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Maria:I received the guest list and apparently Carla gave the names for the seating arrangements because the Mayor is her father
Hayley:so what's the problem?
Maria:oh,there's no problem love...
Becca:other than the fact that they put Victoria and Isaiah next to each other
Hayley:they are a date for this event
Becca:hmmm Charity events are such a bore,why can't we just donate and move on?
Maria:because we are part of the founders of New Orleans,we have to show our faces(sigh) this is going to be a very busy week yeah
Becca:aren't you free tomorrow?
Maria:I wish! Actually dear,I'm helping the Salvatore's go house hunting
Becca:rather you than me (kisses her cheek) let me find my boyfriend and then I can get ready
Maria smiles and closes the door behind Hayley and Becca
Joshua:Joshua go!
Maria:yes love,you're coming too
Piper:he looks so adorable!
Maria:he does! and you look stunning my little peach! I missed you both so much
Piper:I'm in love with this dress,I feel like I belong in the 1800's perhaps?
Maria:hmmm if only,maybe you'd be married by now
Piper laughs

Mayor:how lovely to see you again Ms Maria! (Kisses her hand)
Maria:of course,Mr Mayor..
Mayor:the first time we met,I wasn't the Mayor yet (smiles) please do enjoy (walks off)
Kol:if you ask me,I'd say Carla's daddy has a thing for you
Maria:(raises her eyebrow) or maybe he was softening me up to get closer to you sweetheart
Kol:ha ha ha you're hilarious
Maria:I try (winks and Becca and then takes Niklaus' hand)
Klaus:shall we?
Maria:hmm might as well
Stefan:(leans over and whispers) how's the cravings?
Maria:we're in a large room filled with humans,how do you think it is?
Stefan:you'll be fine,you look lovely by the way
Maria smiles as he leans in and kisses her cheek
Klaus holds her hand tighter but doesn't look back at Maria or Stefan and Stefan doesn't notice
Maria rolls her eyes at Klaus

Damon:so many humans...
Elena:behave yourself
Damon:I'm behaved
Katherine:let him have fun,what's the worse that could happen?
Bonnie:are you sure you want to find out?
Katherine:yeah (winks)
Caroline:you forget stuff like that turn her on...
Bonnie:hmmm I'm not surprised
Caroline:I'm surprised she even looks this pretty
Katherine:I can still hear you..
Eduardo holds Caroline tighter against his body
Eduardo:(leans in and kisses her cheek) don't push her,we need to be civilized for one evening yeah?
Caroline nods and smiles up at him
He winks and continues talking to the other guests

Victoria:I'm so glad we have a nanny to look after them
Hayley:yeah (smiles awkwardly)
Elijah:(notices the tension) I'll go get us drinks
Hayley:that actually sounds like a great idea
Isaiah:why don't you go with Elijah (to Victoria)
Victoria:I'll stay,thanks though
Hayley and Isaiah smile awkwardly at each other

Rebekah:I can smell the tension
Enzo:oh we need it,this party is boring (waving at a man carrying champagne)
Jeremy:I have to say,I'm agreeing with Enzo
Becca:honestly,he should just ask Hayley to dance!
Jeremy:but he came here with his girlfriend aka the mother of his children Becs!
Enzo:nonsense! It's just a dance.. look (points to Stefan) he's dancing with Elena
Jeremy:yeah but there's no sexual tension between them
Becca:yes there is! Stelena will always have chemistry
Jeremy:yeah you're not helping
Becca:sorry love but I'm just being honest here mate,Hayley and Isaiah have a lot of chemistry too
Enzo:Poor Victoria
Rebekah:poor Victoria? We're not blind yeah
Kol:(hands Becca a drink) yeah,we can totally see her checking you out too!
Rebekah:don't inflate his ego even more brother (walks off to dance with Marcel)
Becca:Tyler totally has sexual energy for Maria,I can sense it
Tyler:what!? Becca are you drunk?
Becca:a little (laughs) but I'm fine actually
Jeremy:and she's right! You do
Tyler:yeah well... she's...
Enzo:we know,she's hot
Tyler:see he gets it
Jeremy:yes but he's also flirting with every female here
Enzo:only the good looking ones mate
Tyler:he has a point.. we're single so why not mingle?
Enzo winks at Victoria and Hayley raises her eyebrow at him and then he winks at her too
Jeremy:I'll never understand you
Becca:don't even try to figure him out,Bonnie couldn't
Enzo:ouch Rebecca! You know you really hurt my feelings although I'd say you might actually like me (smirks)
Jeremy laughs
Becca:ewww no,you wish mate!
Kol:back off,it'll take me less than a minute to take your head clean off and I won't even mess my tux yeah...
Enzo laughs

Matt:I'm glad you're having a good time
Carla:I'm just glad you're here
Matt smiles and kisses her forehead
Carla:I'm not 12...(kisses him)
Matt:woah... okay...
Carla laughs
He leans down and kisses her again
Carla:that's better
He smirks

Damon:here (hands Maria a glass) this will help
Maria:is this blood?
Maria:Damon I can't drink this...
Damon:yes you can.. I know you need it more than I do right now
Maria:I don't know...
Maria:(sigh) okay!
She drinks it
She nods and smiles at him
Damon:told you (kisses her cheek) now chin up.. this party is only getting started
Maria laughs and shakes her head

Piper:I love your dress
Hope:thanks,I love yours too..
Piper:thank you love (hugs her) let's go have a bite to eat
Hope:as long as it's not squirrel!
Piper:(laughs) no,it's actually pasta,well that's what I'm going for
Hope:hmmm say no more!

Katherine:it's not so bad after all
Elena:you look bored
Katherine:I am but I'm handling it
Elena:(laughs) I found the Mayor's secret bourbon stash,more like Klaus compelled him to tell us
Katherine:(laughs) thanks
Elena:you're welcome... cheers doppelgänger!
Katherine:(laughs) cheers

Maria:they're finally getting along!
Caroline:see good things do happen
Maria:I know.. listen Care.. I'm really proud of how you're handling Tyler being back
Caroline:it's not easy but that's why I have all of you
Maria smiles and hugs her
Maria:you look beautiful Care
Caroline:(lays on her shoulder) thanks,so do you
Maria smiles
Elena:she's actually wearing pink
Caroline laughs
Maria:(laughs) whatever yeah!
Elena hands them both a glass each
Maria:hmmm nothing like bourbon to soothe away the pain
Caroline:Amen to that!
Elena:amen sister! How are you feeling?
Maria:I'll be alright love (sips the bourbon)

Klaus:(kisses Maria) you really do look breathtaking
Maria smiles and hugs him tightly
Klaus:(kisses her head) you're a little tipsy love
Elijah:how much did you have to drink?
Maria:only a little... this wasn't so bad I guess.. I have to get Piper and Joshua home because I need to be up to help Damon and Stefan tomorrow
Klaus:and we have a meeting with the counsel
Elijah:and you have to be there too dear (leans down and kisses her forehead)
Maria:don't remind me Eli
Klaus laughs and sways,holding her to the beat
Maria:hmmm this is nice (sigh) I wish it could always be this calm
Elijah:we all do sweetheart
Maria smiles and lays her head against Niklaus' chest

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