Sparks fly

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Maria has avoided Stefan for the past 3 days after the kiss

Eduardo:we're off,see you later yeah?
Maria:okay cool have fun!
Isaiah:you sure you don't wanna go?
Maria:yeah I'm just not up for this right now
Isaiah:this about Matt asking you what P stands for?
Maria:no,I mean I don't want them to know right now...
Eduardo:you're a Petrova,so what? Bonnie probably knows anyway
Isaiah:I am too.. It doesn't make you like Katherine
Maria:I know that,she's still our cousin Zay.. I just can't face that right now
Eduardo:you're gonna have to say something eventually,you guys are somehow related to Elena
Maria:I know I know.. Just... Not now okay?
They nod
Maria:see you later boys
They nod and they're out the door
Maria sighs heavily and flops back onto the couch in front of the TV

Maria's phone rings and it's Stefan,she ignores it
Stefan:(puts his phone away) so it works?
Maria:(jumps) Oh my G! Stefan? You scared me!
Maria:(Closes her diary) what.. Ah what are you doing here?
Stefan:you've been avoiding me
Maria:no... I haven't... Not at all
Stefan:what I don't understand is why..(stepping closer to her)
Maria:Stefan don't... (Steps back)
Elena:Hey cutie
Maria:Hey.. uh what are you guys doing here?
Damon:we came for story time Maria
Maria:I don't understand
Bonnie:Maria I'm so sorry,Damon forced it out of me
Maria:sorry for what? I'm so confused right now
Bonnie:I saw into your life Maria
Maria looks confused
Elena:Maria Aleksandrina-P.-Vatori
Damon:or should we say Maria Aleksandrina Petrova-Vatori
Stefan:you're mother is a Petrova
Elena:why didn't you just tell us?
Maria:I... I don't know okay? What was I supposed to say?
Stefan:you're not her Maria
Damon:Katherine,you're not her.. You're mother isn't her.. You share a name but you're not her
Maria:no,but for so long Klaus followed me,because he knew who I was,when I first met him,he tried to kill me... He was so... angry! (Sits and puts her head in her hands) he didn't know that I was born a vampire,he tortured me for days and when I finally got out I swore I would tear him apart
Elena:(sits next to her) what happened?
Maria:the eyes,they tell stories..(looks up at them) he didn't want me,he didn't wanna hurt me,he wanted Katerina... He gave up... Let me go... Few months go by,it felt like years.. he trusted me and I him... You know what he said?
Elena:what did he say?
Maria:"she knows,Katerina,she knows you're here,she's not even gonna save you,she'd rather have you die,it's not even your fault Maria,you're not her"
Bonnie:Katherine knew he had you?
Maria:Katherine only cared about herself.."rather your life than mine" is what she said to me...
Elena:(looks at Stefan) she was horrible,you don't have to be ashamed to be a Petrova,you're not her,her mistakes...
Damon:don't feel guilty for what you haven't done
Maria:rather than what I didn't?
Damon:what do you mean?
Maria:I heard about you guys,not by names but she told me her plans.. I could've stopped her,I should've stopped her
Bonnie:Maria it's not your fault okay... You have to move on
Maria wipes her face and nods
Maria:takes time
Bonnie:we know (holds her hand)

Bonnie:you think it's a curse,that Stefan is attracted to you?
Maria doesn't answer
Elena:it's not true,Katherine compelled him.... He didn't love her.. What he feels for you,this attraction... Isn't the same as what he felt for her or me... You're different
Bonnie:he didn't know you're a Petrova when he started liking you Maria,don't be afraid to feel
Elena:(moves the hair out Maria's face) it's okay Maria,take it from me,we're family after all
Maria laughs a bit
Bonnie:that's better (hugs her) you're fine... You're a Petrova and Vatori but in here (points to her heart) and in here (points to her mind) you're Maria
Maria smiles and nods

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