Hangover and Carla!

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Maria wakes up at around 6:45 am and she has a massive hangover
Maria:What the hell happened last night? (Rubs her head)
Rebekah:(hands her a glass of water) I don't remember.. Here (gives Maria her clothes) go have a shower and put this on,you'll feel better
Maria:do you?
Rebekah:no (frowns)
They laugh

Maria's outfit

Maria:is everyone still asleep? Rebekah:yes well besides Elijah Elijah:good morning Maria:(shakes her head) no it's not He laughs Rebekah:where's Marcel? Elijah:asleep Maria:that's strange

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Maria:is everyone still asleep?
Rebekah:yes well besides Elijah
Elijah:good morning
Maria:(shakes her head) no it's not
He laughs
Rebekah:where's Marcel?
Maria:that's strange... (Takes a pain pill)
Elijah:the headache won't go away by drinking a pill with bourbon
Maria pouts and him and sits down

Carla:good morning!!
They can hear her from Marcel's room
Maria:(gives Elijah a pillow) smother me right now! I beg of you
Elijah:this is your punishment for getting drunk and high off blood
Maria:I will kill myself he laughs
Rebekah:I'm going to kill her..
Elijah:be nice
Stefan:(walking in) why is she still here?
Elijah:Marcel likes her
Maria and Rebekah laugh
Stefan:(kisses Maria) feeling better?
Maria shakes her head
Rebekah:it's about to get a whole lot worse...
Maria:what if he marries her?
Rebekah:I'm leaving (she gets up) later
Maria:where are you going?
Rebekah:a walk...
Maria:hmm 15 minute walk sounds like a plan
Rebekah:you thinking what I'm thinking?
Maria:let's go to my family home then yeah?
Elijah:you can't..
Maria:and why exactly is that love?
Klaus:(walking in) because they're working there
Stefan:your father wants some work done
Maria rolls her eyes
Carla:Hi all!
She's wearing a shirt of Marcel's
Rebekah's walks out the house
Elijah:good morning Carla
Klaus:sleep well?
Carla:I didn't get much sleep last night
Elena:we heard..(walking in with Hayley)
Maria wants to take another pill but Elijah's grabs the box away from her
Maria:(whispers) just 10 more..
Stefan laughs
Maria frowns and lays across the couch on Elena's lap
Klaus:what are we doing today?
Maria:I'd love to but I planned a suicide at around noon yeah and I can't miss it
Elijah eyes Maria
Carla:oh Maria.. you're super funny!
Maria rolls her eyes
Marcel:good morning
Carla:Hi Marcy! (Giggles as she kisses him and makes weird sounds)
Maria:seriously.. kill me!

Victoria:Damon calm down!
Damon:calm down.. calm down?!!!? You're pregnant!!?
Victoria:yeah I know that
Bonnie:Damon sit down
Damon:where's Isaiah?
Just then Isaiah and Eduardo walk in from their morning jog
Isaiah:why's my house full so early in the morning? (Drinks water)
Damon vamps and grabs Isaiah
Isaiah:it was a joke,chill yeah...
Damon:you got her pregnant!?are you an idiot?
Isaiah:(pushes him off) what?!
Damon:you're careless!
Isaiah:oh I'm careless? (Looks at Victoria for back up but she remains still and Bonnie looks awkwardly at Eduardo)
Eduardo:you need to relax Damon!
Damon:you need to mind your own business
Isaiah:don't talk to him that way..
Damon:what the hell were you thinking? You messed up her life?
Isaiah:is that so?
Victoria doesn't answer
Damon:I should kill you! Maybe I will,white oak shouldn't be hard to find
Isaiah:you sure you're faster than me? (Breaks a chair) because you're not an original
Eduardo:Damon you should get out..
Jeremy:I should get out.. I'm human (he walks out quickly and Bonnie follows)
Isaiah:you know what you all should get out,leave!
Isaiah:(his face changes and his fangs appear) I said get out!
Damon decides not to argue
Isaiah:you too (looks at Victoria)
Damon:Isaiah you can't
Isaiah:I didn't ask you Damon!
Victoria:Isaiah please... he's just being a good uncle
Eduardo:oh so you can talk? (Shakes his head) a good uncle who killed both your parents
Isaiah:Victoria just get out
Victoria:what did I do?
Eduardo:it's what you didn't do... (Walks up the stairs to his room)
Victoria:Isaiah... I...
Isaiah:get out!! Go live your perfect life that I ruined with your psycho uncle!
Damon:okay buddy that's too fat now
Victoria:Isaiah please...
He bangs the door in her face and walks up to his room

Maria:He did what?
Stefan looks up
Maria:No no,I'm not mad at you... You're not the only one.. okay I'll call you later yeah? I love you too
Stefan:what was that about?
Maria:your stupid brother threatened to kill my brother because Victoria is pregnant
Elena:but it takes two to tango
Maria:try telling that to Damon,he thinks Victoria walks on clouds!
Elena:what happened?
Maria:he kicked her out
Stefan:oh Damon (shakes his head) I'll deal with it
Maria:No you'll do no such thing.. it's time he grows up and learns his lessons,if I'm not mistaken he's the oldest?
Stefan:(sigh) he's my brother
Maria:and Isaiah is my brother
Elena:Damon's my boyfriend but Maria's right...
Maria:if he snaps.. Isaiah and Eduardo will kill him (looks down at her phone) I can't believe Victoria just stood there yeah
Stefan:wait what?
Maria nods
Stefan:she didn't bother defending him?
Maria:no.. Bonnie texted me
Elena:yeah,Jer left so fast when Isaiah broke the chair
Stefan:he was going to kill Damon?
Maria:No he was trying to prove a point
Elena:which is?
Maria:He'll fight if he needs to

Klaus is on the phone with Eduardo
Klaus:you know what mate,you need to come home.. Mystic falls is not the place for you and Isaiah.. I've said this before
Eduardo:you should've seen his face,I've never seen anger and hurt like that before
Klaus:Samuel had us do some extra work on their family home,you two should come home now.. Becca is living there now and Nevio of course
Eduardo:you're right,I think it's time we come back home.. Isaiah needs a fresh environment and I'm not trying to stay here any longer than I need to
Klaus:you're only there for Isaiah and Caroline aren't you?
Eduardo:(laughs) I'm sure I could arrange something with Caroline yeah and Isaiah will be more willing to come home especially since his sisters are their
Klaus:Nevio is here too
Eduardo:we'll be in touch.. In fact see you soon mate
Klaus:and don't worry,I'll deal with Damon Salvatore (hangs up)

Isaiah:you're right.. it's time to go home
Eduardo:are you sure?
Isaiah:my home has never been here.. I want to go back to New Orleans
Eduardo:(smiles) I'll call Kol and Nevio to help us move the rest of our stuff there
Isaiah:everything's there.. What ever is here we can leave.. We just need to take the rest of our clothing and that sort of thing
Eduardo:I'll start packing
Isaiah:is Stefan still there?
Eduardo:No.. Maria texted me.. He left to come back here
Isaiah:I don't want to see any of the Salvatore's.. not Damon.. not Stefan and certainly not my so called girlfriend
Eduardo:now baby mama
Isaiah:right.. you and Rebekah sound the same
They laugh

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