Brother's keeper

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Nevio:I don't like this (looking at Maria in the coffin)
Isaiah:I don't either
Nevio picks her up
Stefan:Nik what are you doing?
Nevio:When she wakes up she's going to want to be in her own bed,the last place she's going to want to wake up in is a coffin in the middle of the upstairs spare bedroom of a creepy old boarding house,no offense
Stefan:none taken,okay let's move her into my room
Nevio:I think I'm gonna take her home
Stefan:then I'm coming with
Nevio:of course
Isaiah:Damon and I will get rid of this coffin

Nevio:You look so peaceful,I haven't seen you this quiet since the day you lost your tooth and wouldn't speak to any of us (laughs and moves her hair out her face) I've missed you so much (sits on the bed next to her body) I saw the pictures in Stefan's room of when you were pregnant with Joshua (holds her hand) you looked so happy and free (a tear falls from her eyes and he wipes it away) no tears (kisses her forehead) come back to us,Stefan's a mess and I just met him (laughs) Joshua needs you
Nevio looks at Joshua in his cot
Mevio:oh my god!
Stefan:(walking in) was that....
Joshua:(giggles) momma (points to Maria's body)
Stefan tears up and picks Joshua up
Nevio:how... how old is he?
Stefan:he's almost 1 (smiles and kisses Joshua's head)
Nevio:was that his first word?
Stefan:his first normal world... your mom says he has a gift to see the dead
Nevio:that's not really a gift then is it? (Holds Joshua's hands)
Stefan:Nope,Maria won't let him out the house because of it
Nevio:sounds like my mom
They laugh
Nevio:I have an idea....
He puts Joshua next to Maria and he puts his hands on Maria's face
Stefan:that's right buddy that's momma
Maria's tears fall freely down her face but she doesn't move at all
Stefan and Nevio leave the room for a bit and Joshua falls asleep next to Maria holding onto her tightly

Stefan tries to contain his tears
Nevio:it'll be alright... I promise
Stefan nods and sits down
Damon:how's she doing?
Isaiah:the same...
Nevio:Joshua is calling out for her now
Damon:Awww no... she said she wanted to be the first to hear him say his first normal word
Elena:yeah instead of weird random names of dead people
They laugh

Maria:Hi buddy (crying) can you say hi for mommy?
Joshua:H... hi
Maria:mommy missed you so much (kisses his cheeks and his forehead)
Maria:mommy's right here love (holds him tightly)
When she hears footsteps she lays flat again in the same position that she was laid
Nevio:aw you're awake buddy? Come uncle Nik thinks it's time to eat
Nevio:mommy needs to rest okay? You'll come back up later
Maria:I think she's rested enough,what's it been? a few weeks?
Nevio turns around and almost drops Joshua...
Maria:Hi Nikky (trying not to cry)
He grabs her and hugs her tightly kissing her all over her face
Maria:ewww I'm not a little girl anymore
Nevio:(holds her face) yes.. yes you are (hugs her again) don't ever do that again (hugs her tighter) ever
Maria cries into his chest and holds him
Stefan:is everything... (Drops the blood bag)
Maria smiles at him and puts her hair behind her ear
Stefan hugs her and picks her up from the bed

Damon:what are we supposed to do now? Wait?
Maria:or we could get take out... how does Chinese sound?
Elena:Chinese sounds perfect (grabs her and hugs her)
Maria:squashing my rib cage here peaches...
Elena:say that again...
Elena laughs and hugs her again
Damon:how did you? When?
Maria:I think it was Joshy... He kept calling me and it was so frustrating knowing I couldn't do anything
Klaus:(walking in) I found my mother... Maria!
Maria:what do you mean you found Esther? She's dead
Klaus:you're awake...(hugs her)
Maria:yeah but I'm still in pain.. can someone please explain what the hell is going on!
Damon:after you eat...
Maria rolls her eyes and takes her bandages off
Nevio:good to have you back sis
They laugh

Alaric:and she just woke up... like that?
Caroline:yeah... she remembers what happened.. she doesn't know Silas is back
Alaric:and you didn't think to tell her?
Tyler:she's been without blood for a while well proper blood.. I like living
Alaric laughs and checks his watch
Tyler:late for something?
Alaric:as a matter of fact yes... I'll see you later

Silas:Hello gorgeous
Maria:Stefan I've told you I'm okay,I'm all healed (turns around) you're not Stefan....
Silas:could've fooled me...
Maria:Silas why are you here... in my house....
Silas:your maid let me in,thought I was Stefan and since she's Bulgarian she can't really speak English (laughs) nice place by the way.. you're looking really hot.. hmmm
Maria:Get out of my house Silas...
Silas:so soon? I just came to say hi and also sorry
Maria:sorry? You threatened Beth... she killed my best friend because of you.... I almost didn't wake up!
Silas:you woke up because I made Esther break the curse,I told her everything
Maria:then how are you still alive?
Silas:I told her it was Michael's idea
Maria:that easy huh?
Silas:sort of...
Maria:sort of?!
Silas:She might be coming here...
Maria:good... she'll be happy to know your plans
Silas:They could bring Matt back...
Silas:Esther and your mother....
Maria:sure in place of you... I'll kill you and they can bring him back
Silas:they're original witches and your mother is a hybrid... They don't need to kill anyone
Maria:no I know that... I mean I just want to kill you.. I mean you did kill my brother or at least whatever you did sent his body elsewhere and I know what you did to Stefan
Silas:to be fair you weren't around that time,Elena even went into a deep sleep
Maria:I don't like you very much.... (Checks watch) Stefan is on his way to pick me up,you're not welcome here
Silas:I'll see you around
Maria:I hope not
Silas leaves

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