This is real

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Hayley:I have never seen Klaus this happy before.. only when Hope was born and now Joshua
Maria:(looks at Klaus playing with the children) I'd crawl over broken glass if it meant he would stay this happy (frowns)
Hayley:hey...(holds her hand) what's wrong?
Maria:(looks up at Hayley) nothing..(tries to avoid the topic)
Hayley:Maria you're a hopeless liar
Hayley:(laughs) seriously,what's wrong?
Maria:I just miss Stefan.. that's all
Hayley:distance isn't easy (holds her hand) and I'm pretty sure he misses you too
Maria smiles and looks down

Maria's POV
How can I tell her the truth when I'm not even sure what the truth is anymore? Do I love Stefan? Yes,of course Do I want to be with him? yes I do,more than anything right now... Do I consider myself over Niklaus? No... I don't.. Do I love him? .... yes.....

Stefan:I love her and that's who I want to be with forever..
Elena:then what's the problem?
Stefan:there is no problem,I just..I don't know
Elena:Stef,you're annoying and you talk a lot sometimes but you're also sweet and loving and honest and charming and Maria loves you so much
Stefan:I know she does (smiles)

Isaiah is laying across his bed,listening to music
Eduardo:what are you doing?
Isaiah:listening to music,what do it look like I'm doing?
Eduardo:thinking about Victoria
Isaiah rolls his eyes
Eduardo:that's fine,you don't have to admit anything to me but don't you think it's time to start admitting to yourself?
Isaiah looks at him,confused
Eduardo:you love her and you look devastated... it's a new look for you yeah
Isaiah:you talk too much yeah (throws a pillow at him)
Eduardo:(rolls his eyes) whatever mate.. Dinner is ready
Isaiah:you actually did something constructive!? Wow (gets up and turns the music off)
Eduardo:(laughs) no Becca made pasta
Isaiah follows him out the room

Isaiah:(looks at Eduardo) hi....
Victoria:don't blame him,this was my idea
Eduardo:I'm going to go see if Maria needs my help (walks out the house)

Maria:hmm and you're sure it was all her idea Eddy?
Eduardo:yeah no offense,Isaiah is my best mate but this stuff isn't my business
Maria:I see.. well since you're here (hands him a knife) you can chop the tomatoes
Eduardo:I don't cook
Maria:yes (hands him a bowl) you do!

Damon:We had to get rid of her
Elena:No you didn't! She wasn't a bother for the first time she was out of our way but living her life too! You are so selfish
Stefan:Selfish how?
Silas:she is right,Katherine wasn't bothering anyone
Elena:she's Maria's cousin
Silas:she's related to you too
Elena:shut up Silas
Silas:you're nice
Elena:I cannot believe you all threatened
Silas:actually it was all Damon
Damon looks at him
Elena:is that so? (Looks at Damon)
Damon:what difference does it make? She's gone now
Elena:you're unbelievable
Stefan:you didn't even like her
Elena:she deserved another chance Stefan.. don't we all?
Stefan shrugs
Elena:does Maria know?
Silas looks at them
Elena:Unbelievable!!? (Walks away)
Damon:(to Silas) this is your fault!
Silas:I didn't do anything Damon,this was YOUR idea anyway
Damon walks away
Stefan:why are you here?
Silas:think of me as your very own mirror accept I'm better looking
Stefan:you should leave
Silas:you're right,I have better things to do
Stefan ignores him
Silas:like giving Maria a call and informing her on your little plans
Stefan:you're a dick,you were involved too!
Silas:she already doesn't like me Stefan,you're her fiancé (winks and walks out)
Stefan shakes his head
Damon:he's going to tell her isn't he?
Stefan:we're dead
Damon:I'm already dead brother
Stefan:you should hang out with Silas more
Damon:he's way more fun anyway
Stefan:you're funny
Damon:I try..(smirks and sits down with a glass of bourbon)
Stefan:why are you sitting here?
Damon:Elena kicked me out the room Stefan laughs
Damon rolls his eyes

Victoria:How have you been?
Isaiah:it's been the slowest 2 weeks of my life,how's the .. how are you?
Victoria:the baby is great.. I'm fine
Isaiah:just fine?
Victoria:I don't know Zay
Isaiah hands her a glass of juice
Victoria:you look like you're happy here
Isaiah:This is my home after all (smiles)
Victoria smiles and sips the juice
Isaiah looks at her from the corner of his eye and smiles

Maria's phone rings

Maria:Silas.... what do you want?
Silas:No hello,how are you?
Maria:I don't actually care
Silas:I like this,gets me going in ways you'll never understand
Maria:you're an idiot... and you're disgusting
Silas:thank you but I prefer sociopath though
Maria:why are you calling me Silas?
Silas:I miss you
Maria:that's too bad..
Silas:actually I have to tell you something
Maria:I'm listening
Silas:Damon came up with a plan to get rid of Katherine.. Stefan helped and now she's gone
Maria laughs
Silas:I figured you wouldn't believe me so I had to get reinforcements
Maria:Silas you're a liar and you're a psychopath.. Trusting you is very difficult mate
Silas:give Katherine a call.. Damon threatened her..
Maria:Is this some kind of joke yeah because I know you have nothing to lose here
Silas:I'm hurt...
Silas:I like your friendship even though you can't stand me.. I'm not lying.. Isaiah knows because he was there
Maria:(inhales) I have to go..
Silas:you know I'm telling the truth.. admit it
Maria:goodbye Silas
She hangs up and he smirks

Victoria:I can't give up because this is real,what I feel.. it can't just go away
Isaiah:(sigh) it's not as easy as you think..
Victoria:who said it's supposed to be easy?
Isaiah:you've seen how it is from Klaus and Maria.. that's real too but..
Victoria:but nothing.. don't say that.. If you don't want this then that's you,don't compare us to them because that's way more complicated
Victoria:No Isaiah,I'm here.. all me.. I love you
Isaiah looks at her
Victoria:and I know you love me..
Isaiah:yes I do but....
Victoria kisses him before he can finish

Maria:Damon Salvatore
Damon:before you say anything
Maria:Tell me Silas is lying... because if he isn't so help me God..
Damon:I thought she was up to something.. I couldn't take the chance
Maria:Damon! That's not your place to say.. (Inhales) I've already had to deal with her before she decided to be good again.. She has no one!
Damon:I'm sorry Maria
Maria:I'm not the one you should be apologizing too mate.. I'm just really disappointed in you and don't get me started on Stef!
Damon:he says he loves you .. look we're both sorry...
Maria:(sigh) I have to go Damon
Damon:please don't hang up,I am truly sorry and I hate apologizing
Maria:I know Damon,Katherine is going here.. I have to go okay? I love you guys and tell Stefan I love him more (looks at her watch) send everyone there my love
Damon:Katherine's there?
Maria:goodbye Damon (hangs up)

Damon:Maria wait... (Looks at Stefan) you heard that?
Stefan:yeah and we will not intervene.. Elena and Maria are right..Katherine wasn't doing anything wrong anyway
Damon:you still love her don't you?
Stefan:and you don't?
Damon rolls his eyes
Stefan:Yes okay? I do... because Elena is the true love of my life and you took her away so I had to put my feelings aside.. I still love Katherine but I love Maria more
Damon:(sigh) you and Maria are perfect don't get me wrong but maybe you and her should just be best friends? You've always been so great together no matter how you're involved..
Stefan:you think she should be with Klaus?
Damon:and you should be with Katherine.. go over there and talk to Maria because I know she loves you too but she'll never get over Klaus and you'll never get over Elena and Katherine and since I'm with Elena..
Stefan:I should be with Katherine?
Damon nods
Stefan sighs

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