It's always been you (part 2)

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Maggie:He is so hot
Carla:Don't you think you're coming on a bit to strong?
Maggie:says you...aren't you the one who calls her grown ass boyfriend Marcy?
Carla:That's different,it's cute
Maggie:No bitch,it's weird
Carla:whatever,all I'm saying is don't get too comfortable..Marcy..Marcel says Klaus is still in love with Maria
Maggie:she's such a bitch though
Carla:That really makes no sense,she's always been so nib to us
Maggie:whatever,I've never liked her anyway
Carla:I sense a bit of jealousy
Maggie:Klaus deserves someone like me and not that whore,isn't she like 50?
Carla:you are so rude (shakes her head)
Maggie:so you're on her side?
Carla:There are no sides,you're acting crazy and honestly very rude (walks away)
Maggie roll her eyes

Maria is writing notes when her phone rings
She answers it without checking the caller ID
Maggie:Hello Maria
Maria:Oh Maggie! How are you?
Maggie:Like you care...
Maria:excuse me love?
Maggie:Don't try and fool me,I know you're out to get me
Maria:what are you on about?
Maggie:Klaus deserves better,you're just a pathetic little whore
Maria goes still and she looks confused
Maria:where is this coming from?
Klaus listens in because he's standing close by
Maggie:you better stay the hell away from Klaus or I'll be forced to take action
Maria:are you really threatening me over the father of my children?
Maggie:yes bitch!
Maria:woah,okay then,look here if you want him,have him.. I don't have time for this,I'm studying yeah
Maggie:oh... yay then!
Maria looks confused again
Maggie:I'm sorry for the misunderstanding then,love ya girl
Maria hangs up immediately
She's now really mad because that came from nowhere

Maria ignores him by putting her earphones in both ears and continues writing
His shouting makes Hayley and Elijah rush to the lounge
Hayley:why the hell are you shouting!?
Klaus:did I scare you? Oh forgive me
Elijah:Seriously Niklaus,what is wrong with you?
Klaus:with me? Ask her why she feels the need to be so hostile towards me
Elijah:Maria sweetheart,what's wrong?
Maria:why don't you ask Niklaus,he was obviously ease dropping (rolls her eyes)
Hayley:can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?!
Carla:(walking in) Maria I am so sorry,I had no idea she'd take my phone to get your number
Elijah:Maggie called you?
Maria:she called me to tell me to stay away from Niklaus.. he deserves better and if I don't comply she'll be forced to take action (turns around again to complete her notes)
Hayley:I am now convinced there's something wrong with her
Klaus:Maria this is not my fault love (moves towards her) please look at me
Hayley:yes it sort of is
Elijah:you've been stringing her along and you do that often with women
Carla:you do..I've noticed and I've only been with Marcel a few weeks
Maria gets up and walks off to her room
Hayley:Fix this (to Klaus)
She follows Maria to her room

Damon:Maria's forgiven me (smiles proudly) she sent me a text earlier
Caroline:I told you she'd come around
Damon:(smiles) after you said people don't actually like me
Bonnie:(laughs) true story
Elena:did you hear what Maggie did?
Stefan:who's that?
Elena:Carla's BFF
Stefan:oh God
Bonnie:Isaiah say she's worse than Carla
Elena:oh yeah,she threatened Maria to stay away from Klaus
They all laugh
Stefan:wait you're serious?
Damon:oh they don't know Maria's a vampire
Caroline:a hybrid actually
Bonnie hits Caroline
Elena:let's talk about this later (walks away quickly)
Damon vamps in front of her
Stefan:why wouldn't she tell me?
Bonnie:I don't know maybe because you don't answer when she calls you
Stefan:I was away
Caroline:lame excuse
Stefan:(to Elena) when did she tell you this?
Elena:A few nights before Klaus turned her
Damon:why are you only telling me this now?
Elena:she asked me not to okay?
Damon:well then in some ways thank God for blondie over here
Caroline:Maria's going to kill me
Elena:No it's fine.. she won't..
Stefan:I'll be right back (goes upstairs)

Maria's phone rings
Maria:I'm not answering that
Hayley:it's cool,it's Stefan
Maria:oh? (Takes the phone)
Hayley:I'll go get dinner ready
Maria:thanks Hales
Hayley winks
There's an awkward silence for a while
Stefan:I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me
Maria:you were busy,I get that..
Stefan:I'm still sorry
Maria:it's okay love,we're not together anymore so I can't expect you to drop what you're doing for my problems
Stefan:that's bullshit and you know it Maria! I'd drop everything for you.. that will never change! Not now,not ever
Maria:I know (sigh)
There's another long stretch of silence
Stefan:I miss you
Maria:I miss you too
Stefan:I'll see you soon okay?
Stefan:bye for now..
Maria:bye Stef... for now
Stefan:I love you
Maria:I love you too
She hangs up and falls backwards onto the bed and sighs

Victoria:(laughs) yes (nods)
Isaiah hugs her tightly
Victoria:that's not all..
Isaiah:oh no...
Victoria:(laughs) relax.. I know the gender
Victoria:Alex and Eddy were right.. It's a boy and a girl
Isaiah kisses her
Eduardo:I knew it!!
Maria:(palms out to Becca) I believe you owe me 150 bucks love
Becca:yeah yeah (gives her the money) still!! I'm so excited
Victoria:thank you
Elijah:so when are you moving in?
Everyone turns to face Victoria
Isaiah:guys Mystic Falls is here home
Victoria:No my home is with you..
Maria:Awww how sweet are they? Don't cry Maria,don't cry
They laugh
Isaiah hugs her again and she kisses him
Rebekah:I'm really happy for you both
Kol:I am too,congratulations mate!
Eduardo:when are you having kids?
Kol:woah.. too soon too soon
Becca:who's to say I'm not pregnant?
Maria:I will kill you
Becca:just kidding,so not ready yet
Kol holds her and kisses her forehead
Elijah:Aleksa you do know she's old enough?
Rebekah:yeah she's 980!
Maria:still my little sister yeah
Becca laughs and puts her arms around Maria
Kol:have you thought of baby names yet?
Eduardo:Isaiah has ever since we scared him
Klaus:well what is it?
Isaiah:Mateo-Lazar Vatori
Victoria:my kid sounds evil
They laugh
Maria:it's perfect
Isaiah hugs her
Hayley:and for a girl?
Victoria:Melanie-Adriana Vatori
Eduardo:I think it's perfect

Klaus:Still upset?
Maria:(looks at him then smiles)No,I'm sorry I over reacted
Klaus:no I understand you were upset,it happens
Maria:I got so scared because all I could think of was killing her.. watching the blood drain from her body
Klaus:(hugs her) you'd never hurt her or're not a monster
Klaus:not even close love (kisses her forehead)
Maria:I'm going to check on the kids and call Elena
Maria:(turns to face him) yes Niklaus?
Klaus:you know it's you right...
Maria looks momentarily confused
Klaus:that's been here (puts his hand over his heart) it's always been you
She smiles and walks inside
He smiles and looks over the view of New Orleans

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