Pain is all in the mind

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Stefan:Where are you?
Maria:in here (calling from the bathroom)
Stefan:Hungry?(pours them drinks)
Maria:hmmm (walks out) not for food
Stefan:oh? (Puts the glass down) what are you hungry for?
Maria:you know...(hides her face in his shirt)
Stefan:(laughs and picks her up) I think I could do something about that
Maria laughs as she throws her down on the bed
The bed moves against the wall and makes a noise
Maria:shhhh (smirks)
Stefan:who's to say you'll be quiet?
She blushes and her face heats
He takes his shirt off and tosses it to the side and she pulls him down
Damon:knock knock!
Maria:Damon! (She pulls hides behind Stefan)
Stefan:Damon it doesn't count if you say it...
Damon:ooooh lookey here (teases Maria) nice tattoo
Stefan:Damon I don't appreciate you looking at my girlfriends chest area
Damon laughs
Stefan:what is it that you want? We were busy...
Damon:Dinners ready and Maria your moms here
Damon:yeah she said she tried you at home but your phones off too? She figured you'd be here
Maria:oh dear sweet lord...
Damon:(laughs) I'm kidding! Elena needs your help
Stefan laughs and Maria throws a pillow at Damon

Abby:I'm sorry about the other day...
Victoria:you kissed my boyfriend... after you knew he had a girlfriend...
Abby:I get carried away sometimes.. May I?
Victoria:(sigh) sure.. sit...
Abby:Let me buy you a drink..
Victoria:I'm good with this one...
Abby:come on! I insist...
Victoria:hmm okay fine...
Abby smirks and gets up to get a drink for Victoria
She puts a bit of vervain inside it and hands it to her
She drinks it and starts choking..
Abby laughs and walks out the grill
Barman:are you okay?!
Victoria nods and goes outside to find Abby
She struggles to walk as the vervain seeps through her body and she gets weaker
Abby kicks her and she cries out from the pain,the vervain is making her weaker and she can't handle the pain
She grabs her and drinks Abby's blood... Killing her instantly

Isaiah:Have you seen Victoria?
Barman:yeah... That new Abby girl gave her a drink and it made her kinda sick... She left about 10 minutes ago
Isaiah:did you see where?
Tyler:ZAY! Parking lot
He follows Tyler out and find Victoria sitting in a pool of blood crying...
Victoria:I'm sorry..
Tyler:I'll move the body
Isaiah nods and holds Victoria
Victoria:I'm a monster... I'm so sorry...
Isaiah:no you're not... Shhhh.. It's okay.. Come let's get you cleaned up

Elena:Let's head to the grill
Maria:yeah let's go..

Caroline:there's this really really sexy guy that came in earlier..
Tyler:excuse me?
Caroline:he's not my type honey...
Maria:new in town?
Bonnie:definitely.. He's strange though
Eduardo:in what way?
Caroline:he wore red lipstick
Stefan:that's not normal...
Damon:maybe he's gay...
Bonnie:no way... He's a ladies man
Jeremy:hmmm what else?
Caroline:ah he had green hair and I think he had pale pale skin,could be paint...
Bonnie:oh and the tattoos... He had tattoos
Maria drops her fork in her plate making everyone jump
Maria:(clears throat) sorry
Stefan:you okay?
Maria:(looks at Eduardo) ah yeah...Yeah I'm good (smiles) go on...
Bonnie:He was really good looking
Damon:even with all that stuff?
Caroline nods
Eduardo:green hair... red lipstick... pale pale skin.... Tattoos... Oh my..
Caroline:you know him?
Maria doesn't answer
Matt:The Joker...
Damon:isn't that from the cartoon batman?
Matt nods
Stefan:he's real?
Tyler:no way...
Just then a group of guys dressed weird enter the grill and Maria turns around to hide her face
She hears a familiar laugh and closes her eyes hoping it's a dream
Tyler:Look it's him...
Everyone turns to face him and his crew besides Maria
Elena:Oooh he looks interesting..:
Eduardo:He's deranged....
Damon:you know this guy?

Joker:Hello Hello Hello (weird laugh) I seen your pretty faces early today.. I remember you preggers
Bonnie smiles and Caroline blushes
Maria is still hiding her face and Eduardo looks away too so he can't see his face
Joker:Pretty hair... nails... That tattoo on your wrist ma'am.. I had a friend once... same tattoo...
Maria doesn't move
Stefan looks at her and smiles
He walks around to the side where she sits and lifts her head up
Joker:Hi gorgeous
Maria:what are you doing here?
Joker:you know you missed me sweetness (kisses her hands) I sure missed you
Maria:how's Harley?
Joker smirks

Isaiah:what is he doing here?
Damon:does it matter? He freaks me out and I've been around a long time
Maria:honestly he means no harm
Eduardo:are you kidding?! He's crazy like mental asylum,stray jacket crazy?
Maria:that's what the kept him in when he was in jail
Maria and Isaiah laugh
Damon:is he really insane?
Maria nods
Stefan:did you....
Maria:oh no... He's too crazy for me (holds Stefan)
Eddy and Isaiah smirk because she's lying
Eduardo:no no.. You're just as crazy
Isaiah:you're worse cause you can control it and you were born that way
Maria laughs at him
Victoria is feeling much better and looks okay

Bonnie:when is this baby coming!?
Jeremy:he's not due for another 2 months
Elena:so tell us! Have you thought of any names yet?
Matt:Maria when's your sister coming back?
Maria:she's with Kol... I don't know
Bonnie:it's a surprise!
Matt:I kinda miss Rebekah
Jeremy:then maybe you should ask her out when she gets back

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