ewww don't talk about my brothers,not cool
Kim:what about your sisters boyfriend and his brother
Becca:oh yes Damon Salvatore is a babe yeah!
Kim and Stacey laugh
Kim:and so is Stefan!! Can we say double trouble
Stacey giggles
Becca rolls her eyes and looks at Victoria who is laughing at her

Kol:how was your day? (kisses her)
Becca:you try and hang around stupid 15 year olds who want to talk about boys all the time
Kol:oh my god your boyfriend is so hot! Like what?
Becca looks at him and bursts out laughing
Kol:did I do alright?
Becca:you're just missing the make up and hair.. that are you're sorted love
Kol:Oh Em Gee.. Yaaas Queen
Becca:my god,where'd you learn that!
Kol:the girls in my class,much worse than those at your school and those in Alarics first year class
Becca:you mean the occults and history class that Elena them are in yeah?
Kol:yaaaas girl!
They laugh

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