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Bonnie:we can't keep meeting up like this... it's so
Bonnie:yes,exactly.. it's wrong...
Enzo:Bonnie it's only wrong if you have other intentions... I enjoy your company but I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable love (gets up)
Bonnie:(sigh) no.. I'm sorry.. You're right,I'm overreacting.. please sit down
Enzo:that's better.. so tell me,how's little Gilbert?
Bonnie:she's amazing (smiles) growing too fast...
Enzo:children (smiles) you can only wish they stay as pure and innocent for as long as god will allow
Bonnie:if there was a spell to keep her young forever I would
Enzo:she could always turn into a vampire...
Bonnie:that is not what I meant at all
Enzo laughs and she shakes her head

Maria:I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I went out by myself because it's normal yeah and that Silas just happened to be at the same bar because again he's a grown man who is allowed to do as he wishes
Stefan:you sound a little angry...
Maria:because I am! I don't see why you and Niklaus always find the worst in people
Stefan:I know how he can be
Maria:yes I know that!
Stefan:he's a bad person and I care about you
Maria:Stefan I know how bad be can be.. but underneath all of that evil and darkness,there is a psychopath with a heart who just wants to be loved
Stefan:Maria are you even listening to yourself right now?
Maria:are you? Because I know how bad Damon can get.. I know how bad Niklaus can get in fact I know how the ripper Stefan is... I love Niklaus just the way he is because he's allowed to be imperfect! I love you the way you are because that's who you are Stef..
Stefan:you're right.. (holds her shoulders) and I'm sorry... (kisses her forehead) I really am....
Klaus:(walking in) I'm not,I don't trust him and that's it
Maria:whatever (walks away)
Klaus:don't walk away from me woman!
Maria:bite me!
Klaus:oh I'd love to!
Stefan:that's one crazy hybrid...
Klaus:but I love that about her
Stefan smiles and nods
Klaus:a drink?

Silas:I'm not sure I want to come anymore,I don't think I can handle the awkwardness of the Mikaelson's and my shadow self
Maria:you should seriously stop calling Stefan that love,that's probably why nobody likes you (sips her drink)
Silas:true but you like me
Maria:(raises her eyebrow) even that's not 100% accurate mate
Silas:you wound me
Maria laughs and shakes her head
Silas:he's still crazy about you...
Maria:excuse me?
Maria:oh (clears throat) so ah.. Do you want to order now? (Looking around for the waiter) waiter!
Silas:very smooth...
Maria:I'm thinking about getting pizza with a lot of avocado yeah...
Silas:(smirks) sounds good....
Maria looks up at him and then back at the menu
He smirks

Damon:Why don't you just go to New Orleans?
Katherine:I don't want to be in the same house as the hybrid who tried to kill me on numerous occasions
Elena:I wish he would've succeeded all those times (sips her coffee)
Katherine:hmmm aren't we feisty this morning,you should be happy,we're having such beautiful weather
Damon:I have to leave you two for a while
Elena:what? No...
Katherine:sure,I can't guarantee she'll be alive when you return
Elena:I'm going to kill her
Damon:would you both just relax? Seriously (walks out)
Katherine:what do you want to do?
Elena:get as far away as possible from you
Katherine:oh don't be like that...
Elena:I'm going out for a while
Katherine:where to?
Elena:out with Bonnie... I don't know,I'm just going to be with Bon
Katherine:fine,I'll come to
Elena:wait seriously?
Elena:(rolls her eyes) fine,but I'm driving
Katherine:I wanna drive!
Elena:it's my car....
Katherine:whatever,let's go...
Elena:close the door behind you
Katherine:yes mother

Bonnie:is this a joke?
Elena:no,she wanted to come
Bonnie:so you brought her?
Katherine:yes,she secretly likes me too Bonnie
Bonnie:whatever,let's go...
Katherine:let's get drunk!
Elena:that doesn't sound like a bad idea...
Bonnie:I agree....

Matt:(sips drink) I've given up on love and everything to do with that...
Jeremy:because of one girl?
Matt:no because of many girls.... your sister... Caroline... the list goes on
Tyler:can't be as bad as me...
Jeremy:hey Caroline waited...
Matt:yeah I don't think that's the same thing Ty
Tyler:so what,Matt gets sympathy and I don't?
Jeremy:sorry bro...
Tyler:don't be,you're worse
Jeremy:I'm perfectly fine,I'm married and I have a daughter
Matt:(cough) Lorenzo (cough)
Tyler and Matt laugh
Jeremy:you're a dick,explains your terrible streak with girls
Tyler:(laughs) ouch....
Jeremy:look,I trust her.. At the end of the day..that's what it comes down to..trust...
Tyler:it's Enzo you should be worried about...
Jeremy:I can handle him....

Alaric:you've been MIA for the past few days,I thought we were best friends (laughs)
Damon:you try and deal with Elena and Katherine
Alaric:no thank you.. I'll pass
Damon:yeah,Stefan is on another suicide mission and I'm stuck babysitting
Alaric:he's not on a suicide mission... he's visiting someone he considers a best friend
Damon:I just don't want him to get hurt
Alaric:I get he's your little brother but he is a grown man and he knows what he's doing... Maria would never hurt him...
Damon:Klaus would...
Alaric:Maria won't let that happen
Damon:I know,sometimes I worry Klaus is a psycho and he can easily turn that switch back on
Alaric:you need to relax...
Damon:I need bourbon....
Alaric:I couldn't agree more
Damon:barman! Two bourbons on the rocks please
Barman:coming up!

Katherine:Enzo is hot though,you're crazy
Bonnie:I am married and I love my husband
Katherine:it's possible to love two men,just ask Elena
Bonnie:I am not you Katherine,I don't like playing with the emotions of the people I care about
Elena:ignore her Bon
Katherine:you love Jeremy but you're still drawn to Enzo.. just admit it..
Katherine:no wait,I'm not trying to cause any problems.. You can lie to us but you can't fool yourself
Elena:I think she has a point...
Bonnie:am I drunk?
Elena:you only drank juice
Bonnie:(sigh) I'll figure this out
Katherine:I think you need a drink
Elena:I need one too!

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