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Klaus:what are you doing?
Maria:(jumps) you scared me!
Klaus:(laughs and hugs her) I'm sorry love
Maria:It's okay (smiles)
Klaus:so,what are you doing?
Maria:just thinking
Maria:the day I told you I was pregnant with Piper
Klaus:(smiles) I was shocked
Maria:so was I,I didn't think it would be possible
Klaus:I felt very reckless
Maria:(turns to face him) you never told me that...
Klaus:you were so happy,you loved me despite everything,I didn't want to ruin the moment
Maria:you felt reckless,why is that? (holds his hand)
Klaus:we weren't married,I was stubborn...I guess I was ashamed of myself
Maria:Did you think she would feel the way you do about Michael?
He nods
She frowns and hugs him

Caroline:how is my hothead of a boyfriend?
Eduardo:(laughs) he's fine
Caroline:you were ready mad,it kinda scared me..I've never seen you like that before
Eduardo:I'm sorry,it's just.. I know what he went through,it changed him and not for the better
Caroline:what happened?
Eduardo looks at her confused
Caroline:(sits next to him and holds his hand) with your family...
Eduardo:this is my family....
Caroline:that's not what I mean and you know it...
Eduardo:I became a vampire,they didn't...
Caroline:that's not the full story... did they accept you?
Eduardo:Michael killed them before I could even tell them the truth,about vampires.. This world we live in.. the reality.. The horrors..
Caroline:oh my god,I am so sorry
Eduardo:it's okay,it was a long time ago
Caroline:how old were you.. When you were turned?
Eduardo:I was 16...
Caroline:when did you find out about vampires?
Eduardo:I knew Isaiah from a very young age,I was about 6 or 7 when I found out...
Caroline:you were so young!
Eduardo:it was scary at first...(looking at the fireplace) I ran so fast I ended up in the woods and I just remember telling Isaiah to leave me alone and I fell and cut my leg open
Caroline:oh..... That couldn't have been good..
Eduardo:for Isaiah,no.. he freaked out and vamped away.. Emilia helped me and I fell in love with the idea of magic because of her powers
Caroline:she helped you understand everything?
Eduardo:(nods) and the next day Isaiah and I built a tree house and never looked back
Caroline laughs and he smiles at the memory

Davina:I know what you think of me
Becca:I don't think of you... ever (sips her drink)
Davina:Kol told me you don't like me very much
Becca:good,saves the awkwardness right?
Davina:may I sit?
Becca:it's a free country (raises her eyebrow)
Davina:look,I know we got off to a really bad start but I just want to start fresh
Becca:don't we all?
Davina:I'm really sorry about the other day,I don't know what came over me,I'm really not like that
Becca:weren't you the one who brought Michael back? (Puts the coffee cup down and folds her arms)
Davina:I admit,I was reckless and I regret it...please I just want to start over
Becca:(sigh and rolls her eyes) fine...
Davina:(smiles) great... I'm Davina (puts out her hand)
Becca:(smiles and shakes her hand) in Rebecca
Davina smiles and orders a drink

Kol:I'm not sure how I feel about my ex witch girlfriend and my original vampire/witch girlfriend being friends...
Elijah:(laughs) on the bright side,there won't be anymore awkward encounters
Isaiah:that and we can put her magic to work
Kol:why did that sound inappropriate?
Isaiah:because you're a Mikaelson
Elijah:that's rude
Kol:very offensive yeah
Isaiah laughs

Maria:you forgot how to use a phone?
Stefan:(laughs) no,I just thought you'd be busy
Maria:too busy to talk to you? I'm offended love
Stefan:I'm sorry
Maria smiles and gives him a glass of bourbon
Stefan:how have you been?
Maria:better than I deserve... What about you?
Stefan:I'm getting there,what's that supposed to mean?
Maria:I'm a vampire,I'm surprised I even know how to smile
Stefan laughs and shakes his head
She smiles
Stefan:I missed this
Maria:me too..(looks at him)
Stefan:you know I'll never get tired of hearing you speak Bulgarian with that accent (winks)
Maria laughs and shakes her head

Victoria:I'm so ready to pop!
Isaiah:that's attractive (looks disgusted)
Victoria:(laughs) sorry babe
Isaiah:(laughs) you're weird,seriously.. Certain things don't need to be said out loud yeah...
Victoria:it happens
Isaiah:I can see that (eats)

Stefan's dairy entry-
I missed her
I can't lie about my feelings
I've always been 100% open about everything
I still love her
More than I imagined I would
Is this what being in denial feels like?
I don't know

Vampire Diaries (with a twist) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now