New House

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Maria's new house

Maria's new house

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Maria's room and closet

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Maria's room and closet

Maria's room and closet

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Piper's room

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Piper's room

Piper's room

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Joshua's room

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Joshua's room

Joshua's room

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Klaus:and you're sure about this? Maria:(laughs) yes love,look

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Klaus:and you're sure about this?
Maria:(laughs) yes love,look.. I'll visit everyday and I know you'll be here all the time...
Klaus:(kisses her forehead) I'm going to miss having you around all the time
Maria:there's 3 spare rooms.. you're welcome to move into one of them ...Part time
Klaus:(laughs) hmmm I wish,I have my empire to run
Maria:I'll do my part from here love
Klaus:(hugs her) so when's the house warming?
Maria:tonight,so I'll see you then...
Klaus:kicking me out?
Maria:I am,I need to get done...
Klaus:when do our children get back?
Maria:my mother thinks it's best if they're all there for a little while longer
Klaus:of course (kisses her hands) I'll see you later... I think Victoria and Hayley are here
Maria:spidey senses?
Klaus:oh yeah (winks)
She laughs and shakes her head

Finn:She moved because she wanted to give Freya and I the free space..
Elijah:yes,we'll convert her room for you and Freya can have her old room
Finn:my nieces and nephews rooms will not be touched
Rebekah:(laughs) of course not...
Kol:I can't believe we're all here
Klaus:it's exactly how it should be...
Elijah:has she settled in?
Klaus:it's only been a few hours...
Rebekah:so she's really going to stay all by herself in that big house?
Kol:you know she's determined darling
Finn:and besides our brother will be over there all the time
They laugh

*phone call*
Elena:I wish I could be there
Maria:aww peaches,I wish you could too
Elena:you're really going to stay alone in the house?
Maria:I'm a big girl Elena...
Elena:I know,I worry about you.. you just turned your humanity back on and I know you just performed a crazy spell
Maria:who told you that!?
Elena:does it matter?! You could've gotten yourself killed
Maria:but I'm alive..
Maria:oh I see what you did there,ha ha ha
Elena:I'm serious! Please.... don't..don't do stuff like that again
Maria:(sigh) Elena,I'm fine.. I promise
Elena:(sigh) I'll see you soon... be safe
Maria:you too..

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