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Rebekah:All he wants is loyalty...
Maria:and they won't give it to him?
Rebekah:they fear him
Maria:every great leader is feared Bekah...
Rebekah:(looks up and smirks) you think Nik is a great leader? You still love my brother don't you?
Maria:all I'm saying is,don't be so hard on him.. Family is all Niklaus has ever wanted.. your father made him feel like he wasn't welcome anywhere
Rebekah:I know Lexa...
Maria:The people just need to know he's for them and not all for power
Rebekah:but all Niklaus wants is power
Maria:yes but they'll need to fear someone that's equal to Klaus..
Rebekah:Someone like Marcel?
Maria:(shakes her head) they fear Marcel but they're loyal and they love him...
Rebekah:so what do you suggest we do?
Maria:Niklaus asked for my help.. I'll help him
Rebekah:you're going to call a meeting aren't you?
Maria:and you're going to help me sweetheart.. (Picks up her phone) cheer up love or you'll get wrinkles
Rebekah raises her eyebrow and smirks
Rebekah:I admire you..
Maria winks

Maria's outfit

Elijah:my my you do look gorgeous (kisses her cheeks) Maria:thank you love

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Elijah:my my you do look gorgeous (kisses her cheeks)
Maria:thank you love..
Elijah:I did as you asked,Niklaus is away for a while so they're all yours
Maria:very well... (Takes Elijah's hand) I'll need you up there with me

Maria:Good evening all,I trust you've rested well and had time to rethink Niklaus' proposal?
....:We don't want him as our leader! He's not good enough
Maria:your name love?
Maria nods and one of the other vampires snaps Cassie's neck
The others talk amongst each other
Terry:how can you just come here and tell us what to do?
Maria:Terry is it? You should know better than to cross an original .. Let me make myself clear.. under no circumstances will you ever question me understood? We want to build a family.. New Orleans is our home.. all Niklaus wants is loyalty,honesty.. and love
Guy:shouldn't that work both ways?
Maria:yes of course love... Niklaus has done everything in his power to prove that he is worthy.. Hope brought him salvation and we owe it to each other to work together.. here
Girl:why should we pledge our allegiance to him?
Maria:you can pledge your allegiance to whomever you may see fit sweetheart... but no matter what you do or say.. Niklaus will remain King...and you will respect him
Guy:I'm willing to accept this.. I just need to know he is for us and not only for power
Maria:as long as I am here and as long as you are faithful to Niklaus.. He will honor you... If you think Niklaus is bad then you really haven't seen me (her eyes glisten) we will rise together and we will pledge our allegiance to Klaus or you may go.. but once you are gone.. you are on your own
She raises her fist in the air
Elijah and Rebekah follow
Soon everyone raises their fists
Terry and 3 people leave
Maria looks at Rebekah and then back at the crowd
Everyone:VIVA NIKLAUS!!!
Maria smirks and winks at Elijah and Rebekah
Maria:(to Elijah and Rebekah) my work here.. is done...

Stefan:Katherine's been M.I.A all of a sudden
Eduardo:maybe because it's so obvious Damon is plotting against her
Isaiah:aren't we all?
Eduardo:I suppose that's fair
Damon:no what's fair is her leaving and since we gave her that option and she chose against it.. There was always this plan
Eduardo:which is?
Damon:kill her

Rebekah:I'm really proud of you
Maria:(packing) thank you
Rebekah:in your flashbacks.. why did you change your age?
Maria looks up at her confused
Rebekah:why haven't you told them the truth.. that you're really almost over a thousand years old?
Maria:(shrugs) it's way too complicated...
Rebekah:No sweetheart,what's complicated is the fact that Niklaus hasn't gotten over you in nearly 800 years.. Is that why you haven't told them your real ages? Well you,Isaiah,Becca and Ed?
Maria:(nods) it's not that simple yeah.. I mean how do I tell my boyfriend,the father of my 1 year old son...whom I love by the way so much..that I'm really 988 years old.. I'm actually Niklaus' real first love and I'm still deeply in love with Niklaus?
Rebekah:(drops her spoon) what? You're still.. I knew it! Why else would you come out here to New Orleans to convince these vampires and witches he is worthy.. Why else would you drop everything.. your life.. for him?
Maria:it's simple.. You,Niklaus,Elijah,Kol and Marcel are my family.. I love you all so much and that will never change (closes her suitcase and sighs) back to mystic falls then
Rebekah hugs her and Maria tears up but holds it in
Maria:I love him... but I'm with Stefan now and I love him
Rebekah:I know (hugs her again) it's okay
Maria:when did life get so complicated?
They look at each other and laugh

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