A mile in my shoes

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Isaiah:last night was fun
Victoria:(eating) it really was! How's Alex?
Isaiah:I don't know,she hasn't left her room since we got back last night
Victoria:(sigh) I feel so bad
Isaiah:I know but hey (holds her hand) the best thing we can do for her is give her some space
Victoria:I know but... I think I saw uncle Stefan kissing her back
Victoria:he didn't pull away
Isaiah:you can't tell her,it'll kill her..
Victoria nods and Isaiah looks mad!
Eduardo overheard them and decides he'll tell Maria when they're gone
Maria finally comes out her room to have a glass of water
Victoria:Hi Alex
Maria:Hi Hun...
Isaiah:you don't want something to eat?
Maria shakes her head
Isaiah:Maria you have to eat
Maria:waters fine Isaiah.. (Walks back up the stairs)
Victoria looks at Isaiah and shakes his head indicating that they should let her be

Eduardo:Here have something to eat...
Maria:I'm not hungry
Eduardo:Maria please
Maria:you have no idea what it feels like Eddy... I wanted to trust her so much
Eduardo:he didn't pull away
Eduardo:Stefan he didn't pull away... I overhead Victoria and Isaiah talking,I'm so sorry
Maria doesn't answer
She takes the glass of blood from Eduardo and drinks it fast
Maria:I'm fine!
Eduardo chooses not to argue

Elena:Stefan I know what happened
Damon:what do you mean?
Stefan:Elena don't...
Before they can continue Isaiah vamps inside and holds Stefan up against the bookshelf
Victoria:I tried to stop him
Alaric:what the hell is happening?Isaiah please
Elena:Zay please....
Damon:it wasn't his fault Isaiah!
Victoria shrugs
Isaiah:tell them the truth Stefan!
Isaiah pushes him further up and chokes harder
Elena:Isaiah no! (Pulls him away from Stefan)
Stefan falls down and catches his breath
Damon:will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?
Alaric:yes please
Stefan:I kissed her back
Alaric:you did what?
Damon doesn't say anything
Stefan:I needed to know that what I had for her wasn't real
Isaiah:so you kiss her back on the night my sister aka your girlfriend helped arrange?
Stefan:it was in the moment,it meant nothing I swear
Isaiah:try telling that to Maria
Stefan:you told her?
Victoria:no we didn't uncle Stefan but I think Eduardo heard us talking
Isaiah gets a text from Eduardo

"I'm worried about Maria,she's had 4 glasses of blood and not just the normal kind,fresh human blood from the hospital"

Isaiah:Oh no!
Victoria:what?! What is it?!
Isaiah:(looks at Stefan angrily) I have to go...
Victoria:I'm coming with you
Isaiah:(looks at Damon and Alaric) it's not safe for you
Victoria:safe?! She's my friend Isaiah
Isaiah:somethings wrong,you were right
Elena:Eddy told her
Stefan clenches his jaw
Damon:he should've waited!
Isaiah:it's safer here (hugs her) you're human and the minute you walk in that door,I'll call you
Victoria nods and hugs him tighter

Katherine:Hi Maria,oh my God what the hell?!
Eduardo:don't you dare come here stay back there
Isaiah rushes in the house and sense them down in the basement
Maria:(looks drunk) Hello Katerina
Isaiah:Maria give me that glass
Maria:(shakes her head and laughs) no no no this is my only true friend Isaiah (tries to stand upright but falls on the basement couches) oops
Eduardo:I tried.. She had blood first and now bourbon
Katherine:oh my god Maria I am so sorry (frowns)
Maria:sorry? (Laughs)
Katherine really looks hurt
Katherine:I don't know what I was thinking Maria please
Maria:it's not your fault he kissed you back (looks ahead) Oooh a box (slowly stands up and walks towards the box)
Isaiah:Maria you've had enough to drink now,come let me help you upstairs
Maria sits flat on the ground and crosses her legs
Isaiah leans down next to her and takes the glass away
Maria:(starts crying) why did he do it?
Isaiah:hey don't cry...(wipes her eyes) he said he just needed to know for sure that what he felt for her wasn't real
Katherine:and it wasn't I promise,I compelled them both,he wasn't in love with me
Maria:and he's not in love with me (sniffs)
Eduardo:Isaiah what should I do?
Isaiah:get a glass of water (carries Maria up the stairs) I'll deal with you later (to Katherine)
Katherine:I am really sorry

Caroline:I'm so happy last night was a success
Mrs Lockwood:thank you so much,you girls raised $1.4 million for this town
Tyler:Woah! That's impressive
Mrs Lockwood:I'm very pleased with your work here Caroline,from now on you girls are helping me
Caroline:Thank you (smiles)
Tyler:I told you she's perfect
Mrs Lockwood nods and Caroline blushes

Matt:Thanks for meeting me
Rebekah:I had a good time last night,thank you Matt
Matt:no thank you,I think I would've been alone if it wasn't for you
Rebekah:(laughs) well then,I'm glad I came
Matt:Me too,do you want to go see a movie? Or is that too soon?
Rebekah:I would love to (takes his hand) lead the way sir
Matt:ladies first

Jeremy:Are you okay? You've been a little shakey lately
Bonnie:I'm good honey just feel a bit sick
She runs to the bathroom and throws up again
Jeremy:you should see a doctor,even witches need to be taken care of
Bonnie:I have you
Jeremy:(smiles) not gonna mean anything if you're not okay
Bonnie nods and hugs him

Stefan:please I need to see her
Eduardo:Stefan nows not a good time
Stefan:is that blood?! (Pushes past him and runs up to Maria's room)
Isaiah:Maria it's okay,we'll get it cleaned.. Shhhh (wipes her tears)
Maria:what if I hurt someone?
Isaiah:you won't...
Maria rocks backs and forth
Stefan:what happened? Did she...
Isaiah:no,it's blood we get from the hospital or blood banks,she hasn't had blood in years that's the only thing we have to worry about
Stefan:all this because of me?
Isaiah:come back when she's stable she's had too much to drink too she's not functioning
Stefan:I can't leave her like this...
Maria:(calls from the room) Isaiah
Isaiah:I'll be there now Rih..Stefan come back when she's okay I'll text you
Stefan nods and goes back downstairs
Eduardo:Katherine explained that's why he's calm,Maria ... not so much
Stefan:will she be okay?
Eduardo:yeah I'll text you... Isaiah isn't mad at you anymore
Stefan:but my girlfriend hates me
Eduardo:(bro hug) no she doesn't,Maria isn't capable of hating anyone
Stefan frowns
Eduardo:(sigh) you can stay and wait if you want..
Stefan nods and sits down

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