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Elijah:Hi sweetheart
Maria:(yawns) hi...
Elijah:sleep well?
Maria:my head hurts which isn't normal (frown) but yes I didn't
Maria:yes please love
Elijah:you don't look so good...
Maria:is it possible to be sick when you're a hybrid?
Elijah:I don't think so
Maria:then plan my funeral because I've never felt like this before
Elijah:(hands her a cup of tea) you'll feel better after this
Maria:I sure hope so
Elijah smiles and kisses her forehead

Klaus:you look like you've been hit by a ton of bricks
Maria:thanks (frowns and pulls her blanket over her)
Klaus:maybe you should see a doctor love
Maria:and by Doctor you mean witch?
Klaus:it's the same thing
Maria:I don't think it is..(rolls her eyes) I'll be fine
Klaus:I'll just get someone to come here then
Maria:I said I'm fine Niklaus
Klaus:look either I call someone or I drag you there? I'm fine either way sweetheart
Klaus:don't tempt me!
Klaus:(smiles) good..
Maria rolls her eyes and continues watching TV
Klaus:I'll be back soon
Maria:take your time
Klaus:very funny
Maria:Niklaus wait...
He turns and looks at her
Maria:I feel fine,if I don't later then I promise I'll call the witches myself
Klaus:(sigh and rolls his eyes) okay.. fine (walks out)
Maria smiles

Elena's journal entry-
I guess you could call this a diary confession.. I feel guilty.. Why? It's simple I have never stopped loving Stefan... Problem? Not exactly.. I just don't want to see him with Katherine.. Am I being unfair? I think not...
I'm sorry,I just wish Maria was around more like she used to be... I miss her

Bonnie:Caroline get over it!
Caroline:HOW?! Tyler is coming back and I'm now dating his best friend
Bonnie:so what?! Honestly not everything revolves around you,I'm pretty sure in fact I'm certain that Ed already told Ty and he's cool with it
Bonnie:why are you so surprised? Did you expect a fight or something?
Bonnie:you're unbelievable (shakes her head)
Caroline rolls her eyes and sips her drink
...:well well what have we here?
Bonnie and Caroline turn around
Bonnie:Enzo??! What.. how?
Enzo:did you miss me sweetheart?
Bonnie:No I didn't
Caroline:yes she did
Caroline:what? (Batters her eyelashes)
Enzo:who's this sweet little angel?
Enzo:oh is she your ...
Bonnie:my daughter.. yes
Enzo:she looks just like you
Caroline:she has Jeremy's eyes
Bonnie kicks her leg
Enzo:Anyway,Bonnie we should catch up sometime
Caroline:she'd love that
He smiles and walks off
Caroline:yes Bon?
Bonnie:shut up!
Caroline laughs
Bonnie:so not cool! You know I'm married.. to one of our best friends brothers! What are you up to!?
Caroline winks and eats a fry
Caroline:you say that like it's a bad thing when it's really not
Bonnie:not entirely but in your case,no one can ever be sure
Caroline:I know you love me
Bonnie:hardly (frowns)
Caroline laughs and hugs her and Bonnie can't help but smile at her

Katherine:Hello sexy
Stefan:(looks up) Hello Katherine
Katherine:miss me?
Stefan:if you're actually Maria
Katherine rolls her eyes
He laughs and kisses her forehead
Katherine:I haven't heard from her today
Stefan:she has children you know..
Katherine:anyway (sits) how are you?
Stefan:fine (lying) and you?
Katherine:I'm great and you're lying.. you forget I know you babe
Stefan:(sigh) yeah I know (making coffee)
Katherine:I'll have some if you put bourbon in it..
Stefan laughs and shakes his head

Damon:I thought I smelt a rat
Katherine:you know you love it
Damon:not really
Katherine:if that makes you feel better sweetie
Damon walks out
Elena:you really should stop annoying him before he kills you
Katherine:not if I kill him first (winks)
Elena:watch it!
Katherine laughs
Damon:I can hear you
Katherine:good (winks at him)
He smirks and sits down next to Elena

Vampire Diaries (with a twist) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now