A turn of events

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Isaiah's journal
She's different and I already know what everyone's going to say.I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone before,I was all about being rebel and going with the flow.. Her innocence is what speaks to me on some deeper level.. What's going on with me?

The doorbell rings and Isaiah runs down to get it
Isaiah:oh Hi Elena,oh come in
She smirks and steps in
Maria:Zay..oh my God!
Maria:you're obviously distracted! That's not Elena
Katherine:surprise (smirks) miss me?
Isaiah:Maria I'm so sorry
Maria:it's okay.. How are you here?
Katherine:that's how you greet family?
Maria:Katherine what are you doing here?
Elena:(walking in) morning honey please tell me you have coffee.. Oh my God!
Maria:(inhales sharply) I thought you were dead
Katherine:I was
Maria:should've stayed that way
Damon:what is this crazy bitch doing here?!
Katherine:oh Damon you know you missed me,Anyway I'm not here for you
Katherine:I'm here for my cousins
Eduardo sees Katherine and backs up against the counter
Katherine:relax I don't bite
Maria:I don't have time for this Katherine
Victoria:Hi Ria.. Oh it's her..
Katherine:oh who's this walking blood bank?
Maria:easy Katherine,I'll rip your head right off
Victoria:I'm Victoria Salvatore and you don't scare me
Katherine vamps and pushes her up against the wall
Katherine:one bite and it's over.. Salvatore huh? and I'm pretty sure there's no vampire blood in your system so I'll enjoy killing you
Elena pulls Katherine off Victoria
Maria:(Grabs Katherine and tackles her to the ground) I don't know what you're planning but I'm warning you Kath,one small move and I'll make sure you stay dead
Katherine nods and pushes Maria off her
Isaiah:and leave Victoria alone
Katherine rolls her eyes and leaves

Maria:I don't know why she's back here or how she's alive
Klaus:I can take care of that
Maria:that won't be necessary
Elijah:how did she come back?
Maria:Katherine has friends in high places
Rebekah:do you think she's back to cause trouble?
Maria:I don't know what she's planning but I can tell you she won't succeed I know the difference between Elena and Katherine she won't get very far
Klaus:she already threatened Victoria or whatever her name is?
Maria:yes but Isaiah will keep a close eye on her
Elijah:when do we get to meet this infamous niece of the Salvatore brothers
Maria:in due time,I want her to be settled in before she meets the psychopaths that are the Mickelson's
Kol:you're very rude
Maria:I try
Klaus laughs

Isaiah:here (bites himself)
Victoria:Oh my g... Isaiah what the hell?
Isaiah:look I know this isn't the best idea but as long as Katherine is in town,I'd like to know you're safe
Isaiah:so help me God if you don't drink this I'll force it down and it won't be pretty! This isn't a request Vicky
Victoria rolls her eyes but does as she's told
Isaiah:extremely.. Let's go find Jeremy
He holds out his hand and she takes it

Caroline:this week is really important for me
Tyler:I know that
Caroline:your mom was kind enough to let me,Elena,Maria and Bonnie plan this years fundraiser,without me having to compel her
Tyler:(laughs)well babe you girls will do a great job and besides you have extra hands
Caroline:who Victoria?
Tyler nods
Caroline:she is such a cutie
Tyler:Isaiah thinks so too
Caroline:Ria and Elena think she could be good for him
Tyler:if she makes him happy then I'm all for it
Caroline:I agree but they just met
Tyler laughs and kisses Caroline

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