The Grill/The plan

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Elena:he's dying
Kol:that's not possible
Becca:He's a hybrid... How?
Elena:we don't know yet
Elijah:I think I know what he's doing...

Maria:Hi! (Hugs him) you look beat..
Damon:I haven't had a drop of blood in days
Maria bites her wrist and puts her hand up to his lips
Damon:Maria what are you doing?
Maria:Drink it...
Damon:Maria I can't...
Maria:shut up and drink...
Damon:what if I can't stop?
Maria:I'll stop you... Go on... I trust you...
He nods and drinks
Maria closes her eyes because of the pain
He stops himself
Damon:thank you...
Maria:why didn't you tell me he was dying?
Damon:I needed to be sure,this is good though?
Maria:no it's not... Klaus just needs help.. Oh my God! I know what he's doing
Maria:I have to go... I'll keep you updated
Damon:don't you dare.. Tell me!
Maria:no you'll get distracted.. I need more time.. Trust me!
Damon:I don't like this....
Maria:tell Stefan I love him...
Damon hugs her and she leaves

Isaiah:so let me get this straight.. Niklaus is dying?
Jeremy:I don't understand how because he is a hybrid
Maria:(running inside almost bumps Elijah over) Oh thank god!
Elijah:you know?
Maria:yeah... I do..
Tyler:know what?
Maria:He's preparing Stefan
Victoria:for what?!
Emilia:you know?
Maria:mom you knew?!
Emilia:I needed you to figure it out alone.. You have to trigger that power baby
Maria:mom you should've said something!
Isaiah:what the hell is happening!?
Maria:He's preparing Stefan's body... He's going to make a transfer on the full moon
Elena:He needs a witch for that..
Maria:I know (grabs Kai)
Victoria:I knew something was wrong!
Kai:He has my sister.... If I don't do this... He'll kill her
Alaric:(walking in) Joe is fine.. (Winks at Emilia)
Kai:How?!!? No this can't be happening.. So my sisters fine?
Victoria:you.. not so much!
Eduardo:(grabs him and pulls him to the kitchen) we need to talk!

Stefan feels his body shutting down.. He tries to focus his attention on Maria so he can bring his humanity back but Klaus won't let him go
Klaus:they have my witch.. I'll just kill you..
He spins around to see Maria and her hands on fire
Maria:you could've told me...
Klaus:you wouldn't have let me do this anyone
Maria sees Stefan unconscious and in pain
Klaus:He's alive
Maria:there's another way...
Klaus:no there isn't...
Maria:Klaus I can get you help... My mothers in town...
Klaus:Emilia is here?
Maria nods and he stabs the stake further into Stefan
Klaus:then I guess we won't need him anymore
Maria:Klaus no! (she raises her hands and fire shoots out and knocks Klaus out..
Elijah grabs Klaus and they vamp to a basement and lock him up

He opens his eyes slowly
Maria:Hi honey..
She whispers and he half smiles and his eyes are tearing
Stefan:I'm so...
She bites her wrist and feeds him her blood
He bites down and she moans out from the pain

Damon:This is far from over you know that right? (Kisses Elena)
Victoria:We have to help him...
Damon:he deserves what he gets
Elena:He's not in his right mind... Maria wants to help him
Victoria:and we'll help
Damon:Stefan first
Isaiah:He's asleep.. Maria's with him now
Tyler:I think I know what might help him
Tyler:a vampire bite and wolf bite
Becca:that won't work!
Emilia:No,I'll help on one condition
Elijah:what's that?
Emilia:Niklaus has to go to England for a while
Rebekah:He'll never agree to that
Kol:yeah this is Klaus...
Becca:He'll have no choice

Maria:you could've just told me the truth Niklaus..
Klaus:oh sweetheart it makes no difference,I compelled your boyfriend and there's nothing you can do
Maria:I'll figure something out,I'm an original too
Klaus:yeah? Then why hasn't it worked
Maria:he's resting
Klaus laughs
Maria:what's so funny?
Klaus:you fed him your blood didn't you?
Maria:Klaus what is wrong with you?
Klaus:let me out and I'll show you (bangs the gates)
Maria steps back
Klaus:oh don't be scared love (laughs)
Maria:Nik this isn't you..
Klaus:of course it is! We were born to be monsters my dear,why can't you accept that?
Maria:because it's not who we are Niklaus! We change our destinys,we make our own choices
Klaus:blah blah blah.. How's my ripper doing?
Maria:he's resting
Klaus:he'll find me.. and when he does I'm going to rip your head off first
Maria walks away and he laughs

Elena:Stefan? Hey buddy wake up
Stefan:(grabs her and chokes her) Hello Elena
Elena struggles to break free but he lets go of her when he senses Maria walking up the stairs
He puts his finger on his lip and tells her to be quiet or he'll kill Maria
Elena:In here...(her voice is shakey)
Maria:could you give me and Stefan a moment
Elena:Maria I..
Stefan looks at her and she leaves the room
Stefan:it's so good to see you
Maria hugs him closely and he kisses her neck
Maria:I'm so sorry
Stefan:for what?
Maria:this (she stabs him with a tranquilizer dart full of vervain)
He screams and falls to the ground
Elena:(walking in) now what?
Maria:new plan....

Damon:how did you know?
Maria:Klaus is arrogant...
Victoria:Alex can't you just undo the compulsion
Matt:yeah I mean you're an original.. Anyone of you can do it...
Elijah:it doesn't work that way
Rebekah:unfortunately my brother is stronger than we are
Jeremy:I say we put him down
Tyler:that won't undo the compulsion
Matt:then what do we do?
Eduardo:Emilia can help
Matt:that's your big plan?
Caroline:she's an original witch.. It can work
Maria:it's worth a shot...problem is it'll weaken her
Elena:so she can only do one at a time?
Isaiah:she can only do it once
Damon:this isn't good...
Elijah:Maria it's your call
Emilia:yes dear?
Maria:heal him...
Victoria:what?! Are you crazy?
Damon:yeah no offense but Klaus can die for all I care
Maria:I'll deal with Stefan
Emilia nods and follows Elijah down to the basement where Klaus
Victoria:you're just gonna leave Stefan! I thought you loved him!
Isaiah:Victoria don't...
Victoria:no! That's my uncle.. I don't care about Klaus
Eduardo:Victoria ...
Victoria:shut up Eduardo! You were playing house with Kai you can't say anything!
Maria vamps and throws Victoria through a window
Maria:anyone else?!
Everyone steps back
Maria:I said.. I'll deal with Stefan!
Elena:whatever you need
Maria nods and walks to the room Stefan is locked up in
Damon:I hope she knows what she's doing!
Bonnie:I think she does....
Isaiah vamps to go check on Victoria

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