The truth

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Stefan:I love you so much Maria,you know that'll never change right?
Maria:(smiles and nods) what do I do with this ring? (Looks at it)
Stefan:I want you to keep it (kisses her forehead) I love you
Maria:I love you too (hugs him tightly) thank you
Stefan:no.. thank you (kisses her hands)
Maria:you're staying for a while?
Stefan:I was thinks of going away for a while with Katherine and sorting everything out and then when I'm back I'll spend as much time as possible with you
Maria smiles and hugs him again
Maria:Katherine is out back..
He kisses her once more and goes outside to look for Katherine

Klaus:I see your engagement ring is gone?
Maria:not gone exactly...
Klaus:what do you mean?
Maria:when Josh is older and he meets a girl and they fall in love and he decides to get married I'll give him the ring..
Klaus:(smiles) are you okay?
Maria:yeah,why wouldn't I be?
Klaus:you and Stefan just ended things.. I would think you'd be in those ugly pajamas,in bed,eating ice cream and crying
Maria:(laughs) we ended on good terms.. it's not like we hate each other now and I have to go write about how much I want him to suffer in my journal
Klaus:(laughs) I bet you write terrible things about me all the time then
Maria:oh yeah,most definitely (teases him)
Klaus:very funny
She laughs and walks to the lounge

Katherine:What are you doing here?
Stefan:I came to apologize
Katherine:was that before or after your fiancé had a fight with your brother!
Stefan:Maria and I are friends,best friends ..
Katherine:you guys broke up? (Looks shocked)
Stefan:no because that would mean we wouldn't be in each other's lives anymore and I couldn't have that
Katherine:so you both ended on good terms then,mutual grounds?
Katherine:and now what? You're going to try and break Damon and Elena up so you can be with her again?
Stefan:I wish (smirks)
She rolls her eyes
Stefan:I actually wanted to talk to you,let's go away for a while
Katherine:like together?
Stefan nods
Katherine laughs
Stefan:I'm serious
Katherine:you just had a break up Stefan
Stefan:I didn't say we should rush into anything anyway (raises his eyebrow)
Katherine:where'd you wanna go?
Stefan:Georgia.. Maria's vacation home is there
Katherine:and I'm guessing she's okay with all this?
Stefan:she told me you were here
Katherine smiles and walks ahead
Stefan:are we going to play this game again?
Katherine:no,no games Stefan...
Stefan:and no rules?
Katherine:None... (She winks and walks inside)
Stefan smirks and follows her in

Elena:I'm still really mad at you
Damon:how long are we going to do this?
Elena:Damon I tell you the truth,I trust you enough to do the same.. it works both ways
Damon:I know that and I'm sorry okay? I was selfish and wrong.. I let my clouded judgment get the best of me and I am sorry and I promise it'll never happen again
Elena smiles and kisses him
Damon:you really hate me don't you?
Elena:so much
He laughs and kisses her

Victoria:(stretches) Isaiah?
Isaiah:I'm in here (shouts from the bathroom)
Victoria:what are you doing?
Isaiah:what do you do in a bathroom Victoria?
She laughs

Isaiah:Shift up..
She moves up and he sits next to her and kisses her forehead
Victoria:promise me something
Isaiah:what's that?
Victoria:you'll never leave me again...
Isaiah:I can't do that
Isaiah:what if I die?
She looks at him and he laughs
Victoria:very funny...
Isaiah leans down and kisses her

Elijah:so you're single?
Maria:(laughs) why do you say it like that?
Elijah:like what?
Maria:so seductively!
Hayley:because it's only a matter of time
Hayley:should I spell it out for you?
Maria rolls her eyes
Hayley:You and Klaus have so much chemistry
Elijah:and not to mention the sexual energy
Maria:Elijah! (Throws a pillow at him)
They laugh
Klaus:(walking in) care to share the joke?
Hayley:sure.. I was just..
Maria grabs her and covers her mouth
Elijah laughs
Maria:there's no joke Niklaus,you look nice.. going somewhere?
Hayley:hmmm,go ahead and change the subject
Elijah:and that wasn't very subtle either
Hayley laughs at Maria
Klaus:I'm not going anywhere...Aleksa can we talk for a moment?
Klaus:(looks at Elijah and Hayley) privately
Maria:oh.. okay?
Hayley:hmmmm (gets up)
Elijah laughs and takes Hayley outside

Maria:what's up?
Klaus:I'm a hybrid ... our children are hybrids
Maria:where are we going with this Klaus,stating the obvious here (gets a glass and pours a drink)
Klaus:I want our entire family to be hybrids
It's silent for a moment
Maria pours more bourbon into the glass
He watches her carefully,trying to assess her expressions
Klaus:You okay love?
Maria nods and sips very fast
He takes the glass away from her and they're standing very close
There's tension so Maria steps backwards and walks to the sink area
Klaus:say something.....
Maria:what do you mean entire family?
Klaus:Well the rest,it'll be in time but I'd like you to be a hyrbid
Maria goes more pale than usual
Klaus:you don't look so good (walks to her and takes her hand) come sit down
She follows him to the couch,not letting go of his hand and they sit
Klaus:I know it's a lot to take in
Maria:oh yeah (nods) a whole lot yeah (inhales) I wasn't expecting this
Klaus:so is that a no? I'll respect your decision regardless love
Maria:(sigh) I don't know Niklaus,this is a lot to register over night and I've had a little too much to drink
Klaus:I noticed (looks displeased)
Maria:I'm going to have a shower.. can we discuss this later?
Klaus:of course... As you wish love (helps her up) don't fall over
Maria:I won't (walks a little and almost falls)
She giggles and Klaus can't help but laugh
Maria:I'm good..(tries to stand)
Klaus:and you wonder why I don't like you drinking! Come I'll help you
Maria:nooo you'll see my body (covers her face)
He laughs
Klaus:I've been there love (winks)
She goes crimson and looks down
Klaus:I'm only going to help you to your room.. that's it okay?
She nods
Klaus:here (gives her water) drink this up first
Maria:yes sir
Klaus shakes his head

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