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Maria:I don't know for sure but something definitely feels uneasy
Diego:I don't know... are you pregnant again?
Maria:what? No I'm not.....
Diego:then I don't know...
Maria holds her stomach and it's as if she's been stabbed right through because she's bleeding
Diego:Oh my god! Maria are you okay?
Maria:I don't.. I don't... (she falls)
Diego:Maria?! (Rushes over to pick her up)
Michael:oh it's a shame...
Maria starts coughing up blood and the pain is so excruciating that she wakes up screaming

Klaus:(flips the beside lamp on) My God Maria?! What is it?
Maria looks around the room and tries to calm herself down
Klaus:Maria,what the hell love?!
Maria:oh .. (inhales) you're here.. (she hugs him and pulls I'll closer)
Klaus:your nightmares are back?
Maria nods and starts crying
He kisses her forehead
Klaus:shhh it's okay sweetheart,I'm right here
Maria eventually falls asleep again

Rebekah:I don't know what's going to happen between Marcel and I
Becca:do you want something to happen?
Rebekah:well duh,that's the reason I'm not with Matt anymore
Becca:then tell him...
Becca:you heard me!
Rebekah:when did you become the love expert?
Becca:Cupid himself pays me a monthly visit love (winks)
Rebekah:ha ha ha (grabs an apple) I'm leaving,it's not easy
Becca:poppycock,it is! You've known him for a long time now,you've said crazy things before,how difficult can it be?
Rebekah:firstly,you spend way too much time around Niklaus and secondly it's very difficult,I don't want to be his rebound
Marcel:(walking in) who's rebound?
Rebekah:no one...
Becca:what? (Smirks) you're welcome (vamps out the kitchen)
Marcel:do I even want to know?
Rebekah:no you don't..(hurries out the kitchen)
Marcel laughs and gets a bowl to make breakfast

Klaus:Maria wake up...
Maria:(moans) nooooo (turns the other way)
Joshua:Mummy wake up
Maria:Mummy's tired sweetheart
Klaus:I know you haven't had enough sleep but our son wants to sleep next to you
Maria shifts up and lifts up the covers for Joshua to climb in
Joshua kisses her cheek and lays next to her
Klaus:you cannot stay in bed the whole day
Maria:yes I can
Klaus:fine (walks over to the bay window and opens up the curtains)
Maria:seriously?!! (Throws a pillow at him but he catches it)
Klaus:breakfast is ready
Maria:fine! (Sits up) I'm up but tell your mother to stay out my head!
Klaus:someone's feisty this morning!
Maria:oh you haven't seen feisty mate...
Klaus laughs

Elijah:good morning
Klaus:Hello brother (smiles brightly)
Maria:what's good about it?
Hayley:(holds her shoulder) you look like you need coffee
Maria:with 3 shots of bourbon
Hayley:coming up..
Klaus:just the coffee!
Stefan:(walking in) she actually prefers tea friend...
Maria smirks as she takes the cup from Hayley
Stefan:woah,you look like you've been dead for 800 years!
Maria:it's actually been over 900 years love
Elijah:what happened?
Klaus looks at Maria and holds her leg
Maria smiles at Klaus
Maria:your mothers been in my head again...
Stefan:another nightmare?
Maria nods as she picks Joshua up
Hayley:what was it about this time?
Maria:(shrugs) The usual.....
Hayley:she's just trying to get to you,don't allow her the pleasure of seeing you weak
Maria smiles at her
Joshua:mummy food...
Maria:okay buddy,here we go..
Joshua:you too
Maria laughs
Klaus:Your mum will eat too,but you have to eat first okay?
Joshua:mummy eat (frowns)
Maria:okay okay,I'll eat too
Joshua smiles and Maria feeds him
Stefan smiles and sips his coffee

Elena:I don't know how I feel about Michael being alive and well
Katherine:there's not much we can do from here
Damon:don't even think about it,that's not our problem
Elena:Damon don't be an asshole
Bonnie:I agree with Damon,the Mikaelson's have this under control
Elena:how long before their loving parents decide to show up?
Damon:they'll call if they need our help
Bonnie:Maria can handle this,if she needs our help then we'll go and lend our hands
Katherine:admit it Damon
Damon:admit what?
Katherine:you're scared of Michael
Damon:and you're not?
Katherine rolls her eyes
Bonnie:he is the vampire who hunts vampires after all
Elena:now is not the time to play 21 questions,I think Esther and Michael just want to see the children
Damon:Klaus will never allow that and there is now way Isaiah will allow them near Victoria or his children
Damon:twins Katherine
Bonnie:how did you not know? He's your cousin
Katherine:I don't really like Victoria (rolls her eyes)
Elena rolls her eyes and walks away

Michael:I want to see my grandchildren! That is my right
Davina:No it's not...
Michael:do you think I won't kill you just because Emilia brought you back?
Davina:(rolls her eyes) I'm not afraid of you
Michael:I don't need you to be afraid of me in order to kill you,I'll enjoy it either way
Davina:and you wonder why your children hate you and why you'll never see your grandchildren
Michael:you're testing my patience witch
Davina:just stay away from them
Michael:you can't make me
Davina:I won't have to
Michael:get lost!
Davina leaves

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