Home is where the heart is

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Stefan:how was it?
Maria:well....(looks at Elena) we caught them (making tea)
Damon:is everything alright?
Damon:I like your uncles house (sits on the couch)
Maria:(looks around) this is my second home...I was here everyday
Stefan:you're very close with your uncle...
Maria:I was around when he was born (laughs)
Damon:where is he?
Maria:he'll be home soon (checks watch) he's inviting the team over for dinner
Stefan:oh... that's cool
Maria looks at Elena and smiles
Elena laughs
Damon:what's wrong?
Elena:Maria has an admirer
Stefan looks up from a book
Maria:Elena stop it (laughs)
Elena:Dr Spencer Reid (looks at Stefan)
Maria laughs and shakes her head
Stefan:and he's coming here tonight for dinner?
Maria:(sits on Stefan's lap) yes... the whole team
Damon and Elena laugh

Hotch:thank you for having us over
Dave:any time (steps aside) come on in...

Dave:this is Stefan and Damon Salvatore
Morgan:so this is Stefan...
Maria nods and smiles
Dave:this is Derek Morgan,Penélope Garcia,Aaron Hotchner,Jennifer Jerou,Emily Prentiss and Spencer Reid
Damon:(whispers to Stefan) the doctor
Maria narrows her eyes at him and he smirks
JJ:I'll get the wine...
Maria:that sounds good (follows JJ)
Prentiss:so Maria how long have you been with Stefan?
Maria:almost a year... I moved back to mystic falls in January well late December and started college in January
Garcia:only one year? You two seem so my just closer...
Damon:well technically it's 122 years would've been
JJ:what? Oh my God that's....
Spencer:would've been?
Maria:long story...
Morgan:so you were really there when Rossi was born?
Maria laughs and nods
Hotch:you're still a sweet 20 year old in my eyes
Maria:thank you...
Garcia:so Elena you're also 163?
Elena:No.... I was turned a few years ago
Stefan:Damon and I were turned in the 1800's..
Spencer:and Maria too?
Maria:no,I was born in 1859.. I'm an original vampire,I wasn't turned
Garcia:you were born a vampire? That's ... This is still new to me
Morgan:to all of us...
Spencer:who would've thought (looks at Maria and smiles) it's pretty incredible
Maria smiles and holds Stefan's hand under the table
Stefan smiles

Isaiah:I've been doing a lot of thinking....
Eduardo:about what?
Isaiah:Victoria moving in...
Eduardo:what have you been smoking?
Isaiah:nothing.. I'm serious
Eduardo:okay... What about Maria? You think she'd approve
Isaiah:of course,I haven't forgotten to ask her permission first Eddy
Eduardo:although she wouldn't have a problem,Vicky's here most of the time
Isaiah nods and eats

Spencer:you smoke?
Maria:(looks up) ah.. I guess so
Spencer:I never pictured you as a smoker
Maria:well..when you're like me... it happens
Spencer:do all your friends smoke?
Maria:just me...
Spencer:does it help.. with the cravings?
Maria:(laughs) are you profiling me?
Maria:(laughs) yes it helps
Spencer:can I ask you a question?
Spencer:have you ever killed anyone before?
Maria doesn't answer
Spencer:silence is also an answer
Maria:(looks up at him) it wasn't always this easy... We barely survive on animal blood.. There was a time I wouldn't leave the house because I was so scared I'd hurt someone
Spencer:I'm guessing the stories we've heard about vampires aren't real?
Maria:nope (shakes her head)
Spencer:walking in the sun?
Maria:that's true... You get daylight rings but not all vampires have it...otherwise there'd be major problems and you wouldn't just be profiling serial killers
Spencer laughs
Maria smiles
Spencer:what was the 1800's like?
Maria:Ohh it was incredible,we never had profilers though (teases him)
Spencer:how did you survive?
They laugh
Maria:I knew a guy,he's name was Bobby.. You remind me of him
Spencer:was he this charming?
Maria:very (laughs) but it's the genius in him that captivated everyone (smiles)
Spencer:you know Rossi misses you,he has told me about you and your siblings
Maria:(looks up at the house) we miss him too (looks down) he really loves his job
Spencer:he does (smiles) when do you leave? I have a ton of questions
Maria:(smiles) we leave tomorrow
Spencer:(frowns) oh....
Maria:but I'll be back real soon.. I promise and in case you can't sleep (gives him her number) I'm one call away
He smiles
She holds his arm and vamps to the front porch
Spencer:what... woah... I've never actually been....
Maria:I believe the term is speechless?
He laughs and they go inside to join everyone else

Vampire Diaries (with a twist) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now