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Elijah:Honestly,you've done the worst
Klaus:what? I simply kissed her..
Kol:knowing she had a boyfriend yeah...
Rebekah:that was childish Nik
Klaus:I needed to know for sure that there was nothing there anymore
Klaus:she loves him
Kol:we know that..
Klaus:I'm always going to love her,but I guess I wanted to see if maybe she still had feelings for me.She loves Stefan and I respect that
Elijah:it's about time..
Becca:(walking in with coffee) well we have bigger problems now
Elijah:what could be worse than Klaus coming between Maria and Stefan?
Becca:she's turned it off
Becca:my sister turned her humanity off.. You see my darling brother thought it would be smart
Elijah:oh dear God...
Kol:I'm staying in doors for the next few weeks
Becca:oh no you don't! Klaus you have to fix this
Klaus:she'll try to kill me
Becca:Serves you right
Elijah:no ones killing anyone.. relax.. I'll handle it
Rebekah narrows her eyes and Klaus and shakes her head

^^Phone Call^^
Stefan:how's everything?
Damon:just peachy..
Stefan:you're hiding something..
Damon:nope,don't worry... All is well
Elena comes in and wants to grab the phone to yell at Stefan and tell him the truth
Damon:oh Stef! Gotta go!
He hangs up quickly before she can get to him

Elena:why haven't you told him?
Damon:what good could possibly come from that?
Elena:maybe he can help!
Elijah:(walking in) where is she?
Damon:can't you knock?
Elijah:I'm not here to play games,where is Maria?
Elena:she's downstairs
Elijah:you locked her up?
Damon:she killed 4 people,unless you want a higher body count.. I suggest you leave her there
Elijah:she'll starve herself to death
Elena:I've given her blood

Elijah:Maria darling....
Maria:Hello Elijah
Elijah:I've heard you've been up to no good
Maria:Oh dear (walks towards the door and looks at him through the little square hole)
Elijah:this isn't you
Maria:of course it is...
Elijah:they're going to keep you down here until you get it back
Maria:I won't.. and when I get out here I'm going to kill every single one of them
Elijah:that's a nasty attitude you have there miss.. I don't appreciate your tone
Maria:then don't (walks back into a corner and crouches down) they've given me blood to drink
Elijah:because you need to stay healthy
Maria:What good does blood from a packet do?
Elijah:I'm going to come inside,don't try and run.. It's day and you will burn
Maria:better than being stuck in the Salvatore cellar!
Elijah:(goes inside and closes the door) Maria you have to snap out of it!
Maria:or else what Eli? Is Niklaus going to come down here and punish me some more?
Elijah:is that what you think that was? A punishment..
Maria:it doesn't matter what I think.. What have they done with my daylight ring and necklace?
Elijah:does it matter?
Maria:I suppose not,I could just kill you...
Elijah:except you won't... and besides.. I won't die
Maria:that's too bad... You know keeping me down here isn't going to change anything.. I'll never turn it back on
Elijah:never say never
Maria:you just did
Elijah:if I get your ring and necklace back will you behave?
Maria nods innocently and batters her eyelashes
Elijah:don't mock me..
Maria laughs and sits down
Elijah smirks and shakes his head
Maria:I'm going to spend the next eternity making every single one of you suffer and when I'm done,I'll take out this entire town.. then I'll move on to the next...
Elijah:you'll be alone
Maria:(looks down) I've always been alone
Elijah:that's not true.. You have us
Maria rolls her eyes
He steps out and Damon locks the door again
Elijah:get some rest
Maria:screw you!
Damon:if you're going to be a bad girl,I'm gonna have to burry your ring and that necklace or maybe I could sell it on eBay..
Maria charges at the door and bangs hard,her veins show and her eyes glow a deep red
Damon laughs and she goes away into the darkest part of the room

Elijah:she's stubborn alright.. What exactly were you thinking?
Eduardo:he wasn't!
Isaiah:I was thinking that my sister was in pain and her pain would turn into rage and then she'd go insane
Damon:In case you haven't noticed,she's already insane
Eduardo:that may be true but she seems... I don't know... Lost...
Damon sighs and sits down beside Elena
Victoria:uncle Stefan called
She nods
Damon:what did he want?
Victoria:he asked about her...
Damon:what did you say...
Victoria:I didn't tell him anything
Elena:how long are we going to pretend like he can't help us?
Elijah:he might be able to but I'm afraid I'm not going to allow that
Elena:what?! Why?
Victoria:she's our friend,we're supposed to help her
Elijah:by bringing back the person that brought all those emotions out of her? Yeah.. No!
Damon:I agree with him,the best thing for her is the cellar
Victoria:she's gonna kill us
Eduardo:a slow torture too..
Elijah:you're being dramatic
Eduardo:are we?
He doesn't answer
Eduardo:that's what I thought!
Isaiah:ENOUGH!?! How is arguing amongst each other supposed to help?
Elena:Zay is right... This won't do any good
Maria can hear them and she smirks and sips on the blood

Matt:I'm glad you're back
Rebekah:me too,I can't deal with my brothers for too long
Matt:yeah that must suck
Rebekah:it does but Kol took Becca along,so I had company
Matt:that's really good... Hey I was wondering when you'd be available,a family friend is getting married in about 3 weeks and I need a date..
Rebekah:are you asking me out?
Matt:well not officially because that's weird I know... I just..
Rebekah:because I'd love to go...
Rebekah:on my terms...
Matt:which is?
Rebekah:make me your girlfriend before that! (She winks and gets up and walks away)
He smiles and shakes his head and gets the bill

Bonnie:I am so ready to give birth already,I'm so fat!
Jeremy:(laughs) you're not fat... I'm pretty sure that's what you're supposed to look like when you're 8 months pregnant
Bonnie:almost 9!
Jeremy:I can't believe I'm going to be a father (sits down on the bed)
Bonnie:you okay?
Jeremy:of course,I'm a little nervous... but I'm excited
Bonnie:(holds his hand) I am too
He kisses her and puts his hand on her belly
Bonnie:He loves you already
Jeremy:Hi buddy... it's daddy (kisses her belly) you're not allowed to be a vampire or wolf okay?
Bonnie laughs

Vampire Diaries (with a twist) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now