Psycho "ex"

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Maria's asleep with her head placed gently on Klaus' chest.. He runs his fingers through her hair,careful not to wake her
She stirs and he stills for a moment so she doesn't wake up..
It's about 4:34 am and he hasn't slept yet
Maria:What's wrong?
Klaus:sleep Aleksandrina (kisses her hair)
Maria:(gently lifts her head) what's bothering you?
Klaus:Nothing in particular,I just can't seem to fall asleep love,I'm fine,go back to sleep
Maria frowns but chooses not to argue with him as it could wake the children up

Maria:hmmm (yawns)
Rebekah:didn't get much sleep?
Maria:I slept just fine until I realized Niklaus was awake the entire time
Rebekah:(hands her a cup of tea) did he say what was bothering him?
Maria:"nothing in particular,I just can't seem to fall asleep love" (rolls her eyes and sits down)
Rebekah:(laughs) that's quite the impersonation there
Maria pouts and they both laugh
Elijah:glad to see you're both in a good mood today (kisses Rebekah's cheek and then Maria's forehead)
Maria sips her tea and gets a book to read
Elijah:Niklaus wasn't in his room last night,did he sleep in your room?
Maria:barely...(frowns) Elijah you'd tell me if something was wrong,right?
Elijah:of course.. I took a vow to always be 100% truthful with you and I intend on keeping my word
Maria smiles
Rebekah:well I'm off (checks watch)
Maria:it's 6:45,where on earth would you need to be this early?
Rebekah:Marcel and I have a breakfast meeting
Elijah looks up at her
Maria:hmmm "breakfast meeting"?
Rebekah:yes,that's all it is.. after all he is with Carla
Maria:whatever you say love,let me make Niklaus some tea (winks at her) enjoy
Rebekah:Maria I'm serious,we're just two friends having breakfast.. Away from home
Elijah:so not a business meeting then?
Rebekah rolls her eyes and walks out
Elijah and Maria laugh

Maggie:I have to see him!
Carla:I'm afraid I can't allow that
Maggie:who died and made you queen?
Carla:He doesn't want to see you,he'll take out a restraining order against you and I'll help him if need be
Maggie:am I your best friend?
Carla:yes (rolls her eyes)
Maggie:do you love me?
Carla:of course
Maggie:do you want me to be happy?
Carla:yes Maggie
Maggie:then you won't stop me from seeing the man I love
Carla:love?! (Almost chokes on her drink)
Maggie nods
Carla raises her eyebrows and shakes her head
Maggie:I'm off then
Carla:where to?
Maggie:see you later! (Hurries out the house)
Carla:that girl needs help

Rebekah's outfit

Marcel:Hey (kisses her cheek) Rebekah:good morning Marcellus Marcel:You look lovely Rebekah but then again you always do Rebekah:thank you (blushes) Marcel:after you (opens the door to a small cafe) Rebekah walks in and he follows her,he pulls out...

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Marcel:Hey (kisses her cheek)
Rebekah:good morning Marcellus
Marcel:You look lovely Rebekah but then again you always do
Rebekah:thank you (blushes)
Marcel:after you (opens the door to a small cafe)
Rebekah walks in and he follows her,he pulls out a chair for her and they sit
Marcel:thank you for agreeing to meet with me,I wanted to talk to you
Rebekah:Marcel you're with Carla... let's just enjoy this time
Marcel:of course,I just need to say this and I hope it won't change anything
Rebekah:okay,go on (smiles)
Marcel:I love you.. I've always loved you.. (takes her hand and kisses it) and I know we'll be together again
Rebekah turns red and without thinking she leans forward and kisses him sweetly
Rebekah:I love you too Marcel
He smiles and the waiter comes to take their orders

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