South Virginia

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Crime Scene
Spencer:Hi,I'm Dr Spencer Reid,this is Maria Vatori and Elena Gilbert (shakes his hand)
The detective leads them to the bodies found and there's a lot of blood
Elena's veins start to show underneath her eyes
Maria:(holds her) relax.... (Maria looks into her eyes to calm her down) it's okay
Elena nods and wipes her tears away
Spencer:is she okay?
Maria:huh? Oh yeah.. she just gets a little sick around blood
Detective:it's normal (smiles at Elena)
Maria:how old are these girls?(puts the gloves on and lifts up the plastic bag covering the bodies)
She gets a small flashback of what the girls went through
Detective:this one is Shelly Stevenson,she's been missing for 2 weeks,she's 15
Elena:this man is sick! (Looks at the other body and moves the arm to the side) she has bruises
Spencer:none of the other bodies have those
Detective:yes that is Amanda Jane she's been missing for 1 month..
Maria:the longest victim?
Detective:yes ma'am... she's 17
Elena looks at Maria and frowns

Hotch:I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner and this is SSA David Rossi
Captain:Welcome,I've heard a lot about your team,wish we were meeting on a much happier occasion
Dave:we're here to help sir...
Hotch:what can you tell us about the missing girls...
Captain:well all the victims were brunette,the 3 girls missing are
-Sarah Bob
-Ana Stewart
-Kelly Stewart
Hotch:the unsub has a type (looking at the white board)

Isaiah:It's 11:45,why did so many kids take this lunch period?
Victoria:because (sits next to him) it's when you do
Eduardo:That's true (sits opposite them and laughs)
Victoria:you have admirers sweetie...(opens her yogurt)
Isaiah:(rolls his eyes) I'm not interested
Eduardo:not anymore at least
Isaiah:I have Vicky,that's more enough
Victoria:(smiles and shakes her head) flattering me?
Isaiah:I would never (fake gasp)
They laugh

South Virginia
Morgan:Mr and Mrs Bob,I can't begin to understand what you're going through
Prentiss:we are the best at what we do,I promise that we will find the man who has her
Mr:Sarah has asthma,please..
Mrs:she needs her inhaler...
Morgan looks at Prentiss
Prentiss:this can't be easy for you but I need to know if anything different happened leading up to the days that she went missing
Mr:you think this was planned?!
Morgan:sir we just need to know everything,right now we can rule anything out
Mr:no she was the same
Mrs:she made a new friend online
Prentiss looks at Morgan
Mrs:there was a few times he wanted to meet her but Sarah is way to smart
Mr:why didn't you tell me?
Mrs:because I knew you'd freak out
Mr:Ruby this is our 16 year old baby girl!
Morgan:Sir please....
Prentiss:do you think it's possible that she met him?
Mrs:I don't know
Morgan:we're gonna need her computer ma'am
She nods and Morgan calls Garcia
Prentiss:we're gonna find her

Garcia:PG at your service my King
Morgan:baby girl I need your magic
Garcia:what can I do for you?
Morgan:we think all the girls might have met this man online
Garcia:you need me to snoop around dead girls computers and the missing girls?
Morgan:I love you baby girl
Garcia:hmmm you know I love you..I'll call you back! (Hangs up)

Maria:I saw something... I think if I can get closer to those bodies again I can see for sure
Dave:there's no way they'll allow that
Maria:there is one way
Dave:you are not compelling anyone
Maria:tio there's something we're missing,let me help
Maria:there's one way...
Maria:get your team alone...
Dave:that I can do (walks off)
Elena:are you sure about this?
Maria:they're not gonna find these girls alive if I don't do this... I can compel them once it's done
Elena:okay... then I'm helping
Elena:or I'm calling Damon and Stefan
Maria:fine! (Rolls eyes) let's go

Hotch:what's this about?
Maria:close the door please
J.J:did something happen?
Morgan:what's wrong?
Maria:I saw something at that crime scene,well when I touched Shelly Stevenson
Morgan:you saw something when you touched her?
Maria nods
Morgan:are you kidding me?
Prentiss:these girls have less than 15 hours to be found and you "saw something" no offense but you seriously need to stay out the way
Maria:fine....(rolls her eyes)
Dave:Maria don't...
Dave looks at Elena and she nods
Maria's veins start to show and her fangs appear
Prentiss:Oh my God...
Elena does the same thing and Hotch steps back..
Spencer:the blood... Oh my God.. You're...
Maria:I know you've heard stories,right now that's not important,we will not hurt anyone...
Dave:it's okay....
Maria:I want to help you find these girls but I need to see those bodies again
Morgan:this (gestures around) isn't over...
JJ:I have questions
Elena:and we'll answer later.. right now..
Maria:those girls need our help

Spencer:so how old are you?
Spencer:when were born?
Maria:(looks at Elena) 1859
Spencer:and you?
Elena:1996... I was turned
Maria:I was born a vampire..

Maria holds her arm again and closes her eyes
Morgan:is this gonna work? We've been here two days and nothing
The others laugh

Maria:(holds her necklace) Bonnie? I need you honey
Elena:Maria are you sure about this?
Maria:(opens her eyes) she's alive
Hotch:what do you mean?
Maria:(bites her arm and feeds it to Shelly) she's not dead
Spencer:I'm gonna be sick...
Shelly coughs and opens her eyes
Hotch and JJ look at each other
Dave:that's my niece
JJ:can she... bring people back?
Dave shakes his head
Elena:our witch friend can... that's not the point,Maria felt Shelly's pulse
Hotch:we'll call her parents
Shelly:(holds Maria's hand) thank you... Thank you...
Maria smiles and looks at Morgan and Prentiss
Morgan smiles
Prentiss:(smiles) now I'm impressed
Maria:Shelly can you answer a few questions?
Shelly:yes.. you're a vampire?
Maria:(looks into her eyes and compels her) No I'm not,there is no such thing as vampires
Shelly:there is no such thing as vampires
Maria:there is no such thing...
Shelly:no such things...
Morgan:what is she doing?
Spencer:that's real?
Elena nods
JJ:I can officially say I've seen it all... are there others?
Maria:(looks up) yeah
Maria is washing her hands when she hears the Captain and sheriff talking

Sheriff:I thought you took care of the bodies?
Captain:I did..
Sheriff:then why is Shelly alive?
Captain:where are the others?
Sheriff:alive for now.. my old cabin
Captain:I'll take care of Shelly

Maria runs to Hotch
Hotch:Ria what's the problem?
Maria:It's the captain and sheriff
Morgan:what are you talking about?
Elena:Maria what's wrong?
Maria:get the Captain alone,uncle Aaron,the Sheriff has those 3 girls in an old cabin,trust me on this.. it's nearly 3 days and we still have nothing
Spencer:we've given a profile
Elena:and they both were there..

Hotch:Captain can we speak privately?
Maria:Sheriff.. (Looks into his eyes) tell us about that cabin.... (Takes him by the arm into the interrogation room)
Morgan:you got this?
Maria:no (looks at prentiss) I've done my part.. I think you and Emily are better at this thing than me
Morgan smiles and hugs her then goes in
Maria:(turns around) yeah?
Prentiss:(hugs her) thank you....

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