New case?

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Maria's phone rings
Maria:Hello tio
Dave:Hello sweetheart how are you?
Maria:some days are better than others,what about you?
Dave:I'm fine,I need my vampire niece .. Well the BAU needs you
Maria:what do you mean?
Dave:I know you're in college but this could be good for you,we could use the extra hands
Maria:Tio I know nothing about this,I'm only studying right now
Dave:please... We need fresh eyes
Maria:(sigh) when do you need me?
Dave:sooner than later
Maria:we'll be there
Maria:you said fresh eyes right
Maria:I'll see you soon

Maria:yes,I think he's trying to train me.. I told him I'm bringing someone along
Maria:you peaches...
Elena:wait what?
Maria:please,I'm freaking out.. I'm 163 and I'm scared
Elena:(laughs) I'll go with you
Maria laughs and hugs her

Alaric:Quantico? Maria this is crazy
Maria:I know Ric but he wouldn't call me if it wasn't important,I said this is what I want to do,let me help my uncle
Damon:how are you related?
Maria:He's my mothers first cousin,long story short he's my uncle and he needs my help
Elena:and I'll be with her the whole time,this could be an experience for both of us
Alaric:(sigh) okay fine,I'll make some calls
Maria:thank you..
Stefan:I'm going too...
Damon:yeah that's the only way you're going
Maria:Damon I don't need babysitters,I'm old enough to handle whatever it is..
Stefan:even dead bodies?
Maria:even dead bodies...
Damon:what if it's children?
Maria doesn't answer
Damon:we're going with you
Maria:fine! (Holds her hands up as if she surrenders) just stay out of the way
Stefan:we will..(holds her) I just need to know you're safe
Maria looks at Elena
Alaric:you leave tonight at 7:45 pm
Maria:okay let me call him and let him know
Elena:does Isaiah know?
Maria:yes,my tio called him first
Elena nods and goes into Damon's room

Isaiah:I can't believe this (opens textbook)
Joe:believe what?
Isaiah:this is all wrong...
Victoria:what do you mean?
Eduardo:the 1800's... this textbook makes it seem like the people back then were weak and cowards
Joe:oh they weren't? (Teases)
Isaiah:no... let me tell you,I had this friend,Bobby Jones
Eduardo:(laughs) I remember that boy...
Victoria and Joe look at each other
Isaiah:he was so smart,he wanted to be a doctor
Eduardo:it's 2016,boys dead now
They laugh
Victoria:was he ever a doctor?
Isaiah:no,his daddy was a tyrant,I enjoyed killing that man
Victoria:you killed your friends dad?!!!?
Eduardo:keep your voice down Vicky! jeez
Victoria:sorry.. you killed your friends dad?! (Whispers)
Isaiah:I did,he ruined Roberts life Victoria,he made that boy suffer,worse than the people back then were already suffering (gets a pen) he almost killed Bobby
Joe:so what happened to him?
Eduardo:he studied,worked hard.. looked after his family.. he did everything he was supposed to do
Isaiah:took on responsibilities he shouldn't have,he was an honest person and then one day...
Eduardo:His father decided to play a game
Victoria:a game?
Isaiah:he made Bobby and his sisters run the woods and he'd chase after them
Victoria:I feel like there's a catch..
Eduardo nods
Isaiah:he was a hunter,and when he got tired of hunting bears and shit
Eduardo:he started hunting people..
Joe:he killed his own children?! Flesh and blood?!!
Isaiah:oh he did a while lot worse...
Eduardo:he raped his daughters more often than usual,he beat Bobby
Isaiah:but none of them ever complained,see they had God and had so much faith.. They made everyone else smile and believe
Eduardo:when they died,it made Maria look a life differently,it's part of why she wants to work for the FBI and help
Joe:was he ever caught?
Isaiah:no,he had a body count of 367 and the judge and "police force" looked the other way
Joe:what the hell?! Why?
Eduardo:200 of those 367 were African Americans and because racism was so bad,they didn't care to bring justice for those people
Isaiah:and I'm aware that two wrongs don't make a right but I made sure he suffered
Victoria nods and looks at Joe
Joe hugs Isaiah and Eduardo
The rest of the class start to walk in because the bell rings
Joe:can you tell us more later?
Eduardo looks at Isaiah
Isaiah:sure,we have enough time..
Eduardo:Maria is going to Quantico,she got a call from their uncle
Victoria:the one that works for the BAU?
Isaiah smiles proudly and nods
Joe:good for her!

Caroline:I'm gonna miss you
Maria:(laughs) it's only for a few days I think
Tyler:yeah? but what if you really enjoy it that you decide to stay?
Maria:there's nothing fun about finding serial killers yeah...
Matt:you know what we mean....
Maria:(smiles and looks at Stefan) even if I do,this is my home....
Elena:we'll support your decisions..this has always been your dream
Maria nods and smiles
Elena:and I'll be there to drag her back home!
Bonnie:what if you both do? Maria you have abilities no other vampire has.. your moms a witch well a hybrid
Matt:what are you talking about?
Bonnie:Maria,Isaiah and Becca have certain gifts.. Maria can see into someone's past and and she can feel negative energy..she has others we haven't figured out yet
Tyler:let's not forget her cool fire ability
Maria smiles
Elena:you're gonna do fine,I'll be right with you the whole time
Maria nods and looks at Stefan again
Stefan:you'll do great...
Elena:it's Damon's fault
Maria swallows
Stefan:(holds Maria's) Damon thought by telling her there might be children's bodies it would make her agree to letting us go too
Matt:I'm guessing it worked but now she's worried
Elena nods
Matt:hey..(holds Maria's hands) you'll be fine,we are all literally one call away,I promise
Tyler:I know you've got me on speed dial
They all laugh
Bonnie:there's my girl
Maria smiles and holds Stefan's hand

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