Surprise Party

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Maria's journal-
Well tomorrow is my birthday... I'm pretty old if you ask me! I don't want anything,I'm just grateful for the many years of good health (most of the time) "20" never looked this good!

Victoria:I can't believe she's turning 163 tomorrow!
Stefan:I do love older women!
Isaiah:watch it!
They all laugh
Victoria:I don't know what to get her
Eduardo:as long as it's not pink or orange,you're good to go!
Stefan:oh thank heavens you said that,I was getting her a Barbie
They all laugh
Isaiah:shhh (points up) she's awake
Maria walks downstairs to get coffee
Eduardo:we thought you'd never wake up
Maria:as appealing as that was,I have class in 2 hours and I don't think Mr Mikaelson would approve
Stefan:Good morning (kisses her)
Maria:Good morning (looks at Victoria) you guys are here early (gets a cup)
Victoria:yeah Isaiah said I could get a ride with him and Ed if I'm here early
Stefan:that sounded like an excuse to see you before school (raises an eyebrow)
Isaiah:well you're here (looks at him) don't judge me
They laugh
Victoria:well I'm guessing you're not wearing a robe to school?
Maria:(laughs) no my clothes are set out on the bed (checks her watch) everything else is done
Stefan:(whispers) so you're naked under there
Eduardo:you can't say stuff like that..ewww
Isaiah:yeah we can still hear you...
Stefan and Maria laugh at them

Micheal:So tomorrow you're going to be 9---- you get the point..that's impressive
Maria:I've been hoping from 19 to 20 for many years,am I starting to get wrinkles yet?
Micheal:you're funny
Maria:I try (sits next to Elena)
Caroline:I am so glad it's Friday!
Maria nods in agreement
Bonnie:so what are we doing?
Bonnie:my moms taking care of Sheila,she says I need a break
Maria:you do! We've missed you (pouts)
Boy:Mr Mikaelson?
Boy:do you believe in vampires?
Stefan turns to look at the boy asking this question...
Micheal:why,do you?
The boy nods and some of the students laugh
Micheal:I don't know what do you think Stefan?
Stefan:I believe anything is possible
Micheal:what about you Elena?
Elena:I believe aliens exist...
The class laughs
Boy:real funny Elena
Elena:I answered his question
Micheal:okay that's enough,pages 165-168

Joe:pages 149-154,I need that read by the end of this lesson understood?
Class:yes ma'am
Joe:please call me Joe..
Class:yes Joe
Isaiah:Who knew there'd be a boring part in history?
Eduardo:I know this chapter sucks (yawns)
Isaiah:a shot of bourbon would be great
Joe:finire che e si può avere 2 colpi!
[finish that and you can have 2 shots!]
Isaiah:e questo è il motivo per cui tu sei il mio preferito
[well this is why you're my favorite]
Joe:(laughs) dong patronize me
Victoria:lei è il tuo preferito?
[she's your favorite?]
Isaiah nods
Victoria:quanto male sono gli altri insegnanti?
[how bad are the other teachers?]
Eduardo and Isaiah laugh
Joe:very funny Vicky

Tyler:what are we doing for her birthday?
Caroline:she said she doesn't want a party
Tyler:you only turn 163 once....
Matt:but 20? I think she's had enough
Tyler:come on!
Bonnie:I hate to say it but Ty has a point
Caroline:then we can't tell her
Bonnie:she's a vampire how do you plan on keeping this from her?
Rebekah:I'll keep her occupied
Elena:yeah Rebekah and I will keep her out the way
Caroline:I have the perfect party place
Matt:Damon's going to kill you
Caroline:(getting her phone out) like he hasn't tried before

Klaus:Hello love
Maria hugs him
Elijah:(kisses her forehead) I'm guessing you're here for Micheal?
Maria:no actually I'm here for you 2!
Klaus:and to what do we owe this pleasure?
Elijah:need help with history?
Maria:I just came to check up on you.. No my history is perfect and my history teacher is actually really good
Micheal:(calling from the kitchen) glad to know someone appreciates me
Maria looks at Klaus then at Elijah
Maria:(walking into the kitchen) actually Micheal the entire college thinks you're good
Micheal:including your friend Alaric?
Maria:Give credit where credit is due..
Micheal:a drink?
Maria:I'd love one (looks at Klaus and Elijah)
Klaus:make that 3...
Micheal smiles at Maria and she winks

Isaiah:she'll kill us all you know that right?
Tyler:well I do plan on dying a happy man
Kol:you don't value much of your life yeah?
Becca:(rolls her eyes) ignore them,I think she'll love it
Caroline:so you'll help?
Isaiah shakes his head
Jeremy:oh cheer up... I'm telling you,Maria will love it
Isaiah:(Checks watch) fine..
Eduardo:Vicky would you come with me,I haven't got her a present yet
Victoria:that sounds good,I can get one for her too,Zay?
Becca:he's already got one
Becca nods and smiles
Eduardo:every year he gets her presents 4 days in advance
Caroline:why 4?
Becca:because 4 is her favorite number..
Matt:oh that explains the tattoo on her wrist
Isaiah nods and smirks at Stefan
Damon:I only agreed to this because Maria's considered family here
Stefan:she will be soon enough
Rebekah:what does that mean?
Stefan smirks at Damon and continues preparing for the party

Micheal:here's to 163 years
Klaus and Elijah:cheers!
Micheal:where's Rebekah?
Elijah:she's out with Elena,she should be here soon
Maria:I'm guessing Kol went to pick Becca up?
Klaus nods
Maria:(checks watch) okay I have to get home to make dinner
Klaus:thank you for stopping by love
Elijah:we will see you tomorrow
Micheal:we should do this again
Maria:(hugs Micheal) thank you
She leaves and Micheal is shocked
Elijah walks Maria to the door
Klaus smiles

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