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Victoria:so you're just going to act like nothing happened between you guys?
Maria:Vick please just stop
Victoria:I'm sorry...
Maria:I don't want to talk about Niklaus or your uncle
Victoria:I know,I'm sorry
Maria:(sigh) hungry?
Maria:(pouring blood into a bottle) what do you want to eat love?
Victoria:(raising eyebrow) pasta... you're drinking blood in a pretty glass bottle?
Victoria:Nope just weird.... you've been drinking a lot of blood lately
Victoria:can I ask why?
Maria:Sure.. doesn't mean I'll answer
Victoria:that's fair....

Stefan:I got a text from Victoria
Stefan:Maria is drinking blood
Katherine:ewww that's weird! Oh wait... she's a hybrid
Elena laughs
Stefan:since when does she drink blood every day?
Katherine:leave the girl alone.... she's a mother,I can't imagine what her stress levels are like
Elena:what if she's having urges?
Stefan:Victoria thinks she does...
Katherine:who cares what Victoria thinks?
Stefan:be nice...
Elena:Katherine has a point,maybe Vicky is overreacting just a little
Stefan:(sigh) it wouldn't hurt to check up on her
Damon:(walking in) maybe we should just move to New Orleans
Elena:and give up life here? This is our home
Damon:what life? We are vampires,we can't procreate.. we can do whatever we want
Elena:what about college?
Katherine:there are colleges there if it's that important to you
Elena:(sigh) where would we stay?
Stefan:we could go house hunting
Damon:we could...
Elena:what,go right now?
Katherine:yeah... I'm down!
Elena:(rolls her eyes) fine.... but who's going to stay here?
Stefan:no one,this is our home
Elena nods
Damon:we'll leave later today

Isaiah:what brings you by?
Hayley:I wanted to see you...
Isaiah:oh..(smiles and steps aside) then come in
Hayley:actually.. I was hoping we could go out... to the lakeside...
Isaiah:sure,one moment love (shouts after Eduardo) I'm going out for a while!
Isaiah:let's go...

Eduardo:it's Hayley isn't it?
Caroline:yes,I saw her car,you don't think something is going on there do you?
Eduardo:It could be
Caroline:oh... that's... cute
Eduardo:yeah "cute" is exactly what it is love (laughs)
Caroline:are you making fun of me?
Eduardo:I would never! (Laughs)

Maria's journal
-I'm not sure how much longer I can go on like this... my cravings for blood won't go away and I know I survive off blood but this time it's worse,it's almost like I can't control my urges.. I can hear blood pumping through veins from a mile away.. I can smell blood and taste it on my tongue..I can't keep anything down,it makes me feel sick... I've stocked up on blood bags but it's not helping..

There's a knock on the door that scares her so she jumps and almost falls over

The door opens by itself and she hears footsteps,she grabs a knife and vamps and holds the intruder up against the wall

Michael:that's no way to treat a friend Aleksandrina
Maria:how did you get in here?
Michael:I may or may not have compelled Victoria to let me on earlier today
Maria:(sigh) what are you doing here?
Michael:wow,do I sense a little less hostility towards me there sweetheart? Is something bothering you?
Maria:the fact that you're in my house,your wife...
Michael:to be fair,she hasn't been much of a "wife" in many years
Maria:hmm I guess I'll give you that...
Michael:where are my grandchildren? Your 2 and Hayley's 1...
Maria:what's it to you?
Michael:they're my grandchildren
Maria:you're barely a father
Michael:I'll give you that... (laughs)
Maria:what are you doing here?
Michael:I was hoping Niklaus would be here
Maria:if you were a good parent you'd know he has an empire he needs to run
Michael:of course,how could I forget...
Maria:great parenting skills,I am grateful that Niklaus did not take any of your skills and put them to practice
Michael:(laughs) you're always so nice
Maria:(laughs) I know..
Michael:I'll be on my way.. don't worry about the urges love,you're strong (winks)
Maria:how did you.. I'm not even going to ask...
He smiles and leaves
She lets out a deep sigh and puts the kettle on

Vampire Diaries (with a twist) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now