Change [BOOK 3]

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Maria:He's bloody mad! What about Stefan?
Elijah:easy.. I know you're upset
Rebekah:just give it some thought
Maria:I have..
Kol:have you really?
Maria frowns and shakes her head
Becca:It could be good for you,trust me...
Elijah:just give it some thought please? For me....
Maria nods and sips her bourbon
Rebekah smiles

Stefan:I know they have 2 children together but isn't he going too far?
Damon:well he gave her a choice
Elena:not much of a choice if he's threatening to take them away if she doesn't move in
Damon:I'm not on his side here but he never said he'd take them away from her
Stefan:New Orleans,I don't think I want to lose my fiancé to Klaus
Elena:you're not going to lose her Stefan,I think she's made that pretty obvious
Damon:Maria loves you...
Stefan:I know (sigh) and New Orleans isn't that far right?
Damon:exactly.. it isn't going to change anything between you and her
Elena:but she hasn't even decided what she wants to do.. They're still at each other's throats
Stefan:and he wants them to live under one roof? (Laughs)
Damon:It's not that bad,Hayley handles it
Stefan:I guess
Elena:Don't pressure her,if it's for her kids then we have to support the choices
Stefan:what do you think she should do?
Damon:she'll always have a place here but I know it'll kill her if she wasn't with them
Stefan:so you think she should move in with Klaus?
Damon:to be fair..Elijah and Hayley live there too
Elena:so does Rebekah and Marcel...
Stefan:I'll talk to her...
Damon smiles at Elena
Elena:she loves you.. just remember that... (Hugs him) she said yes...
Stefan smiles and sips his coffee

Klaus:What are the witches up to?
Diego:We can find out...
Klaus:thank you Diego.. that will be all for now
Diego leaves
Marcel:I think he's warming up to you...
Klaus:I did save his life after all
Marcel:you saved my life too.. You should give yourself more credit
Klaus laughs
Marcel:It's been too quiet... I could make a round by the Bayou
Klaus:hmm that won't be necessary,I'll let you know if we need to.. for now let's focus on getting New Orleans back on its feet
Marcel nods
Klaus' phone rings
Marcel:I'll let you handle that.. I have a date
Klaus:a date?
Marcel winks and leaves
Klaus:Brother,when are you coming home?
Elijah:have you decided to forgive Maria yet?
Elijah:then I'll stay a little longer and watch over your son
Klaus:I thought you said you wouldn't pick sides
Elijah:and I'm not,but you are being irrational
Klaus:irrational!? I asked her to move in
Elijah:hmmm I'll see you soon Niklaus
Klaus:indeed.. Bye for now

Rebekah:You know he holds onto anger far too long
Maria:and what,you think if I move in he'll get over himself?
Kol:no but it could help
Maria laughs and continues writing notes
Stefan:Hey babe...
Maria:(looks up) Hi honey..
Rebekah:I'll be upstairs... (Walks up the stairs) in the painting room (leaves)
Kol:I'll go.. over.. bye... (He walks away)
Maria:everything okay love?
Stefan:with us? Yes everything's perfect (kisses her) but with you and Niklaus? No
Maria:(sigh) Stefan please..
Stefan:no.. hear me out.. please?
Maria:fine (closes her books)
Stefan:I love you and I know you love me
She smiles
Stefan:but I think you should move in... I don't mind's not that much.. and we're vampires.. distance means nothing
Maria:(laughs) fair point... but Klaus has too much pride..
Stefan:we all know that
They laugh
Maria:are you sure?
Stefan:I'm positive..(kisses her) trust me... Besides you're one of few that can set him straight
Maria:I don't know
Stefan:it's still up to you,I just wanted you to know that I trust you and I'll support you either way (kisses her forehead)
Maria nods and sighs
Stefan:I'll see you later
Maria:no don't go..(takes his hand)
Stefan:I suppose Damon can wait (lifts Maria off her chair) what did you have in mind?
Maria:(kisses him) you'll see
She takes his hand and leads him upstairs

Rebekah:I can't handle this anymore
Becca:what's wrong?
Rebekah:I can't pretend like I don't feel anything for Marcel anymore.. I love him.. That's who I want to be with.. not Matt
Becca:I was not expecting that.. I knew but still that's a shock
Rebekah:I don't know how Marcel feels but I am going to end things with Matt..
Becca:I can do some spying for you.. Kol and I are going to New Orleans tomorrow evening
Rebekah:you'd do that for me?
Becca:of course.. that's what family is for
Rebekah smiles and hugs her

Maria:what are you even doing here in Mystic falls.. don't you have an empire to run?
Klaus:I have my people love
Klaus:you betrayed me
Maria:how did I betray you?
Klaus:Joshua is 1 years old... You could've told me sooner about everything
Maria:that wouldn't change anything Niklaus... you know that..
Klaus:I am so mad at you right now
Maria:good.. Anger is good.. At least you're not keeping it bottled inside
Klaus:oh please
Maria:you're arrogant,impulsive and narcissistic
Klaus:why do you care?
Maria:because even though you're all that.. you're still the Niklaus Mikaelson inside that I know and love and that's not something I'm willing to give up on.. You can stay mad at me all you want but you of all people should understand why I couldn't tell you.. I wasn't prepared to lose another child (walks out)
Klaus downs his drink and wants to throw the glass but calms himself down

Elijah stops by to see Maria and the children
Jeremy:Maria's out running some errands
Elijah:I'll wait...
Jeremy:how long are you planning on staying in town?
Elijah:why do you ask...
Jeremy:call it curiosity
Jeremy:I just don't want Klaus and Maria in the same room
Elijah:why? (Raises his eyebrow)
Jeremy:after what happened the other night...
Elijah:what are you talking about?
Jeremy:they had a fight in front of the kids,Victoria sort of saved the day.. if she didn't walk in ...
Elijah:I see,don't worry..I'll keep my brother and Maria in line
Jeremy:they really should make up,it's not healthy for the kids..
Elijah:I have a plan..
Elijah:don't you worry about it.. (Stands up) I'll see you around.. Tell Maria I stopped by
Jeremy:I thought you said you'd wait..
Elijah:and now I'm leaving.. Goodbye Mr Gilbert
Jeremy:bye.... That dude is weird
Eduardo:He means well
Eduardo:you didn't tell him about the fight did you?
Jeremy:I might've said something..
Eduardo hits him over the head
Jeremy:ow! What the hell man?! What was that for?
Eduardo:next time.. a little less chit chat!
Jeremy:what's the big deal?
Eduardo:we are not to involve ourselves in Maria and Niklaus' business..that's only adding salt to fresh wounds
Jeremy:okay I'm sorry..
Eduardo walks out the lounge
Jeremy:hey wait up!

Isaiah:Now you know where Bethany is,so you're going to tell us..
Nevio:he means that nicely and as a question with a please at the end
Stefan and Damon look at each other
Silas:what's in it for me?
Damon:we'll spare your life...
Silas:oh please.. I've been in town for a few months and you haven't tried anything.. if you really wanted me dead,I'd be dead
Isaiah:you're only alive because Maria doesn't want us to kill you..
Silas:(raises his eyebrow) what do you want with her anyway?
Stefan:we need her to find Katherine
Silas:missing her already?
Stefan:don't push me,my girlfriend wants you alive not anyone else
Damon:(to Isaiah) it's like watching him argue with himself
Nevio:which one?
They laugh
Silas:yeah Stefan's ugly...
Stefan:grow up Silas
Isaiah:you guys look exactly the same so... you just called yourself ugly
Damon and Nevio laugh
Stefan:okay that's enough.. where's Bethany?
Silas:I have something better... I know where Katherine is
Isaiah and Damon look at each other
Nevio:keep talking...
Silas:only if you give me your word that I will live
Isaiah:do I look like Elijah? Trust me buddy I can and will go against my word..
Damon:you're just going to have to trust us..
Silas:I'll tell your little girlfriend what you're up to..
Isaiah:I'm not scared of my sister
Silas:fine then (wants to walk away)
Stefan:(clenches his jaw) fine! You have my word

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