A bond

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Bonnie:I go away for 2 weeks and the chaos starts!?
Maria:we're just happy you're back (hugs her tightly)
Jeremy:promise me you'll call early next time!
Elena:we promise (hugs him)
Bonnie:I knew that Beth was a problem
Maria:it's okay now,she helped us
Bonnie:good because she owes you!
Elena:what do you mean?
Jeremy:I would've killed her
Maria:easy Jer.. first day back and already you want to play huntsman? not a good look love
They laugh

Silas:you have to get rid of the boy
Silas:you will kill that Donavon boy,I never actually liked him that much,he's always in the way
Beth:I'm not killing an innocent person Silas
Silas:I don't believe that was a request,you will do as I say
Beth nods
Silas:good... very good... and Beth
Silas:you will inject this elixir into her
Beth swallows and leaves the room
Micheal:you're more brutal than most Silas
Silas:it's who I am
They laugh

Beth:I am so sorry
Maria:for what?
She looks at Matt and back at Maria
She stabs Maria with the injection and slits Matts throat
She leaves a note apologizing to everyone and leaves

Liz:you have to come..
Stefan:what is it?
Liz:the parking lot ... please just...
The follow her out and see the bodies
Stefan:what is this?!!!?
Caroline's memories return immediately and Liz shows them the note..

"My family was in danger,if I didn't do exactly as he said,he would kill them all.. I am sorry for this.. Matt's death is part of something much bigger.. Maria's alive but she will not wake"

Isaiah:she poisoned Maria
Elena cries over Matt's body
Victoria:Why is he doing this?
Damon:Liz we'll deal with this
Liz:is she going to be okay? Maria...
Damon:we don't know
Stefan vamps away and Eduardo and Kai follow him

Eduardo:you have to be strong for your son Stefan
Kai:just give me the knife and the bottle
Stefan:I can't do this without her
Eduardo:yes you can Stef... it's not going to be forever
Stefan:my girlfriend.. the mother of my child is being laid in a coffin next to our best friends dead body.. Bonnie cannot even help him or her!
Eduardo:Stef give me the knife
Stefan:she's gone and I don't even know if she'll wake up again,we don't even know what's keeping her from waking up
Kai:okay Stefan this isn't about you right now,we'll figure something out
Eduardo:we always do,you're being selfish.. I know her and she's strong.. give me the knife
Stefan gives him the knife and puts the bottle down
Kai:let's go see her..
Stefan:give me a moment... I just want my son... that's it
Eduardo:I'll go get him for you...

Damon:we need to give him time
Elena:(tearing) I can't believe this is happening... Matt is dead... Maria's been poisoned
Damon:why can't you help your daughter!
Emilia:this is powerful magic,none like I've ever seen before... only 200 years ago
Isaiah:but I don't understand mom.. you're the only original witch alive
Emilia:I'm sorry but if I don't know where it's coming from how can I simply take it away? We need more time son
Isaiah:time? Mom I can't lose another sibling I can't!
Becca:Izzy give mom some room... We'll find it and we will help her
Emilia:I have a plan
Emilia:(looks at Bonnie) I'm going to need your help
Bonnie:of course ... anything
Emilia:(kisses Maria's forehead) everything will be okay my child I promise
A tear falls down Maria's cheek but nothing else
Damon:so she can hear us?
Emilia nods
Isaiah:she could die (crying)
Elena:we won't let that happen.. we'll get blood into her system
Caroline:we can use a drip
Emilia smiles and walks off

Emilia and Bonnie start a spell that raises Nevio from the dead

Elena:her necklace it's glowing!
Isaiah runs to her coffin and looks at it
Becca:What's happening?
Isaiah:I'm not sure

Emilia:Hello my son (holds his face) your time has come
Bonnie:how did you? That's not even possible
Emilia:because she's in a deep sleep and her necklace is taking energy,I was able to bring him back
Nevio:what? I don't understand... where's Maria?!
Emilia:in the other room

Caroline:ah sorry sir you can't come here,this is a private room
Nevio:let me in!
Tyler:There is no need for all this noise,what do you want with this room?
Becca:(walking out) what is with all this
Becca drops her drink and her bag
Nevio:Rebecca?! (Tearing up)
Becca runs and hugs him
Caroline and Tyler look at each other confused
Becca:it's okay.. let him through
Isaiah:The necklace is so hot... it's magic is working again
Elena:how is that possible?
Nevio:because it's original owners life has been restored
Isaiah turns around and nearly faints
Nevio:easy..one sibling unconscious is enough
Isaiah hugs him so tightly it nearly chokes him
Elena steps aside
Maria's tears fall down her face but she can't move
Nevio:who would do this?
Nevio:she looks so peaceful
Becca:I want her alive and walking
They introduce him to everyone

Damon:Emilia do you think you can call in a favor
Emilia:you want me to bring Lexi back?
Damon:okay it's unfair that you use your with mojo on me all the time
Emilia:(laughs) I'll see what I can do....

Lexi:cheer up good looking,your son needs you now
Stefan:Lexi! (Hugs her) how?
Lexi:Damon and Emilia
Stefan hugs Damon
Lexi:we're gonna get that sexy girlfriend of yours back,I haven't seen her since 1896!
Stefan smiles

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