A family that stays together

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Maria:all done! (Climbs down) Joshua:tree! Maria laughs and kisses his cheeks Piper:I think it's perfect Maria:hmm I think so too Piper:can I open my presents now? Maria:(laughs) it's not Christmas yet so you'll have to wait a few more days yeah P...

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Maria:all done! (Climbs down)
Maria laughs and kisses his cheeks
Piper:I think it's perfect
Maria:hmm I think so too
Piper:can I open my presents now?
Maria:(laughs) it's not Christmas yet so you'll have to wait a few more days yeah
Piper:I can't wait! (Hugs Maria) it's going to be perfect
Maria:like you (kisses her forehead) go get ready for dinner
Piper nods and runs up the stairs
Joshua:where's Pipa going?
Maria:to get ready for dinner,come let's go to the kitchen
Maria:(sigh) you'll see him later okay?
Joshua nods but frowns and follows Maria into the kitchen
Joshua jumps and screams
Maria laughs
Klaus:hello buddy (picks him up)
Joshua:I missed you so much
Klaus:I missed you too,are you good?
Joshua nods and hugs him tightly
Klaus:at least someone's happy to see me
Maria rolls her eyes and gets the plates out
Piper:Hi daddy (kisses his cheek and hugs him)
Klaus kisses her head
Klaus:hmm this smells really good
Piper:mum made pasta (smiles and sits down)
Klaus:I know that's your favorite

Stefan:Klaus isn't going to give up easily
Damon:so you are?
Stefan:I don't want to have this conversation with you
Damon:come on,you can't be mad at me!
Stefan:I can and I am Damon.. can't you see this is a streak with you and not a good one!
Damon:it's a curse
Stefan:no it's a Damon thing
Damon:Maria is having Christmas at her place how about we act civil until New Year's Day?
Stefan:I guess you have a point
Elena is walking out the room with a small bag and her diary
Damon:and where are you off to?
Elena ignores him
Elena:I'm going to Maria
Damon:what why?
Elena:I don't want to do this right now (walks out)
Stefan looks at Damon and shakes his head
Damon:what?! It's not like I can control my feelings! I can't just turn it off
Stefan:no you can't and I get that but that's what makes it worse because even without your humanity you'll still feel for her
Damon:(sighs) I love Elena and I won't hurt her .. Maria needs to choose now
Stefan:she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to because I feel like if we push her she'll end up pushing all of us away and she doesn't need that right now
Damon:but you want her to choose you
Stefan walks away and shakes his head

Bonnie:the tree looks incredible
Jeremy:mistletoe (points up)
Bonnie laughs and kisses him
Jeremy:Maria,I'm already loving spending Christmas with you!
Maria laughs
They laugh

Caroline:quick question
Caroline:it's almost the New Year.. do you think you'll be able to choose?
Maria:(sigh) I have thought about it
Victoria:(walking in) Hi
Maria:we'll talk later
Caroline nods and sits down
Caroline nods at her
Victoria:Caroline I do not like Enzo that way it's only ever been Isaiah okay?
Maria:can we not do this? It's almost Christmas and I'd like it to be Drama free or you can leave
Victoria:sorry Alex
Becca:absolutely no boy drama!
Rebekah:yes gosh
Hayley:girls night! Even though the guys are in the lounge
They laugh
Maria:(smiles) wine?
Elena:(walking in) yes please!
Maria:(laughs) Hi peaches
Victoria:where's Damon?
Elena:he'll come later with Stefan
Natasha:(walking in) thank god for this winter break because I'm on the verge of killing someone
Maria:honestly Tasha just because that girl is all flirty with Ty that doesn't mean he feels anything for her yeah,I know he likes you so don't let "Lilly Jones" ruin it
Becca:you're way better anyway love
Natasha:I'll drink to that!
They laugh
Caroline:there's nothing better than spending time with the girls!
Carla:wait for me!
Katherine:yes me too!(grabs a glass)
Maria:to the girls and a festive season!
Maria smiles as the girls chat and laugh

Elijah:Why are you standing here alone?
Maria:I'm just watching the children play (smiles)
Elijah:hmmmm they've grown so much especially Joshua and Sheila
Maria:it's scary to think about it actually
Elijah laughs
Maria:(sigh) how's Klaus?
Elijah:on the outside? You know he's an arrogant arse but he's emotionally vulnerable
Maria:(sigh) I was hoping for good news... I'm supposed to be with Stefan right? So why am I so in love with Niklaus
Elijah:I can't answer that question,only you can decide what it is you want to do... but for now let's enjoy what's left of this year and of course Christmas
Maria nods and he kisses her forehead
Maria:I love you
Elijah:I love you too Aleksandrina

Joshua:snow ball fight! (He throws snowballs at Piper and Hope)
Sheila helps him
Piper:so you both really want to tag team against us?
Sheila:yes! (Hugs Joshua)
Hope:you're going down!
Joshua:down! (Throws more snow balls)
Piper:oh it's on now!

Maria and Elijah laugh

Maria sets her journal on the table in her room and gets undressed

Stefan:I should easedrop not often! Maria laughs and pulls the covers up Stefan:you okay? Maria:yeah

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Stefan:I should easedrop not often!
Maria laughs and pulls the covers up
Stefan:you okay?
Maria:yeah... I thought everyone left?
Stefan:everyone did.. well Klaus is asleep on the couch and Elena's in the other room
Maria:Klaus is asleep on the couch?
He nods and sits down beside her
Maria swallows and bites her lip
Stefan:I just wanted to say goodnight before I left
Stefan smiles and kisses her on the side of her lip
Maria nods and he walks out

Maria's journal
-I don't know why I felt this way!
My body felt extremely hot when he sat near me...
His lips touched mine gently and it took everything for me not to launch myself at him!
Klaus was downstairs but I couldn't help this feeling
But then I'd see Klaus and my body would feel like it's being electrocuted.. there was no way I could choose

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