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Caroline:so Klaus broke your....
Maria:shhhh (hides behind her book) I really don't want to have this conversation Care
Caroline:(laughs) how are you feeling?
Maria:I'm good (gives her a reassuring smile) I can practically still feel the poison in my system but I'll be all better by the end of the week I'm sure of it
Caroline:I'm really sorry about everything
Maria:Caroline it's not your fault you lost your memory.... I'm not upset with you
Caroline smiles and continues writing

Alaric:We have a new student (looks at Maria) please make him feel welcome this is Christian
Maria rolls her eyes
Christian smirks at her
Stefan shrugs
Alaric:Sit behind Maria and Elena
Christian:with pleasure
Elena narrows her eyes at him
Christian:Hello ladies
Maria ignores him and watches Stefan as he explains the history of mystic falls to Alaric and the class
Christian:Earth to Mars!
Maria:what do you want?
Christian:cheeky much?
Maria:want me to demonstrate how much I want to drive a stake through your heart and set you on fire?
Christian:I love it when you talk dirty to me
Elena:you will lose your head pretty boy
He smirks and sits back
Maria looks at Bonnie
Tyler talks to Maria from the other end of the class room
*Tyler:is he bothering you?
Maria:No it's okay... (Turns around and smiles at Tyler)
Tyler:just say the word...
Maria:I will...*

Maria:what is it Christian?
*Stefan and Elena listen in*
Christian:I'm sorry okay?
Maria:you're sorry?
Christian:The things that I did to you,what I put you through..I know I can never take it back
Maria:No,Christian you can't,you beat the shit out of me and that's what you call "love" spare me the crap
Christian:I love you and I'll never stop loving you.. I died loving you and the first person I wanted to see when I turned was you... when Micheal make Esther and Beth bring me back and then he turned me.. I am so sorry and I love you and I've always loved you
Maria raises her hand asking him to stop talking
Christian nods and waits for her response
Maria:Chris he only reason you're still here is because I am going to enjoy inflicting pain on you every chance that I get,you will feel everything that I went through (walks up to him until she's right by his chest and she places her hand on his heart) and I don't love you anymore
She walks away
Christian:yes you do... (Walks the other way)
Maria rolls her eyes

Elena and Maria are working on a project
Victoria is finishing up notes
Silas walks in
Elena:don't you ever knock!?
Silas:Hi ladies
Maria:seriously Silas you can't just come and go as you please
Silas:I like to come as I please
Victoria widens her eyes and tries not to laugh and she looks back down at her books
Elena throws a pillow at him
Silas:(laughs) I saw Christian today
Victoria:good for you,why is he here?
Silas:he's here for "the love of his life" funny because that's why I'm here
Maria rolls her eyes
Silas:give the guy a break Aleksa,he was murdered and now that he's back you won't even give him the time of day!
Maria:you're complaining but all I hear is "blah blah" Aleksa "blah blah" time of day
Elena and Victoria laugh
Silas:you used to be so sweet
Victoria:used to be?
Silas nods and takes a chip from her
Victoria:Alex is always sweet
Maria:thank you sweetheart
Elena:what are you doing here anyway?
Silas:just stopping by....
Silas:I know were Beth is
Elena look at Victoria
Maria:we don't care
Silas:you're just going to leave her?
Victoria:No but we aren't going to chase her around either
Elena:yeah come on now... you should know better
Silas:just trying to help
Maria:hmmmm (looks up at him)
Silas smiles,winks at Maria then leaves
Maria shakes her head
Victoria and Elena laugh

Tyler:You want me to just go?
Klaus:yes I do... look it's for your own good
Tyler:Klaus I might be sired to you but I don't follow your rules... not anymore
Klaus:you're my hybrid!
Klaus:I take care of family,this isn't up for discussion... your training will be for a few months
Tyler:a few months!
Klaus:Tyler you're getting rowdy
Tyler:you're unbelievable
Klaus:thank you....
Tyler shakes his head
Tyler:I'll do it... just... I need to talk to Caroline
Klaus:ohh good luck with that mate
Tyler:yeah thanks (walks out)

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