Mr Stevenson

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Natasha:so Isaiah's birthday is on the 26th of November?
Maria:yes it is
Natasha:have anything planned?
Maria:yes I do but I'm leaving you in charge of finding out exactly what he wants without giving too much away
Natasha:he's about to be 995,I think he knows when we're up to something
Maria:and that is why you're going to distract him yeah,trust me.. I'm good at this stuff
Natasha:okay,I'll help
Natasha laughs
Maria:so you like Tyler?
Natasha blushes and nods
Maria:go for it love
Natasha:are you sure?
Maria:of course,you're beautiful,trust me
Natasha:okay! I will,thank you Alex
She hugs her and Maria smiles

Stefan's journal -
I wake up in the morning and she's the first thing on my mind,I lay in there dark and my mind wonders off with thoughts of her
I'm starting to question my own sanity
I see her face everywhere even when she's not there
Blood can no longer quench my needs

Maria's journal-a poem-
Take my life force if it means I can no longer fight for what is just
He's the only thing I ever see
I cannot breathe,when he's gone
There is nothing that could fill this void
I cannot breathe
My life is meaningless and it feels like I've lost everything
I cannot breathe

Victoria:she's been very distant lately
Bonnie:she has a lot on her mind
Victoria:we're supposed to be there for her
Caroline:and we are but we need to respect her wishes,Maria will come around
Victoria:it's just not normal...
Bonnie:Klaus needed her help,she's been busy
Victoria:Elena says Alex might leave school and just help Klaus out and do something else
Bonnie:whatever she decides to do,we will be there
Caroline:and respect her choices
Victoria sighs

Tyler:Natasha is cool I guess
Jeremy:you guess?
Tyler:we haven't hit it off yet
Matt:yet...there's still hope
Tyler:(laughs) yes there is,I just need to get to know her
Matt:what happened to smash first ask questions never?
They laugh
Tyler:that's not me anymore
Eduardo:that's good...
Jeremy:would you be agreeing if you weren't with Caroline?
Eduardo:probably not
They laugh

Isaiah:Hi? Really? What are we? Teenage girls on their period yeah?
Damon:(laughs) don't mind Stef,he just drank Jimmy's blood
Damon:Jimmy the squirrel
They laugh
Stefan:you're hilarious
Damon:aren't I?
Isaiah:(laughs) ignore him Stefan
Stefan:I do,often
Isaiah:I got something on Mr Stevenson
Stefan looks up from his book and closes it
Isaiah:he definitely knows about us and he tried convincing the principal too
Stefan:did he buy it?
Isaiah:not even a little
Damon:which means he's not on vervain
Isaiah shakes his head
Damon:I think we better pay your principal a little visit
Isaiah:lay low,Stevenson is onto us yeah
Stefan:hmm I'm pretty sure we can handle him
Damon:not if he darts us with vervain tranquilizers or stakes us
Isaiah:I'll handle Stevenson,he can't exactly stake me
Stefan:what do we do about the principal?
Damon:turn him
Isaiah:what?! No way mate
Stefan:how about we just compel him
Damon:fine but I might get tempted to kill him
Isaiah:you two deal with Stevenson then... Maria can help
Stefan shrugs
Isaiah and Damon look at each other
Damon:sounds good to me
Stefan nods

Mr Stevenson:Ms Vatori! What can I do for you my dear?
Maria:well actually,I was looking into some ancient history of the town and I was wondering if you could help me?
Mr Stevenson:that's what I'm here for
Maria:but it's not normal stuff yeah
Mr Stevenson:oh?
Maria:it's about vampires
Mr Stevenson goes quiet for a while
Maria:you know what,maybe this wasn't a good idea,I'm sorry to waste your time sir
Mr Stevenson:no wait... I might know a few things,come let me have a look
Maria:really? Oh my gosh! Thank you so much (kisses his cheek)
He closes his office door and she sits opposite him
Mr Stevenson smiles and looks through the files

Elena:okay,she's in
Stefan:are we sure about this?
Elena:yes,Maria can handle herself Stef
Stefan nods and she hugs him
Elena:don't worry about it

Isaiah:Mr Lee,a word please?
Principal:please come in Mr Vatori,what can I help you with?
Isaiah:I actually wanted to *compels* tell you that vampires don't exist and that you will not allow Mr Stevenson access to your personal student files
Principal:I will not allow Mr Stevenson any access
Isaiah:you may continue as normal
Principal:Mr Vatori! What's up?
Isaiah:just here to discuss my grades
Principal:have a seat

Damon:that's good,Maria will gain his trust and then slowly get him off vervain
Katherine:I'm pretty sure he's part of some council
Eduardo:that's why Alex will help
Elijah:once he trusts her,he'll tell her everything
Klaus:and that's when we'll take action
Rebekah:we're not killing anyone
Marcel:not if we don't need to
Rebekah:that's convincing

Vampire Diaries (with a twist) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now