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Maria's been feeling abnormally sick lately and she usually heals very quickly so she decides so take a pregnancy test

Maria:(wipes her face because she's been vomiting and clears her throat) in here... (Dries her face with a towel)
Elena:(walks into Maria's room and sits on the bed) are you okay?
Maria:yes what's up? (Changes the subject immediately and she's silently praying no one hears the babies heartbeat)
Elena:I've been thinking a lot lately and I wanted to get some things off my chest
Maria:oh yeah of course (sits down and grabs a pillow to cover her belly)
Elena:this is about me and Stefan...
Elena:no it's nothing like that it's just ... I'm gonna tell you the truth because I love you and you're my family
Maria:(holds her hand) go ahead...
Elena:I just wanted to thank you for everything,you've made him happy again and I can't thank you enough for that,I still love him,he was my first love and I'll always love Stefan and so I wanted to thank you for coming back into his life and showing him that somethings are worth the wait
Maria:Elena you are an angel and don't ever doubt that for even a second
Elena:Angels don't drink blood
Maria:mine does (hugs her)
Elena hugs her and kisses her forehead when she pauses and Maria goes still
Elena:Maria I can hear two heart beats... that's not mine... (Looks into Maria's eyes) oh my god are you..
Maria:shhhh (points to her ear and to Isaiah's room) I haven't told anyone yet please don't
Elena nods and hugs her again

Jeremy:Bonnie can you sit down for a second I wanna talk..
Bonnie sits and looks confused
Jeremy gets down on one knee
Jeremy:you gave me hope,you give me hope.. Bonnie I've never loved anyone the way I love you and I can't imagine my life without a crazy witch in it,you've given me a beautiful baby girl and I don't wanna have any regrets
He takes out a tiny box

 Bonnie I've never loved anyone the way I love you and I can't imagine my life without a crazy witch in it,you've given me a beautiful baby girl and I don't wanna have any regrets He takes out a tiny box

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Jeremy:Bonnie Bennett will you do my the honor of not only being the mother of my child but my wife.. will you marry me?
Bonnie:Yes! Yes I'll marry you..
She kisses him and he puts the ring on her finger

Isaiah:She said yes!
They all cheer and clap
Eduardo:let's get ready for the party
Isaiah:we can have it here if that's fine with Maria?
Maria:of course,I'm keeping the liquor cabinet locked though
They laugh
Damon:I'll get everyone a drink..

Stefan:there you are (holds her waist and gives her a glass of bourbon)
Maria:(looks down at the glass) I uh.. I'm not really up for bourbon tonight..
Stefan:something stronger or lighter?
Maria:some juice sounds good..
Stefan looks confused but doesn't argue
Damon:juice for the lady
Maria:(smiles at Damon and takes the glass) thank you
Damon:everything alright?
Maria nods
The music distracts Damon and he walks over to the other
Maria exhales
Elena:did you just stop your own heartbeat?
Maria:huh? Oh (nods)
Elena:sweetie that's dangerous,I know you're worried but you have to tell him
Maria:I know and I will.. just not right now
Bonnie:tell who what?
Maria:(looks at Elena) I'm (holds her belly)
Bonnie:Oh?! Oh my gosh congratulations
Bonnie:(looks around) oh.. sorry (whispers) I'm so happy for you
Maria smiles and hugs Bonnie and Elena
Victoria:Stefan said you wanted juice again so I told him I'd bring you some
Maria:thank you honey,hey Vicky..
Maria:can we talk for a second?
Victoria:of course..
Elena:we'll be inside

Maria:I know you and Isaiah have been talking,and I figured I should let you know now that I'm okay with you moving in here
Maria:of course,Becca is always with Kol,I could use the extra company
Victoria:yay! I'm so excited (hugs her) thank you thank you thank you! (Hurries inside past Stefan)
Stefan:(looks at Victoria and laughs) what was that about?
Maria:nothing (laughs) come sit with me for a second..
Stefan:why are we isolated from everyone? Is everything okay?
Maria:(tearing up) yeah everything's perfect
Stefan:what's wrong baby? (Holds her hand)
Stefan looks quizzically at her but listens to the silence
Stefan:what are we listening to?
Maria:close your eyes....
Stefan closes his eyes and goes silent for a while
Stefan:babe all I hear is the sound of your heart and mine and I think someone else is here outside
Maria shakes her head and blushes
Stefan:wait a second....
Maria:(takes his hand and places it over her belly) I'm pregnant
Stefan:(cries and kisses her) when.. when did you find out?
Stefan:how didn't I hear it? I was with you all night last night and this morning... This is incredible.. why didn't you tell me then?
Maria:I was scared of your reaction
Stefan:my reaction? Baby this is great I'm going to be a father.. you're carrying my child.. there's a life inside you right now...
Maria laughs and nods wiping her eyes
Stefan:why were you so afraid?
Maria:I wasn't sure how to feel,I'm still so scared Stefan,I was told I couldn't have a baby and now I'm pregnant,I can't let anything happen to this baby...
Stefan:it won't (kisses her again and holds her tightly) I can't believe I'm going to be a father
Maria smiles and hugs him tighter,breathing in his scent and gently kisses his neck
Stefan:I love you..
Maria:I love you... always
Stefan:and forever
Maria laughs
Stefan:who else knows?
Maria:Elena was there when I took it so I told her.. well she heard the heartbeat.. and Bonnie knows
Stefan:do you wanna tell everyone?
Maria:not tonight,tomorrow we're all having dinner at Tyler's place,Elijah and them will be there and Alaric too..
Stefan:of course (nods) we can tell them then
He kisses her and picks her up from the ground

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