Vervain or bourbon?

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Elena laughs and shakes her head
Damon:I need it
Stefan:I do to!
Elena:I understand

Caroline:oh my god! Would you two just kiss and make up already!?
Victoria looks at Isaiah and he laughs
Victoria:it would help if you leave us alone to talk
Isaiah:that's true...
Caroline laughs and leaves
Isaiah grabs her and kisses her
he laughs and kisses her again

Klaus:so you and Stefan?
Maria:(looks up from her text book) what?
Klaus:oh... are you okay?
Maria:yes I am (closes book) are you?
Klaus:I'll get there (smiles) what are you studying love?
Maria:occult studies
Maria:(laughs) something's bothering you
Klaus:how can you tell?
Maria raises her eyebrow
Klaus:(sigh) nothing you have to worry about sweetheart (moves the hair out her face) you just keep being you (kisses her forehead)
Maria rolls her eyes and hugs him

Natasha:you called?
Tyler:hello to you too
Natasha:(laughs) sorry.. hi...
Tyler:what's wrong?
Natasha:a lot of  work... school work...
Tyler:I'm at the same college,what's your excuse?
Natasha:I'm a vampire I don't see why Damon is forcing me to come here!
Tyler:so you're out of his way and I'm a hybrid so lame excuse babe
They laugh

Matt:I hate his classes
Jeremy:(laughs) you could always get a job
Matt:no thanks
Eduardo:(laughs) then stop complaining yeah
Matt:he looks like he's onto us
Eduardo rolls his eyes
Isaiah:what's the worst that could happen?
Matt:I don't know Isaiah maybe he could stake us and then I'll die
They laugh
Jeremy:you're overreacting Matt
Matt:am I?! (Walks away)

Maria:Matt wait....
Matt:what is it?
Maria:no one is going to die and I promise I won't let anything happen to you
Matt:yeah? Who's protecting you during all this? What about you Maria!?
Maria:Matt calm down....
Matt:don't tell me to calm down okay?
Maria nods
Matt:if anything happens to you,I'll never forgive myself,you don't get it.. Elena is a vampire because of me,I can't live with that so if anything had to happen to you...(shakes his head) I can't....
Maria hugs him

Mr Stevenson:Hi?
Damon:I'm Damon Salvatore...(puts out his hand)
Mr Stevenson:(shakes his hand) oh you're Stefan's older brother
Damon:yes I am (smirks)
Mr Stevenson:how can I help you Mr Salvatore?
Damon:actually,I thought I could help you
Mr Stevenson:With?
Damon:you're heading down a dangerous road and I'm not sure who'll end up alive at the or a bunch of blood thirsty vampires
Mr Stevenson:what? I don't know what you're talking about
Damon:(veins start to show underneath his eyes) I think you know what I'm talking about
Mr Stevenson steps back and bumps into Maria
Mr Stevenson:Maria?
Mr Stevenson:You? (She nods) You drank the vervain
Maria:hmmm true but I personally prefer bourbon (grabs his arm)
Mr Stevenson:you didn't even flinch...I don't get it
Damon:my good friend here is an original vampire witch turned hybrid so she's actually 3 things (looks at Maria) that's actually impressive
Maria:thank you love
Mr Stevenson:I'll expose you... I...(tries to run)
Maria:uh-uh-uh (grabs him) sit
Mr Stevenson:you can't compel me,I'm on vervain
Maria:who said anything about compelling you?
Mr Stevenson:are you going to kill me?
Damon:that's a thought
Maria:Damon.... (raises her eyebrow)
Damon:but... we'll be nice this time
Mr Stevenson:I... what are you going to do?
Maria:we are going for a little walk (grabs his arm)
Mr Stevenson:I'll cause a scene
Damon:let's see who's'll be dead in 4 seconds before you can even register a full sentence in that tiny little head of yours
Mr Stevenson:(holds Maria) fine...I'll walk with her then
Damon:fine by me..I'm right behind you
Maria nods

Klaus:you're keeping him locked up?
Stefan:yes just until he's off the vervain
Becca:he'll die
Stefan:we'll feed him regularly
Klaus:what if he has people looking for him?
Elijah:you've brought the danger to your home now
Stefan:he's only made alliances with Maria and the principal
Damon:I've already dealt with him
Becca:dealt with him?
Damon nods
Rebekah:you killed him?
Damon:I wish
Becca rolls her eyes
Elijah:no,we just compelled him
Klaus:I want this over before my children are harmed because I'll kill anything with legs and a brain! (Walks away)
Damon:Someone isn't getting laid
Natasha:seriously Damon? (Shakes her head)
Natasha:you're disgusting
Becca laughs
Rebekah:my brother getting laid isn't something I wanted to think about yeah!
Damon laughs

Elena:how is Matt?
Bonnie:he's asleep I think,Maria gave him a shot of something,he needed to relax
Caroline:(laughs) I need a shot of something
Bonnie:maybe vervain?
Caroline:ha ha
Elena laughs
Caroline shakes her head and laughs

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