The "sire" bond

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Maria:Piper you have to wake up love
Piper:but mum I really don't want to go to school
Maria:I know but you have to..
Piper groans and puts the pillow over her head
Maria:fine,I guess I'll just have to get rid of this new outfit I bought for you then yeah?
Piper:(jumps up) what?? You got me a new outfit?
Maria nods and smiles
Piper:is it thee outfit?
Maria:the one you wanted
Piper:OMG thank you thank you thank you! (Hugs her tightly)
Maria laughs and shakes her head
Piper:okay,I need to go shower.. I'll be quick..
Maria:take your time,you still have about an hour or so love
Piper smiles and jolts out of bed and into the bathroom
Hope laughs and climbs out of bed
Maria:good morning
Hope:Good morning Lexi
Maria:make sure she hurries up,you know your sister can stay the whole day in that shower
Hope:you cannot blame her,we literally have the best shower in the house
Maria:(laughs) fair enough..

Caroline:I don't get why Maria broke up with Stefan...
Becca:actually it was mutual
Caroline:what? Stefan?!
Stefan:what? It's what we all saw coming
Caroline:wow,that's really nice
Stefan:I love her okay! but she is somehow tied up to Klaus and I can't stand between that
Becca chokes on her tea
Stefan:are you okay?
Becca:yes,I'm fine
Caroline:careful (patting her back)
Becca:(sigh) there's something you should know
Becca:but whatever I tell you now cannot leave this room and Maria can never know I told you
Caroline:you have my word...
Stefan:mine too...
Becca:as you both know my mother was only a witch when she gave birth to Nevio and Maria... it was only after Maria that my father turned her
Stefan:yeah we all know that story
Becca:no... You only know what they chose to tell you mate
Caroline:there's more?
Becca:When my mother gave birth to Nevio,everything was fine.. He was 100% vampire and he was super healthy... of course because Michael somehow convinced them to perform a spell before hand so we'd all be born vampires
Stefan:we know that part...
Becca:when my mother had Maria,during her pregnancy a lot went wrong and she almost lost Maria
Caroline:what? That's horrible
Becca:Klaus gave my mother his blood to drink and that healed Maria,well that's what we thought
Stefan:it didn't heal her?
Becca:Stefan.. It didn't just heal her... for a long time no one could ever understand why she was drawn to him and why he was so close to her
Caroline:oh my God....
Becca:we didn't know anything about a sire bond back then and even if we did,it wasn't possible because Maria was to be a vampire regardless of the circumstances.. She was already a vampire before the blood healed my mother
Stefan:Maria is sired to Klaus?
Caroline:just like Elena is sired to Damon?
Becca:trust me when I say it's worse than that...
Stefan:how so?
Becca:that my friend,is only a question my lord himself can answer
Caroline:and by my "lord" you mean Klaus?
Becca nods
Stefan:so first I lose Elena to a sire bond then Maria? Am I not meant to find love?
Becca:to be fair,when you met Maria she was already sired,since before she was born.. Michael knew this and that's why he wanted them to be married
Caroline:but Maria refused?
Becca:she not only refused.. She wanted to expose herself so she could be killed
Stefan:but she's an original?
Becca:she knew a place where the white oak trees were still growing
Caroline:I had no idea... 
Becca:she eventually left with Isaiah and Eduardo and that's when her life changed
Stefan:she met Christian?
Becca:no this was after Christian
Caroline:what happened?
Becca:she met you Stef...
Stefan looks up from his glass
Becca:(smiles) she fell in love with you and it had nothing to do with a sire bond or fear for her life.. with Klaus it was love don't get me wrong and it is love.. With Christian it was fascination and infatuation with a human.. with you.. It just happened naturally
Stefan begins tearing up
Caroline:I've been rendered speechless for the first time in my entire existence....
Becca:(sniffs) anyway,I just thought I should shed some light... Stefan you are worthy of love... even if it is from my unruly and uncultured cousin Katherine (hugs him) I have to run now...
Caroline:I have so many questions... Is there more stories?
Becca:(smiles and kisses Caroline's cheek) the best story tellers are Maria and the boys... they've literally seen it all.. Maria even has stories about Tom and Silas (looks at Stefan) I have to go meet with my boyfriend before he freaks out (gets her car keys and leaves)
Stefan:I don't even know what to say.....
Caroline:(sigh) I guess in a way it makes sense....
Stefan:yeah.... it does
Caroline:and don't even think about it
Stefan:think about what?
Caroline:I know you and you are not to tell Maria a thing!
Stefan rolls his eyes


Hayley:you look very beautiful Piper:thank you

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Hayley:you look very beautiful
Piper:thank you..
Maria:it's perfect...(kisses her forehead)
Piper:thank you mummy.. (hugs her)
Hope:do we really have to go?
Maria:don't you look adorable

Hayley:it's going to be fine,I promise (kisses her forehead) and you have a personal chauffeur Piper:that's literally the only nice thing about it yeah

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Hayley:it's going to be fine,I promise (kisses her forehead) and you have a personal chauffeur
Piper:that's literally the only nice thing about it yeah... I can't stand the people at school
Hope:they're not normal mom
Hayley:define normal sweetie
Maria:you're a hybrid,that's not normal sweetheart
They laugh
Piper and Hope frown
Hayley:I know how it can be,I was in school too you know
Piper:times have changed and unfortunately not for the better
Maria and Hayley laugh
Maria:go on (hugs the girls) or you'll both be late
Hope:better late than never
Hayley:get your butt in the car
Hope and Piper laugh and get into the car
Hayley:why can't they stay children forever?
Maria:I'm still working on a spell for Joshua
They laugh

Isaiah:do you want another drink of squirrel blood mate?
Joshua laugh and Klaus hands him a cup of normal blood and tiny sandwiches
Joshua:fanks daddy
Klaus:no child of mine will drink blood from a squirrel,that's animal abuse
Isaiah:(laughs) seriously?
Eduardo:that's definitely the wolf speaking
Klaus:you're hilarious mate
Eduardo:I try
Klaus:how's your wife?
Isaiah:we are not married
Klaus:she sure acts like you are
Eduardo:that's true (rolls his eyes)
Isaiah:my GIRLFRIEND is alright mate,she's just got mood swings and it tends to get on my nerves
Eduardo:I think you should be grateful that sire bond skipped you yeah
Klaus:indeed you should
Isaiah:actually it would've helped because then she'd listen and do as I say
Klaus:your sister obviously doesn't listen to me
Eduardo:That's because her sire is an arse
Klaus hits him over the head
Eduardo:ow!?! (Hits him back)
Isaiah:mother says it's different for you,with Elena she definitely wants to please Damon but Maria is different
Klaus:I'm aware of that,it's very rare that it happens like that in fact it almost never happens
Eduardo:I feel bad for Victoria I must admit
Isaiah:why is that?
Eduardo:these children... they're going to change her life forever
Klaus:oh I agree,Isaiah you can handle just about anything and everything but your girlfriend... not so much in fact who's to say she'll survive giving birth?
Isaiah:(sigh) that's what I'm worried about,my mother is working on a spell that protects her and the babies
Eduardo:what if it doesn't?
Klaus:then Isaiah will have to choose... Victoria or his children
Isaiah:oh it's no choice...
Eduardo:what's that supposed to mean?
Isaiah:I choose my children
Klaus and Eduardo look at each other

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