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Joshua:goodnight mummy
Maria:(kisses his cheeks) goodnight sweetheart,I love you
Joshua:I love you
She turns the light in his room off and closes the door a little
Piper:I love you
Maria:I love you too (kisses her forehead) goodnight love
Piper smiles and goes to her room

Maria lays quietly in the dark,the sound of the rain outside is soothing and for the first time in a long while she feels peaceful and calm
There's a knock on her bedroom door and then it slowly opens

Maria:Stef...don't turn the light on
Stefan:how did you know it was me?
Maria:I just did
Stefan:laying in the dark?
Maria:this is my favorite place to be
Stefan lays next to her and looks up at the ceiling though it's dark
Maria:what are you thinking about?
Stefan:A lot of things,mainly this amazing woman I know,I can't seem to get her out my head and believe me I've tried,she's just...
Maria:what is she like? (Looks at him)
Stefan:she's beautiful but that beauty comes with its fair share of danger and pain
Maria:she sounds interesting (looks back up and closes her eyes)
Stefan:interesting doesn't begin to describe her... she makes me feel at home,no matter where we are.. I think she has me underneath a spell
Maria:she's very lucky
Stefan:how so?
Maria:She has you....
Stefan:but I don't have her...
Maria:how does she make you feel?
Stefan:that feeling is indescribable
Maria smiles but doesn't open her eyes
Stefan:I love her and whenever she's in my arms (closes his eyes) I feel....alive...
Maria:and what's her name love?
Stefan:Aleksandrina Maria Petrova-Vatori
Maria smiles and takes his hand
After a few moments of silence
Maria:she loves you too in fact she can't imagine the day she won't
He lifts her hand up and kisses it
They lay together,quietly in the dark,listening to the sound of the rain

Maria's POV
this is my happy place....

Stefan's POV
this is my home....

Natasha:okay,I've completed my essay,can I go to bed?
Damon:(checks it) hmmm (raises his eyebrow) sure
She laughs and walks off to her room
Damon:Thanks for letting her stay here,our house is big enough but the room isn't ready yet
Bonnie:of course,take all the time you need
Elena:it should be ready by tomorrow...
Bonnie:is Victoria still staying at Maria's place?
Elena:No.... she's back home but she's not sharing a room with Isaiah at the moment
Jeremy:those two are complicated
Damon nods
Bonnie:anyway... how many rooms is your house? I haven't seen it yet
Elena:housewarming party soon... it's 6
Jeremy:and Maria's place is 7 not including the downstairs room she converted into a study
Damon:yeah it's weird because only 3 people stay there and Joshua is barely a person
They laugh
Bonnie:she says the extra rooms are for us if we need to stay there
Damon:that's why ours is big
Jeremy:that and because you wanted a big house
Damon:true.... but hey in my defense the Vatori home is 15 bedrooms and 6 of them aren't even done up,it's empty and Maria refuses to let anyone use her old bedroom
They laugh
Elena:it is her childhood bedroom,that's fair
Damon:I know I was just pleading my case babe
They laugh again and Elena and Bonnie shake their heads

Katherine:I guess starting over this time isn't so bad after all
Elijah:because you're not alone this time
Katherine:yes and this time I can be myself....
Elijah smiles at her
Katherine:thanks for the drinks,I'll see you tomorrow Elijah
Elijah:goodnight Katherine (kisses her forehead)

Damon:Well Hello brother
Stefan:Hello Damon
Damon:so are you and Maria back together?
Damon:but you love each other
Stefan:Yes but it's not that simple
Stefan:She loves Niklaus too Damon,I won't force her to choose..she's happy where she is and seeing her happy is good enough for me and I'm happy too
Damon smiles and sips his drink
Damon:at least you're not turning into the ripper dude again
Stefan:(laughs) I don't think I need to... at least not now (winks)
Damon:ha ha ha

Isaiah kisses the twins on their foreheads and goes off to the lounge

Isaiah:please mate (sits in front of the fire place)
Eduardo:Today wasn't so bad I guess (gives him the glass)
Isaiah:thanks..I guess so
Victoria:I'm going to bed,ahh goodnight
Eduardo:goodnight Vick...
She nods and walks off to her room
Eduardo:still awkward?
Isaiah:(sigh) I'll manage,I want my children here and I won't force her to leave
Eduardo:(smiles) it's very mature of you..
Isaiah:I am over 900 you know
They laugh
Caroline:(walking in) are you boys okay?
Isaiah:(smiles) yes Care,thanks
Caroline:(kisses Eduardo) goodnight
Isaiah:goodnight love
Eduardo:I'll be up later babe
Caroline:I love you
Eduardo:I love you too
Caroline kisses Isaiah's cheek and walks off to Eduardo's room
Isaiah:she's pretty cool yeah
Eduardo:I know,here's to the future mate! (Raises his glass)
Isaiah:amen brother!

**Phone call**
Klaus:How was your first day,I'm sorry I didn't come see you after...
Maria:It was fine.. it's okay Niklaus,I know how busy you are
Klaus:you don't sound okay.. what's wrong?
Maria:I'm not sure...
Klaus:how's the bloodlust?
Maria:There's only so many blood bags one can drink before it's not enough yeah...
Klaus:I'm sorry love,it'll get better...are you in your room?
Maria:yes I am actually
Klaus:get some rest love,I'll come by tomorrow
Maria:I have classes tomorrow love
Klaus:after then...
Maria:okay .. goodnight Niklaus
Klaus:goodnight love
Maria smiles and hangs up

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