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Damon:I thought you'd be gone longer?
Victoria:No,they're still working on the house and I don't think I want to be around all that equipment
Damon:Oh... How is he?
Victoria:He seems fine....
Damon:I see
Victoria:Yes he is still mad at you...
Damon:I understand... why wouldn't he be?
Victoria frowns and hugs him

Klaus is in a bar with Marcel having a drink when a random friend of Carla walks in with her and starts flirting with him
Carla:This is my friend Maggie
Klaus:Hello there love
Maggie:An Englishman
Klaus smirks and Marcel shakes his head
Marcel:Hi Maggie
Maggie:Hi Marcel

Back home Maria and Hayley are making dinner and Rebekah and Becca are sitting and watching a movie

Klaus and Marcel walk in with Maggie and Carla

Rebekah:Who's your friend Niklaus?
[Maria looks up and listens in]
Klaus:Oh this is Maggie,Maggie this is my sister Rebekah and this sweet girl is also Rebecca,close to family
Becca:Hi (fake smile)

Marcel tries to contain his laughter by going to the kitchen to get glasses
Marat quickly continues chopping away and talking to Hayley

Marcel:Hi ladies
Hayley:Hey Marcy (winks)
Maria laughs
Marcel:Very funny.. Hey Aleksa
Maria:Hey (smiles sweetly)
Marcel:looks good in here.. I can't wait for dinner
Maria:too bad (teases)
He steals a carrot and pulls tongue then leaves the kitchen

Rebekah:I'm off to find Kol and Elijah
Becca:I'm with you..
Klaus:you're not going to stay and have a drink?
Becca:No,I have some things I have to do,I'm sorry,maybe next time?
Rebekah:you 4 have fun though (walks away with Becca)
Maggie:They're lovely
Carla:Maria and Hayley are way cooler
Maggie:who's that?
Marcel:(smirks because he knows how Maria and Klaus feel about each other) Klaus over here had 2 children with Maria and 1 with Hayley
Maggie:Awww you have children?Can I meet them
Klaus:(smirks at Marcel) sure,when they're home
Maggie:where are they?
Marcel:With Maria's brothers,I think.. oh speak of the devil queen.. (Winks at Maria)
Maggie:so you're the infamous Maria?
Maria:it's actually Aleksandrina,pleasure to meet you though
Maggie:wow you have beautiful eyes!
Maggie:it's like you're a vampire
(Maria's eye color)

 (Winks at Maria) Maggie:so you're the infamous Maria? Maria:it's actually Aleksandrina,pleasure to meet you though Maggie:wow you have beautiful eyes! Carla:right!?Maggie:it's like you're a vampire (Maria's eye color)

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Maria:now sweetheart we all know vampires aren't real
Maggie:true,but if they were.. you'd make a really hot vampire
Maria:thank you love,(looks at Carla) I like her.. you know you should stay for dinner
Klaus:what now?
Maggie:I'd love to!
Maria winks at her
Carla giggles and Maggie smiles
Maria winks at Marcel and goes back to the kitchen

Hayley:what is your plan exactly?
Maria:I don't have one,Niklaus loves the idea of making me jealous..
Hayley:so you'll play him at his own game?
Maria nods and bites her bottom lip 
Hayley:nice (wink)
They laugh

Stefan:He's not here
Elena:I thought you were going?
Elena:how are you?
Stefan:I'm great (smiles) I miss her but this is good for us both
Elena:(smiles and hugs him) I wish we could all be like you and Ria.. (Kisses his cheek) I'm really proud of you
Stefan:thanks (hugs her again) I love you Elena...
Elena:I love you too Stef
Damon:Honey I'm home! (Walks in)
Stefan:good,now come over here and give me some sugar
Elena:I'm leaving
They laugh

Rebekah:he's doing this to make you jealous!
Maria:not even interested... (Rolls eyes)
They laugh
Rebekah:the problem with that statement is I know that it's not true
Maria:No I am not playing this game with Niklaus anymore
Hayley:What do you mean?
Maria:I love Stefan so much but I gave that up to be with Niklaus...I can't go back and forth with him anymore
Hayley:are you feeling regretful?
Maria:I don't know but seeing him with Katerina bothers me in ways it really shouldn't
Rebekah:don't give up on Nik...he is just trying to make a point
Hayley:a very unnecessary point
Rebekah:a point nonetheless
Maria:I'm going to take a nap,I'll be out later
Hayley:what about dinner?
Maria:I'll be out before then (smiles and walks off to her room)
Hayley:yeah,no she's definitely not okay
Rebekah:I know (sigh) let's go to the lounge before Niklaus gets bitchy again
Hayley:is Isaiah bringing the kids back now?
Rebekah:actually no,they're training and doing kid stuff
Hayley:kid stuff?
Rebekah:yeah please don't make me elaborate
Hayley laughs at her and she pouts

Maggie:where's Maria?
Carla:I was just telling Mags about Maria's amazing fashion sense and the shoes!!
Maggie:I'm super jelly
Rebekah rolls her eyes and tries to walk away but Hayley holds onto her
Hayley:she's not feeling well,maybe you can come tomorrow and she can show you
Elijah:does that mean she won't be joining us for dinner
Rebekah:she'll be out later brother
Elijah:very well (walks ahead)
Klaus:that's silly,I'll go see where she is
He ignores her and walks 0ff to find her

Maggie:literally I can't be with Klaus if he's all over her like this
Carla:relax..they're just super close..it's nothing
Maggie:good because I'm way hotter
Carla:of course you are honey (rolls her eyes)

Klaus:Maria? Are you awake love?
Maria ignores him
Klaus:open the door please
Elijah:Niklaus,I think she just wants to rest..leave her alone,we have guests
Klaus:she should be out too,we all live here don't we brother?
Maria rolls her eyes and shifts to her bay window
Elijah:Aleksandrina wants to rest for a while so let her while the children are away
Klaus:as you wish (walks away annoyed)
Mara:it's open love
Elijah walks in and closes the door behind him
Elijah:what are you thinking about? (Sits next to her)
Maria:nothing particularly interesting (frowns)
Elijah:you have not eaten,please say you'll join us
Maria;I'm not up for it Elijah,I'll eat later
Elijah:for me..please (holds her hand)
Maria:(sigh) fine,let me freshen up
Elijah:I'll wait
Maria laughs and shakes her head
Elijah:I think this Maggie girl is envious of you
Maria:she has no reason to be,I'm no threat
Elijah:I find that very hard to believe,you forget I've known you your whole life
Maria smiles at him
Elijah:are you done?
Elijah:good (takes her hand) you look beautiful in this dress
Maria:thank you

Elijah:good (takes her hand) you look beautiful in this dressMaria:thank you

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