Family drama

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Maria is having a shower when Klaus walks into the bathroom
Maria:(showering) what is it Niklaus?
Klaus:(sits on the stool by the mirror) you lied to me
Maria:what exactly did I lie about?
Klaus:What you and Rebekah were talking about...
Maria:(stops and peeks out the side)She told you?
Klaus:No,it was a lucky guess
Maria:so you don't know?
Klaus:you want to bring Freya and Finn back
Maria:can this wait until I'm fully clothed?
Maria rolls her eyes and steps out the shower
He holds out her robe for her

Klaus:I thought you'd always be honest with me love
Maria:I am always honest with you...
Klaus:you couldn't tell me this?
Maria:because (drying her hair) there's more important things to worry about...
Klaus:oh do go on.... You have my full attention now (crosses his arms)
Maria:your parents
Maria nods
Klaus clenches his jaw
Maria:easy love,I can see you want to throw that glass and my room is a strictly drama and violent free-zone
Klaus:why didn't you tell me?
Maria:because I didn't want to ruin our daughters birthday (ties her hair up in a bun) look (walks to him and holds him around his neck) I'll handle this
Klaus:I don't want you anywhere ...
Maria:(kisses him) that is not your call (kisses him again) Elijah wanted to see you so I believe we're done here
Klaus:fine,this isn't over though
Maria pushes him out her room and closes her door
He smirks and shakes his head

Kol:(pulls out her seat) for you love
Becca:you're being awfully nice
Kol:aren't I always?
Becca:you have your moments (winks)
...:Hello Kol
Becca almost chokes
Davina:surprised to see me?
Kol:you're dead...
Davina:I was...
Becca:how's that possible?
Davina:Your lovely mother
Kol:excuse me?
Davina:your mother Rebecca,she brought me back
Becca:I see... (trying to stay calm) would you excuse me please?
Davina:of course (smirks)
Kol:what are you doing here? Wait don't answer me (vamps out to look for Becca)

Emilia:Hello sweetheart
Becca:don't give me that! How could you?
Emilia:how could I what?
Becca:you brought Kol's ex little witch girlfriend back from the dead,the one who tried to kill Niklaus
Emilia:I was only trying to help
Becca:help? With what?!
Emilia:Michael... Esther.. want a list?
Becca:I cannot believe you! (Vamps out)
Emilia:Rebecca wait! I'm..
Samuel:let her be..she'll come around
Emilia:or not....
Samuel:(sigh) I said this would happen

Hayley:Becca calm down
Becca:calm down? What if she tries to poison Kol? Use him again?
Hayley:Kol loves you...
Becca:he loved her
Hayley:he loved you first...
Becca:(lays on Hayley's bed) I cannot believe mother thought this would be a good idea,Davina is the reason Michael returned once before
Hayley:I know... (lays next to her) your mother was only doing what she thought was right..
Becca:mother is stronger than Davina anyway,I don't understand
Hayley:just talk to her...
Becca:No,I'm not talking to her
Hayley:(sigh) okay then at least try and pretend she's not getting under your skin
Becca looks at her
Hayley:Kol loves you.. only you
Becca:I know he does.. I love him,only him...
Hayley smiles

Marcel:Davina why didn't you come see me first?
Davina:I had to make a quick stop...
Marcel:trying to torment Kol and Becca
Davina:and I succeeded
Marcel:you have no place here anymore,I loved you like you were my own daughter,I can't believe you would stoop so low
Davina:you call that stooping low?
Marcel:yes I do,Kol loves her,she's his first love..not even Michael can come between that
Davina:I'm sorry
Marcel walks away
Davina runs after him

Michael:I want to see all 3 of my grandchildren
Maria:you're not coming near them
Hayley:not even in a million years!
Michael:I will tear through every single one of you if I have to
Maria:you'll die before you reach the front door
Michael:(laughs) you're weak!! Look at you..
Maria:you're pathetic
Hayley:I will take you on myself before you step foot near my daughter or my niece and nephew
Michael:you're both just Niklaus' bitches
Hayley:I'm so offended
Maria:is that the best you've got mate? (Laughs)
Michael:(grabs her neck) I'll kill you..
Hayley:let her go!
Michael throws her across the bar and walks out
Hayley runs over and helps her up
Hayley:are you okay?
Maria:I'm fine,don't worry about it (stands up) at least his gone
Hayley:It's better than dealing with Esther
Maria:by far!

Elijah:father has returned and so has our mother
Klaus:my lover has informed me
Elijah:your lover? You can't still be upset about her not telling you her plans
Klaus:I can be and I am
Elijah:don't you think you're being irrational here
Klaus:I know how this looks but she is supposed to tell me everything
Elijah:I see,so you were the one to tell her that Davina has returned then?
Klaus looks at him
Elijah:(raises her eyebrow) you spotted her days ago,I bet it Becca didn't confront her mother and tell Hayley.. Maria wouldn't have known
Klaus:it's not the same thing
Elijah:yes it is brother,stop acting selfish because you'll lose a great woman wasting your time on anger and holding grudges
Klaus:you were always the wiser one
Elijah smirks and sips his tea
Klaus:did you know of her plans?
Elijah:no but I think she has a point,with the help of our brother and sister,we can stand together against our parents,they won't stand a chance
Klaus:They would never stand a chance anyway but I could work with that
Elijah:good.. I'll have Diego run some errands and find out what our mother is up to..
Klaus:and Michael?
Elijah:Maria and Hayley are on that quest as we speak
Klaus nods and sips his bourbon

"There was a time I feared my father,he's the vampire who hunts vampires.. how can a man be so cruel and evil to his kind,a kind he wanted to be created?" - Klaus

Maria's journal
I hope that Freya and Finn can come and help shed some light and put Niklaus' busy mind at ease.. I can't have him going insane on us again
I wonder how Stefan is.. We haven't spoken in days and I hate to admit the obvious truth.. as much as my heart and soul belong to Niklaus,I am still in love with him and I want him to be closer to me again...Dear God,protect us from what we fear most,guide us and shed light in the darkest hour..

Vampire Diaries (with a twist) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now