It's okay if you're not okay

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Caroline:is everything okay?
Maria:yes I'm fine (pouring more bourbon into a glass)
Caroline:that's like your 5th glass and it's 10:45 in the morning
Maria:hey! Who's counting? Want some?
Caroline:no thanks.... Maria you're not okay...
Maria:yes I am (sits down on the floor by the fire place)
Maria:what Caroline?!
Caroline:(steps back) I'm sorry
Maria:(sigh) no.. I'm sorry
Caroline:talk to me (sits next to her)
Maria:I don't know... I feel like everything is supposed to be okay but it's not... (shrugs) it scares me because whatever humanity I have left isn't even enough anymore... whenever they say "turn it off!" I don't even flinch or second guess it anymore.. it's almost like I'm better off without it
Caroline:you've been through a lot and we all have so I can totally see where you're coming from but you're stronger than that
Maria:I don't feel strong Care...
Caroline:(sigh) it's okay to have off days (hugs her)
Maria smiles and lays her head on Caroline's lap
Caroline:I'll take this (takes the glass away from her) you've had enough
Maria laughs

Stefan:What do you want me to say?!
Damon:I don't know but stop being a dick!
Stefan:I don't even know what I did?!
Damon:you are not over Maria and I wish you'd stop pretending that you are!
Stefan:I didn't say I don't love her anymore
Damon:but you're walking around with this demon bitch and acting like everything is fine when it's not
Stefan:you're one to talk!
Elena:(walking in) what's with all the noise?
Stefan walks off to continue packing the car
Damon:don't worry about it... (sigh) are you ready for New Orleans?
Elena:ready as I'll ever be... you two cannot fight right now.. Maria is waiting for us in New Orleans to go house hunting and the last thing we need is awkwardness!
Damon:so much for that idea
Elena rolls her eyes and picks the last bag up
Elena:Isaiah is so sweet for letting us use his car
Damon smiles

Katherine:I could just stay with you...
Maria:what? I thought you wanted to stay with the Salvatore's?
Katherine:I don't know...
Maria:look.. there's always room for you here,you know that...
Katherine:(smiles) I know
Elena:I just want to go back to college and live a normal life...
Maria:I am so over college I have kids now
Elena:so? You're still young in theory
They laugh
Maria:thanks love
Katherine:college is so overrated!
Elena:come on! please please
Maria:(rolls her eyes) I'll go back on 2 conditions
Elena:I'll do anything
Maria:hmmm okay 1.Katherine has to come along to
Katherine:excuse me?! No way!
Maria:and you both have to pretend to be related
Elena:we technically are
Maria:I mean pretend to be sisters
Maria eyes her
Katherine:fine but I'm keeping my own surname
Elena:same here
Maria:we'll make something up (sips her coffee) I think this is the one Damon
Damon:I agree
Stefan:so do I.... Elena?
Elena:(smiles) it's perfect and I can escape to Maria's anytime because it's 10 minutes away
They laugh
Agent:I'll get the papers

 Elena? Elena:(smiles) it's perfect and I can escape to Maria's anytime because it's 10 minutes away They laugh Agent:I'll get the papers

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