Home bound

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Stefan:Damon can we talk outside for a moment?
Damon:yeah sure

Elena:I'm so tired,how do they do it? I can't get those images out my head
Maria:(pouring wine) I know... It brought back memories... I remember my first kill
Elena:I'm sorry (holds her hand) this can't be easy for you..
Maria:(shakes her head) that's why this is so important to me,I know it won't change me but at least I can help a family... get closure...
Elena:of course,I understand that,I'm gonna go up and pack for tomorrow
Maria:I'll stay here,I wanna spend some time with him before we leave
She nods

Damon:so what was so serious that you couldn't talk to me in front of the girls?
Stefan:this about you.. and your new feelings
Damon:you've lost me..(sips on his bourbon)
Stefan:Damon... I know you're interested in Maria..there's feelings there..
Damon:you're wrong....
Stefan:am I?
Damon:sort of...
Damon:wait.. Stef I'm not going to act on these feelings,you love her,she loves you and I love Elena...
Stefan:so you want me to pretend like this isn't happening right now?
Damon:yes in fact I do,look bro... I am not going to act on these feelings.. and she's made it pretty clear that she loves you..
Stefan:you told her?
Damon:I was drunk,Elena wasn't home yet...you were out... It slipped out
Stefan:I can't believe this....
Damon:it's a curse! It runs in our blood Stefan... I can't help my feelings
Stefan:I love her Damon,I finally know who I'm going to spend my life with,you can't take that from me again... not now.. not with Maria
Damon:(holds his shoulder) I won't... what do you want me to say? I'm sorry? Because I am,believe me I am...
Stefan sighs and nods
Damon:we good?
Stefan:yeah (sigh) we are

Maria:there you are gorgeous,I was beginning to think tío kidnapped you
Stefan nods and sits down on the chair
Maria:(frowns) what's wrong?
Maria:okay (closes her bag)
Stefan:where are you going?
Maria:to get a drink....
Stefan:Maria wait...
She ignores him and heads for the door
Stefan:He told me
Maria stops but doesn't turn
Stefan:I kind of knew but I needed him to admit it...
Maria:why?... Stefan I've told you that I love you and only you... It's been you for 122 years what more do you want??
Stefan:(holds her) nothing.. I have you and that's all I want (kisses her) I'm sorry
Maria:you're lucky I love you (pouts) you should stop being so mean...
Stefan:or else what...
Maria:I'll have to punish you!
She laugh and he picks her up
Maria:put me down?
Stefan:(spanks her) and if I don't?
Maria:Stefan?! Stop! (Laughs)
Stefan:shhhhh (taps his ears and then points down) agent Rossi is gonna arrest me..
Maria:I could always borrow those handcuffs
Stefan:I like that idea...
Maria:is that ripper Stefan talking? (Teases him)
Stefan:I could easily demonstrate what he's capable of...
Maria:(nods) I like him a lot (bites lip) but of course I love my cuddly bear more
Stefan:cuddly bear? (Laughs and his veins show) I think ripper Stefan misses you... (Shows his fangs)
Maria:(throws him off her and vamps on top of him) is that so?
Stefan laughs and holds her hands up

Dave:I'm really gonna miss you,it was good having you over.. 4 years (holds her hands) you still look so beautiful
Maria:(lays on his shoulder) I promise I'll visit often,I call or text everyday and I'll fly out whenever I can
Dave:all of you,I miss Isaiah and Becca so much...
Maria:they miss you too...a lot.. Isaiah is dating Stefan and Damon's niece Victoria
Dave:(holds her hand) I'm guessing Becca and Kol are together...
Maria:(laughs) yeah and Eduardo... he finally
Dave:we all knew (laughs)
Maria:oh tío I really missed you.. How's Gideon,I miss him a lot
Dave:Ahhhh Gideon.... he died baby
Maria goes quite for a while
Dave:murdered.. the case we worked on years ago,the unsub got to him before we knew it..
Maria:why didn't you tell me? (Tearing up)
Dave:I'm sorry,how was I gonna tell you on the phone? (Wipes her tears) and I couldn't tell you at my ex wife's funeral
Maria:(looks at him and sighs) I'm sorry....
Dave hugs her and kisses her forehead
Dave:just promise me one thing...
Dave:look after yourself... for me
Maria:always... (Holds his hand) for you...

Damon:I love you....
Elena:(smiles) I love you... (Lays on the bed) excited to get home?
Damon:yeah I guess,I like Dave
Elena:Maria loves being here too.. We can visit again
Damon:yeah definitely
Stefan:(walking in) he's a really smart man,his bond with Maria is special
Elena:he's the only human uncle she has that accepted her and she's been with him his whole life
Stefan:She just found out his best friend died years ago,she knew him...
Elena:Jason Gideon?
Stefan nods
Elena:oh my gosh.... I had no idea...
Stefan:she's thinking of bringing him back....
Stefan:she's already told Bonnie
Damon:isn't that dangerous?
Stefan:I don't know.... She's made up her mind

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