History 101

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Maria:honestly Micheal what do you even know about teaching history?
Micheal:what's there to know? I lived through it all dear
Maria:that's right,I forgot how OLD you were (parks her car in the garage)
Micheal:you're not that young either
Maria:but that's okay,I'm still pretty
Micheal:so am I...
Maria:whatever,you've got some explaining to do.. I can't believe I'm inviting you in my home
Micheal:relax,what's the worst that could happen?
Maria:don't mock me
Micheal laughs
Maria:(pauses outside the front door) shit!
Micheal:what is it?
Maria:everyone is here
Micheal:what do you mean?
Maria:Isaiah is making dinner and everyone invited themselves
Micheal:my children are here
Maria:oh sweet Lord why?! (Opens the door) ah I can't believe I'm doing this.. (Steps aside to let him in) be quiet.. let me handle this

Elena:you're home so soon Hun,everything okay...
Maria:well actually
Micheal:Hello everyone
Klaus steps in front of Kol and Becca by the counter
Damon:should I even ask?!
Maria:he knew they were already here what was I supposed to do?
Tyler:kill him..
Micheal:easy boy! I'll rip your head right off
Maria:I thought I told you to be quiet...
Matt:whys he here?
Maria:he is Whittmore's new history teacher
They all laugh
Maria and Micheal remain calm and serious
Maria:well I'm glad you handled that well
Alaric:are you telling me I'm going to be working with this....
Maria:Ric.... (shakes her head)
Micheal:lighten up... it could be worse...
Maria:somehow I believe that...
Micheal:glad to see all my children are here... Finn... where's Finn?
Stefan:You still haven't told him?
Maria:Micheal Finn is dead...
Micheal doesn't answer
Micheal:yes dear?
Maria:what are you planning to do?
Micheal:I'm going home
Michael:yes Niklaus,I have to prepare for my lesson tomorrow (he vamps outside and Maria falls onto the couch)
Rebekah:what do we do?
Maria:"we" are not going to do anything..
Isaiah:what do you mean?
Stefan:he's trouble...
Maria:(looks at Elijah for hope) help?
Elijah:she's right,you're going to attend class and stay out of his way
Damon:we should kill him again...
Maria:he can't die... He has a witch protecting him
Klaus:we'll find that witch
Becca:Ria's right... We can't do anything about this
Caroline:I'd like to do well
Maria:He's lived through everything
Damon:I'm surprised he wasn't Hitler's advocate
Rebekah:oh no.. Father is the devils advocate

Maria is outside by the patio,watching the skylights
Stefan:are you okay baby?
Maria:(looks at him) yeah.. I tried.. I wanted to protect everyone instead the problem is now our history teacher (frowns)
Stefan:(laughs) it's not as bad as it sounds (kisses her forehead) maybe he really likes history
Maria pouts and he laughs

Rebekah:I'm leaving school
Rebekah:you don't have to deal with daddy Kol...
Becca:(sits next to Kol) Rebekah do you like Whittmore?
Rebekah:of course I do...
Becca:do you like being in school?
Rebekah:I actually do...
Becca:then don't let Micheal change that..
Maria:(walking in) where's Niklaus?
Kol:he hasn't left his room
Maria:(puts her bag on the couch) really? (Kol nods)

Maria knocks on the door and it's open so she enters
Klaus:Hello love...
Maria:Niklaus give me the bottle
Klaus:(hides the bottle) what bottle?
Maria:(steps forward) Klaus...
Klaus:(laughs) there's two of you...
Maria:you're drunk...
Klaus:can I have the other one?
Klaus:there's two (he holds up 3 fingers) of you (he laughs)
Maria:okay that's it! (She picks up the bottles and throws it away in the bin she gets up and he's right behind her)Owh.. You scared me
Klaus:sorry (pouts) you're pretty
Maria:(laughs) you should lie down..
Klaus:only if you stay with me
Maria:(looks at her watch) okay... lay down
He lays down and she sits next to him
Klaus:do you think I'm weak?
Maria:no of course not..
Klaus:Micheal does
Maria:Micheal doesn't know how great you are
Klaus:you mean that?
Maria:I do.. Get some sleep okay?
Klaus:you're leaving?
Maria:no I'll be right outside okay?
Klaus nods and she kisses his forehead

Elijah:is he okay?
Maria:uhh he's drunk...(sits next to Stefan) but yeah he's sleeping
Elijah:how do I fix this?
Maria:you don't... Ill talk to your father
Rebekah:please (sits next to Maria and holds her hands) I really don't wanna leave again
Maria:and you won't have to... We're in this together
Kol:yes we are...
Becca:thank God I'm in high school
Maria:Joe gives a lot of homework honey
Becca rolls her eyes and they laugh

Stefan:I'll see you later (kisses Maria) I love you
Maria:I love you too,so much
Stefan hugs her and she holds onto him

Klaus:you're here?
Maria:I told you I'd be here when you wake up...
Klaus:you're something else love
Maria:pizza? (Cute smile)
Klaus:I'm not hungry
Maria frowns and he smiles
Klaus:but pizza does sound good
She smiles and gets a plate for him
Klaus:where is everyone?
Maria:no clue..
Elijah:Elijah's here...
Klaus:you okay mate?
Elijah nods and sits next to him
Maria smiles and her phone rings

Maria:Hi peaches
Elena:where are you?
Elena:I can come get you...
Maria:yeah Stefan dropped me off,see you in 10

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